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FNMA and FMCC preferreds. In search of the elusive 10 bagger.

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Guest Schwab711

with all due respect to those guys, did they have many hundreds of comments in the first few hours of the story posting?  I obviously have no idea on the validity of this story but someone's likely going to dig -- Obamacare polling has improved a lot of late and its opponents likely desire something to knock it down as they attempt to replace it.


You are probably spot on for the timing of the 'exclusive'. Agreed on increased distribution of the story being good, I just wanted to point out prior authors.

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Can't believe we are quoting infowars on this site but I have to admit it's a good link.  Too early to tell but this could be part of the narrative shift.  I would watch for this to appear on breitbart.

It takes time for a new Administration to build their cadre of bloggers, journalists, oped specialists, news reporters, analysts, etc. An NPR program last week where an ex-Obama media person was interviewed, disclosed how this very formal process works, how much is needed and how influential it can be. The ex-Obama person said Trump's A failed to work on this during the transition period, therefore the shower of Exec. Orders was wasted. She said before any action taken, the reinforcing megaphone must be in place for changes to be effective.


We have just seen a new person from Bloomberg with a favorable reporting regarding Mnuchin becoming amicable to shareholders. Now this. Perhaps, it is all part.


I have been spending a lot of time thinking on what mnuchins motives are to bring the GSEs out of govt control and ownership and relatively quickly . Why do it and who benefits? Whats the rush? Fannie and Freddie have operated just fine since the financial crisis with dwindling capital and another amendment could easily be done to make sure FnF dont draw again or be allowed to build capital that some how creatively excludes shareholders.


Outside of a private interest (Hedgies) who could benefit from Mnuchins plan, and why does he feel so strongly? Himself and his family cannot no personally benefit from any changes. Is the ability to invest in a quasi FnF s/p restructuring so appealing that he has pressure to open up that market to private investors? We know a private/public system wont benefit the home buyer any differently bc the 30 year mortgage has been running along just fine in the state that he says can no longer go on.


Why does he feel so strongly about the situation and why is it even a priority? Who cares? The mortgage market has been fine.

3 guesses:


mortgage standards are tight -- average fico is quite high.  he'd like to loosen these up and get the homeownership rate back up to help the economy.


in addition he likely wants competition in some form, which of course is bad for the GSEs earnings stream.


and he's a smart capitalist and realizes what's going on to the shareholders, many of which are his peers, is unjust.


I guess my point is an interest that stands to benefit one way or another must be pushing him. Was he sitting in his hedge fund office or movie studio stewing about what has been going on with FnF? Believe me Id love the guy to death if he makes us $$$ but he feels REALLY strongly about a plan that could really benefit a certain number of people.  Reasoning this way I think there is no doubt he helps shareholders.


Secondly I cant find the transcipt text but in a confirmation exchange with Senator Warner he does not agree to not make any changes to FnF without legislation. Thus the bipartisan sch peal we heard the other day.  Senator Warner then goes on the record against him in the charade before the vote essentially saying he does not trust him.


My guess for the record to look back on if there is one FnF are taken out of conservatorship and NWS stopped by end of second Q, shareholder plans start soon there after with housing reform talk going strong going strong by the holidays.

Uh.. thank you for this!

It looks like it's the real deal since he mentions liquified natural gas. John Paulson had/has a large investment on LNG and was involved in Sabine Pass. Between the lines... he mentions these:


a) Mnuchin and Cohn as key.

b) and this paragraph: "Overregulation and the collapse of the private mortgage securitization market have restrained the recovery in new home construction—which helps explain why, although new home construction has risen from its recent lows, it is still far below its previous peak and below the average level of housing required."


a) + b) means only one thing: privatization of Fannie and Freddie and opening the market for animal spirits. To note, he also has a large investment on ESNT which is a PMI (with offshore headquarters and ran into trouble with Jack Lew). I simply refuse to believe these guys won't be able to accomplish what they are after.



Can't believe we are quoting infowars on this site but I have to admit it's a good link.  Too early to tell but this could be part of the narrative shift.  I would watch for this to appear on breitbart.


Doubt it's true, but...

Check out @JohnDee78791547's Tweet:


Trump friend, and InfoWars writer Jerome Corsi, has been receiving info from WH regarding theft of GSEs marked for ObamaCare #Fanniegate



Can't believe we are quoting infowars on this site but I have to admit it's a good link.  Too early to tell but this could be part of the narrative shift.  I would watch for this to appear on breitbart.


Doubt it's true, but...

