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why did they do that? Some hip internet lingo I'm not familiar with???


Pretty much!  I think they are trying to create one universal brand as they slowly expand outside of the U.S.  The word "overstock" doesn't translate the same way in other countries and cultures.  As well, it's pretty easy to remember www.o.co .  Cheers!


There are several reasons, however, i was told the main was was that some luxury brands won't sell products on their website because they don't want their merchandise on a "liquidation" site, b/c it may cheapen their brand. The re-branding will enable more upscale brands to participate.


I find it much simpler and natural to type O.co. I think it will be a good move in the long term


They own O.biz also


The O.biz site has so much potential relative to current sales. I think Eziba will end up being a flop. They need to remove the login requirement and increase selection. People who browse daily deal sites like to do it quickly for an awesome deal.


I would like to see them soon get some local sites in foreign countries with local currencies and languages, but that kind of expansion is difficult with their current cash flows. Besides they have plenty of growth opportunity in the US left. The site is much smarter than it was only 8 months ago. I actually go there to shop a bit now, when i wouldn't have considered it before.


This company is throwing a lot of darts at the wall. Eventually they will get some to stick.


I wonder if their idea of turning O.co into more of a lifestyle site over time (as opposed to a pure shopping site) will pay off in the end. They are at the early stages of the transformation, so it will be interesting to see how it develops.


Interesting that Colombia licenses there TLD.

hi Roger,


This is actually pretty common.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Country_code_top-level_domain#Unconventional_usage .tv  (Tuvalu)  and .fm  (federated states of micronesia)  are examples of two that are widely used



I am not convinced of value of the new web domain www.o.co  -- My guess is that half of online shoppers will not not notice and think it is o.com and type that in instead.  And they will get a blank page and be very confused (o.com is a reserved address).



I like it. 


As Sanjeev and valuecfa said, "O.co" is easier to pronounce, easier to remember, and will allow them to market more upscale brands.  "Overstock" just sounded too utilitarian and cheapo.


I think it will also appeal to female audiences more, which they're definitely trying to do based on the commercials I've seen on TV.  That's a good thing since online browsing/shopping at home and at work is becoming pretty standard among younger females (maybe older too) and since at least 50% of their sales currently fit in the home and garden category.




The design is horrendous for o.co. This forum is designed better than their website.


The O.co site design still needs work for sure.


Comparing it to Amazon.com...-It is funny if you take away the brand power of Amazon and go to their site, then Amazon.com looks like something out of 2001. It looks a bit "old school" from the early internet days. Though it is very simple and efficient, and very smart with good recommendations.


The design is horrendous for o.co. This forum is designed better than their website.


Thanks!  But I actually think their site is designed quite well.  Ours is just set up for plain functionality...more like Google or something.  But their site is as much about the shopping experience as functionality...like Walmart, Target, etc.  I think it's better than Amazons.  Cheers!

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