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  On 5/22/2009 at 4:13 PM, benhacker said:

Uhuru, you are really off your game. ;-)


7.2m SHARES, and a value of $126m


The above says nothing about purchase price or cost basis.  A 13HR form is just a snapshot... this one from 3/31/2009.  Just do some googling and you'll find some articles on when the NRG purchase was first disclosed... it was in November of last year I think.






This sure is a small investment for brk. It confuses and perplexes me. Surely, more could have been bought and Midwest could be a buyer rather than EXC.


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Could be Tony Nicely at Geico - Warren is not the only one making investment decisions at BRK

Again, speculation is not required (generally)... the 13HR form states what subsidiaries of BRK own which stocks.  GEICO is listed.  Clearly there would be overlap, but you can see who owns what.  See "Other managers".


GEICO owns NRG...


I'll stop slapping you now...



  On 5/22/2009 at 5:35 PM, benhacker said:

Could be Tony Nicely at Geico - Warren is not the only one making investment decisions at BRK

Again, speculation is not required (generally)... the 13HR form states what subsidiaries of BRK own which stocks.  GEICO is listed.  Clearly there would be overlap, but you can see who owns what.  See "Other managers".


GEICO owns NRG...


I'll stop slapping you now...







CRM is sticky?

I don't know guys...


It's deff a great model. Even people in my company are trying to switch to it (waste of money if you ask me).

I don't know if its better than MSFT, but then again I don't really like MSFT without Gates anyway.


I like Oracle a lot though. That's probably the stickiest I've seen. Ellison is a killer just like Gates was/is.




CRM does look expensive at $36 even if you look at Jan 2011 earnings forecast of $0.80.


However, the low for the stock in the past year was $20.82. So it tells me that the Street loves this company and is not going to take it down to a more reasonable multiple anytime soon. This typically happens with techs only when growth slows due to competition/obsolence or when they own the entire market like Microsoft.


It is probably easier and more profitable to find stocks that have rebounded with the market rally, but that have problems: major debt renewals, declining sales due to competition, oversupply or businesses in secular declines.


Broxburnboy proposed U.S. commercial real estate and I think that it makes a lot of sense: debt issues, oversupply, consumers that are tightening. I have looked at JP Morgan as a short term short, but it is true that Dimon is excellent. Although, I am wondering if one great chief makes out for the team. It is not like Wells Fargo or US Bancorp where there has been continuity in great leadership for a very long time.


There could be interesting shorts among drilling companies. Oil & gas companies are not drilling much and many are cancelling rig contracts. Gas fundamentals are pretty terrible at the moment with inventories being sky high. Their stock prices have rebounded along with oil & gas producers, but their sales & earnings have not improved. With the large number of land based rigs that have been built in the recent past, I am thinking that drillers that still own older equipment with old technology could be in for a rough ride.


Gas producers could be shorts too. We keep hearing about high depletion rates for these wells, but it seems that there are always very large new fields available to be developed at fairly low cost. I am also surprised that switching between oil & gas at utilities is having such little effect. Either it is not happening or the impact is negligeable. 




What do you think of HUN or DOW?

I have been holding HUN since 2.97. It's been going up almost everyday lol.

P/E is skewed however due to the failed merger and cash they got from there.



I believe Buffett has DOW warrants at 40 bucks. It's trading like 17 right now.


JPM...I officially a hater of this company. No idea why. Maybe b/c of its 60 P/E and CNBC hypes them up all the time.

Did you catch the Tilson interview though? "That 50 trillion portfolio of derivatives scares us, we want to stick with simple Wells Fargo" (50T is that a typo!?!?)


Mandeep, since you own HUN and DOW, how about you tell US why you like them.  Asking us about about a stock you own is likely to be a short conversation...




I only own HUN...

Hopefully will pick up DOW at single digit..:)



Oh guys. My fav bank is US Bank b/c of the ceo. He's awesome. Real funny, humble, smart guy.

If you haven't seen him, check out this presentation:

LOL @ 6:50 :D



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