Check out @JohnDee78791547's Tweet:


Trump friend, and InfoWars writer Jerome Corsi, has been receiving info from WH regarding theft of GSEs marked for ObamaCare #Fanniegate


-_- where is this reported?



Can't believe we are quoting infowars on this site but I have to admit it's a good link.  Too early to tell but this could be part of the narrative shift.  I would watch for this to appear on breitbart.


Doubt it's true, but...

Check out @JohnDee78791547's Tweet:


Trump friend, and InfoWars writer Jerome Corsi, has been receiving info from WH regarding theft of GSEs marked for ObamaCare #Fanniegate



Look around 4 hour 55 minute point and that's where it starts.


It claims that "the White House has been alerting other media in the last 3 days... White House saying 'hey, look at this!'... It's some heavy reading."



Can't believe we are quoting infowars on this site but I have to admit it's a good link.  Too early to tell but this could be part of the narrative shift.  I would watch for this to appear on breitbart.


Doubt it's true, but...

Check out @JohnDee78791547's Tweet:


Trump friend, and InfoWars writer Jerome Corsi, has been receiving info from WH regarding theft of GSEs marked for ObamaCare #Fanniegate



Look around 4 hour 55 minute point and that's where it starts.


It claims that "the White House has been alerting other media in the last 3 days... White House saying 'hey, look at this!'... It's some heavy reading."


I watched 3 minutes of that video and the guy is a raging lunatic.  I hope he's right, but that's my bias.  Rational viewers would probably regard this as utter nonsense


I watched 3 minutes of that video and the guy is a raging lunatic.  I hope he's right, but that's my bias.  Rational viewers would probably regard this as utter nonsense


I agree, he's a whack job.  The 5 minutes I watched was the longest I've ever watched of the show.  I hesitated big time posting this for that reason, but it's important to know if it turns out to be true.  Reasons to think it might be true?  Well, the theory that the 11,000 docs contained information connecting funding Obamacare with Fannie/Freddie profits has been talked about for a long time now... so it's not a new theory being pulled out of thin air.  I wouldn't be surprised if Trump is leaking some of this info now that he has access to the 11,000 docs.


I agree, he's a whack job.  The 5 minutes I watched was the longest I've ever watched of the show.  I hesitated big time posting this for that reason, but it's important to know if it turns out to be true.  Reasons to think it might be true?  Well, the theory that the 11,000 docs contained information connecting funding Obamacare with Fannie/Freddie profits has been talked about for a long time now... so it's not a new theory being pulled out of thin air.  I wouldn't be surprised if Trump is leaking some of this info now that he has access to the 11,000 docs.


I'm glad you said it. I too have read about this situation for a long time. It's not new.


What is new is the possibility that it will be used in the battle against ACA. Any headlines that put the theft of FnF front and center is really great for us.


I watched 3 minutes of that video and the guy is a raging lunatic.  I hope he's right, but that's my bias.  Rational viewers would probably regard this as utter nonsense


I agree, he's a whack job.  The 5 minutes I watched was the longest I've ever watched of the show.  I hesitated big time posting this for that reason, but it's important to know if it turns out to be true.  Reasons to think it might be true?  Well, the theory that the 11,000 docs contained information connecting funding Obamacare with Fannie/Freddie profits has been talked about for a long time now... so it's not a new theory being pulled out of thin air.  I wouldn't be surprised if Trump is leaking some of this info now that he has access to the 11,000 docs.


Guess the AP wasn't given anything - https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-demise-we-hope-of-an-ugly-lawsuit/2017/02/27/b0e34b0e-fa02-11e6-9845-576c69081518_story.html?utm_term=.781f63d95a6e


Also, http://www.infowars.com/hillary-caught-on-tape-birthing-alien-life-form/


Can we come back to reality now?  Or should we keep relying on random internet warriors like Adam Splitter because his twitter handle says he has a "CPA/MS" -_-


Can we come back to reality now?  Or should we keep relying on random internet warriors like Adam Splitter because his twitter handle says he has a "CPA/MS" -_-


It's Spittler, not Splitter. And he has done excellent work the past few years on Fannie/Freddie.  I suggest reading what he has written over the years if you haven't already.



if you read the blog post link from schwab's post above




you read the executive summary of the joint congressional investigative report into the source of funding for the aca's cost sharing reduction program (the link is in the blog post) which talks about an investigation of treasury and HHS where the Obama admin did not cooperate


then can anyone say for sure that FnF sweeps didn't pay for aca cost over-runs?


