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  1. Google to Buy Clean Power From Buffett’s Nevada Utility https://finance.yahoo.com/news/google-buy-clean-power-buffett-135458426.html
  2. Anyone found video of Greg Abel explaining about BRK Energy and its growth CAPEX?
  3. 2023 letter is out. Buffet words are here. https://www.berkshirehathaway.com/letters/letters.html
  4. RIP Charlie.
  5. This is fantastic. "My three children are the executors of my current will as well as the named trustees of the charitable trust that will receive 99%-plus of my wealth pursuant to the provisions of the will. They were not fully prepared for this awesome responsibility in 2006, but they are now"
  6. Hello did anyone know the difference between Reysas Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi AS vs Reysas Tasimacilik ??
  7. 2023 meeting is announced. any one attending?
  8. So do you think net revenues at the end of the year negative?
  9. Any one planning to attend Boston Omaha annual meeting? We can meetup and grab coffee or something?
  10. Hello, Did anyone come across storage space investments in suburbs? I want to connect with people to know more about this. Please reach out to me. Lets connect.
  11. My biggest risk is Turkish devaluation. With current lira situations I can see 1 USD going to 30 liras If we invest 100 USD in Turkey. 2022 100US--> 1539.20 Lira (1USD =15.39 Lira) if stock compounds 24 times in Lira terms in 3 years its a double 2025 3078.4 Liras --> 102.6 (1USD=30 Liras) The gains are very minimum. Is that a correct assumption or I am missing some thing please advise.
  12. Sure thanks for letting us know
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