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  1. Thank you for the response KCLarkin. I had thought along the same lines as making a disaster plan. If the worst case scenario plays out, any assets held in any Canadian brokerage will be inaccessible. One of the first moves, would be to cut all communications/internet, and take full control of the banks. My guess Canadians will simply not be allowed to move any asset. I would also guess by the time we knew what was happening, it would be too late. Your best best is highly portable assets: Back in the good ole days, uncut diamonds, rare art, rare coins, etc. My assumption of course, is that you and your family would be looking to exit Canada. If you are really looking to preserve wealth, you may want to borrow ideas from organized crime...open multiple overseas accounts.
  2. I agree with everything you said. Does not change the fact, Trump got the outcome he wanted.
  3. At least in regards to Canada...within days the Prime minister announced a billion dollars to secure the border and deal with the drug problem. I don't like Trump's tactics...but they got the outcome he wanted fairly quickly.
  4. I would say...if we get there...most of our Canadian assets are worth close to 0 by then. Better off owning gold or BTC
  5. USA Federal Debt: 36 Trillion USA Federal deficit: Let's call it 1 trillion China trade surplus: Let's call it 900B - "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" I don't like Trump's methods, and I question his motives...but he is not accepting the status quo.
  6. ...Patience...
  7. Is moving away from US-owned brokers due to tariff war, KCLarkin?
  8. Pause of Ukraine aid. Is that another signal that Mr. Trump wants to dump the G7 and join BRICS? Why not? As other posters have mentioned BRICS is growing, they control a bigger portion of World GDP and the BRICS contain over half the worlds population. Time to dump the losers and move with the winners? Divorce can be painful.
  9. .... "The USA has no business being in Ukraine - we can't get out fast enough." I do not believe American troops are actively engaged in the war, the USA is just sending over weapons...for free under Biden and now Mr. Trump wants payment. The Ukrainians WANT to fight the Russians, until a deal that ensures their survival as a country. Good ole business tactics would be to sell weapons to both sides and make a "killing" Not to mention if you believe mass media..you have neo-Nazis fighting the Russians...
  10. I enjoyed Vance's comment. Have you said "Thank you" to this administration. This administration wants to offer nothing and take a generation of Ukraine mineral wealth, when Ukraine is at its weakest. Thank you Mr. Trump.
  11. Am I wrong...it sure seems that Trump and Vance are pro Putin?
  12. I gotta ask if Europe steps up in place of USA, I would see that as taking us another step forward to a full out European war. I do not pretend to be a history buff but...German took a bunch of land...then a whole lot of people died taking it back...history does not repeat itself but it rhymes
  13. A random thought. When did killing Commies (Russian/North Korean) go out of style? Back in the 80s we cheered our hero Rambo in Rambo III and the Afghan freedom fighters battling it out with the Soviets. According to the mass news media the Ukrainians are neo-Nazis. In summary our current war we have Nazis killing Commies...what is not to love...at a mere cost of 300B. Yes, I am aware Russia is no longer considered communist.
  14. 3rd Friday of the month...OPEX...is my guess.
  15. We are all capitalists' here. I have to ask my former American friends...it is yall American's who want to consume all that fentanyl....the Mexicans and Canadians who are filling that need...supply and demand 101. We all know if we cut the supply yall will just switch to something else. Maybe what the current administration really wants is American made fentanyl. MAFA. Make American Fentanyl Again.
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