I agree, he's a whack job.  The 5 minutes I watched was the longest I've ever watched of the show.  I hesitated big time posting this for that reason, but it's important to know if it turns out to be true.  Reasons to think it might be true?  Well, the theory that the 11,000 docs contained information connecting funding Obamacare with Fannie/Freddie profits has been talked about for a long time now... so it's not a new theory being pulled out of thin air.  I wouldn't be surprised if Trump is leaking some of this info now that he has access to the 11,000 docs.


I'm glad you said it. I too have read about this situation for a long time. It's not new.


What is new is the possibility that it will be used in the battle against ACA. Any headlines that put the theft of FnF front and center is really great for us.


good point. we have limited visible support, any extra could help.



if you read the blog post link from schwab's post above




you read the executive summary of the joint congressional investigative report into the source of funding for the aca's cost sharing reduction program (the link is in the blog post) which talks about an investigation of treasury and HHS where the Obama admin did not cooperate


then can anyone say for sure that FnF sweeps didn't pay for aca cost over-runs?


Can you say for sure that they did?


The infowars article and related videos are so poorly put together, they reference a May 2016 court decision as the catalyst for the implementation of the net worth sweep.


I think you're missing the point of why a White House leak is important.  InfoWars is crazy, nobody is disputing that.  The point is that quote that the White House has been leaking info to news outlets about Fannie profits being used to fund Obamacare.  That's the big deal. If the White House is doing that (getting the stolen money narrative into the media...even if it's crazy media) then do we think they would also continue to accept stolen money from the GSE's?  It doesn't matter if the White House is leaking to InfoWars, Fox News, CNN, or my barber.  What does matter is the intent behind those leaks and that is a big deal. Capiche?


The infowars article and related videos are so poorly put together, they reference a May 2016 court decision as the catalyst for the implementation of the net worth sweep.


I think you're missing the point of why a White House leak is important.  InfoWars is crazy, nobody is disputing that.  The point is that quote that the White House has been leaking info to news outlets about Fannie profits being used to fund Obamacare.  That's the big deal. If the White House is doing that (getting the stolen money narrative into the media...even if it's crazy media) then do we think they would also continue to accept stolen money from the GSE's?  It doesn't matter if the White House is leaking to InfoWars, Fox News, CNN, or my barber.  What does matter is the intent behind those leaks and that is a big deal. Capiche?


That point is very clear to me - hence my comment that if it's true it's material.  My point is that your source that the "White House is leaking info" is a ridiculous website which lacks any integrity and blatantly makes up absurd  information on a whim (and any rational observer would concoude this is more than likely the case here).  Capiche?



Here's another piece infowars reported on, with evidence:

"While the subjects of extraterrestrials and UFO’s is not something Infowars discusses (unless of course when David Icke is on the show and talks about the Reptilian Archons), I believe that ignoring the alien/UFO issue is quite asinine since there is a lot of evidence to show aliens are in contact with Earth and that is obviously of HUGE PREACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE! And with that being said, I would like to present some of the evidence to back this up, and probably the most shocking thing about this is that it shows that humans are neutral pawns in an extraterrestrial battle"




Obviously I hope I'm wrong, but I think it is a disservice to our objective to put on any more tin foil hats than we already are wearing.



if you read the blog post link from schwab's post above




you read the executive summary of the joint congressional investigative report into the source of funding for the aca's cost sharing reduction program (the link is in the blog post) which talks about an investigation of treasury and HHS where the Obama admin did not cooperate


then can anyone say for sure that FnF sweeps didn't pay for aca cost over-runs?


Can you say for sure that they did?


no - did I say they did for sure?


This thing about funding Obamacare is a terribly weak argument.


Money is fungible. If they put the NWS in place to increase government revenues following the sequester, it would be impossible to prove that it was solely for that purpose. And the previous administration got away with way worst than that.





That point is very clear to me - hence my comment that if it's true it's material.  My point is that your source that the "White House is leaking info" is a ridiculous website which lacks any integrity and blatantly makes up absurd  information on a whim (and any rational observer would concoude this is more than likely the case here).  Capiche?



Yes, again I agree it's a ridiculous website.  And I wouldn't even think about responding to the person that originally posted it if Jerome Corsi didn't have White House press credentials.  But he does (as of 3 weeks ago).  So he is going to risk losing those credentials by immediately reporting falsely that he received info from the White House?  Couple that with the 11,000 docs hitting Trump's desk recently.  Add to it that the leaked info is something that has been discussed previously by those following the situation closely.

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