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How did this guy get on TV?

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The funny thing is I have been sent links to this video from several friends. And everytime I get it, I open it and watch the video again. Man this guy is hilarious. By the end of it, I can't help asking "Mr. Market, how did you get on the BBC?"






I just completely lost all of my respect for the BBC to even considering to bring this bozo on TV, but then again, we have to thank them to do it.  So, now, everyone will take this guy seriously.  :D :D :D


Yes, I posted this on another thread as well.


You'll laugh with this: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/8792829/BBC-financial-expert-Alessio-Rastani-Im-an-attention-seeker-not-a-trader.html


He is a business owner, a 99pc shareholder in public speaking venture Santoro Projects. Its most recent accounts show cash in the bank of £985. After four years trading net assets are £10,048 - in the red.


So he's more of a talker than a trader. A man who doesn't own the house he lives in, but can sum up the financial crisis in just three minutes – a knack that escapes many financial commentators.


"I agreed to go on because I'm attention seeker," he said on Tuesday. "But I meant every word I said."


Nothing more but the average Zerohedge visitor, as suspected.

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