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Charlie Munger's Bookshelf - Help Me With Identification Please

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I'd like to identify all of these books so that I can add them to my library. I've worked out some, but hopefully if we work as a team we can create a comprehensive list.


Bookcase One


LHS - Shelf 1



LHS - Shelf 2



LHS - Shelf 3

Harvard Classics: The Five Foot Shelf of Books - printed by P. F. Collier & Son


LHS - Shelf 4

Go East, Young Man: The Early Years, The Autobiography of William O. Douglas - by William O. Douglas

Eugene Meyer - by Merlo John Pusey

The Great American Newspaper: The Rise and Fall of The Village Voice - by Kevin Michael McAuliffe

An Inheritance...? - by (Author unknown)

Planck: Driven by Vision, Broken by War - by Brandon Brown

Capital: The Story of Long-Term Investment Excellence - by Charles D. Ellis

Will Rogers: His Life and Times - by Richard M. Ketchum

Einstein - by (unidentified author)

I Never Wanted to be Vice-president of Anything!: Investigative Biography of Nelson Rockefeller - by Michael S Kramer & Sam Roberts

David Sarnoff: A Biography - by Eugene Lyons

The Washington Post: The First 100 Years - by Chalmers M. Roberts


LHS - Shelf 5

Robert F. Kennedy: The Myth and The Man - by Victor Lasky

The Vanderbilts And Their Fortunes - by Edwin P. Hoyt


LHS - Shelf 6

John D. Rockefeller: William O. Inglis Interviews - by William O. Inglis (blue binder, multiple volumes)

On The Origin of Species - by Charles Darwin

Poor Richard's Almanack - by Benjamin Franklin

Mark Twain's Letters (5 Volumes) - by Mark Twain


RHS - Shelf 1

The Failure of The "New Economics" - by Henry Hazlitt

Letter to the Alumni - by John Hersey

Bring Me a Unicorn: Diaries and Letters of Anne Morrow Lindbergh - 1922-1928

Copey of Harvard: A Man Who Became a Legend During His Lifetime - by J. Donald Adams


RHS - Shelf 2

The Works of William Makepeace Thackeray (10 volume set)

Familiar Quotations - by John Bartlett


RHS - Shelf 3

Harvard Classics: The Five Foot Shelf of Books - printed by P. F. Collier & Son


RHS - Shelf 4

Bryan: A Political Biography of William Jennings Brian - by Louis W. Koenig (Putnam)

Woodrow Wilson - by H.W. Brands

Franklin of Philadelphia - by Edmond Wright

Great Short Biographies of The World - by Barratt H. Clark

Einstein: His Life and Universe - by Walter Isaacson

The Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton - by Allan McLane Hamilton

The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page (Volumes 1 & 2) - by Burton J. Hendrick


RHS - Shelf 5

Benjamin Franklin - by Edmund S. Morgan

Life of Lincoln (publisher to be confirmed)

Seeking Wisdom - From Darwin to Munger - by Peter Bevelin

The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (9 volume set)

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - by Robert Cialdini

Pocket 'World in Figures' book - Year unidentified


RHS - Shelf 6

The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill - by William Manchester

John D. Rockefeller: William O. Inglis Interviews - by William O. Inglis (blue binder, multiple volumes)

The Federalist Papers...?

The Letters of Samuel Johnson: Volumes 1 to 5


Bookcase Two


Shelf 1 (both sides, L to R)

Plain Talk by Ken Iverson

Ice Age: The Theory That Came In From The Cold - by John Gribbin & Mary Gribbin


Shelf 2 (both sides, L to R)

The Second World War - by John Keegan

The Better Angels of Our Nature - by Steven Pinker

The Wizard and the Prophet - by Charles C. Mann

Herbert Hoover: A Public Life - by David Burner

How We Got to Now - by Steven Johnson

Coolidge - by Amity Shlaes

A History of Mathematics by Carl Boyer and Uta Merzbach

Ivan Pavlov Ivan Pavlov: A Russian Life in Science - by Daniel P. Todes

The Everything Store by Brad Stone

Tesla – Inventor of the Electrical Age - by W. Bernard Carlson


Shelf 3 (both sides, L to R)

The Whiz Kids: The Founding Fathers of American Business - And the Legacy They Left Us - by John A. Byrne

The Bully Pulpit - by Doris Kearns Goodwin

Carnegie - by Peter Krass

Henry J Kaiser by Mark S. Foster

A History of the Massachusetts General Hospital

Climate Shock by Gernot Wagner and Martin L. Weitzman

Hot Seat by Jeff Immelt

The Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World - by Simon Winchester


Shelf 4 (both sides, L to R)

A Man for All Markets: From Las Vegas to Wall Street, How I Beat the Dealer and the Market - by Edward O. Thorp

The Wit and Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew - by Lee Kuan Yew

Wills of the US Presidents by Herbert Ridgeway Collins and David B. Weaver

Alistair Cooke's America

The Man Who Solved the Market by Gregory Zuckerman

Pre-Suasion by Robert B. Cialdini

Shores of Knowledge by Joyce Appleby

The Battle of Bretton Woods by Benn Steil

Modern Times by Paul Johnson

Charlie Munger bookcase.jpeg

Charlie Munger Bookcase 2.jpeg

Edited by Voodooking
Updating as more books are identified
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I would assume that Shelf 3 all the way across is a 40 volume set of encyclopedias he grew up with at his parents house.  Likely a vintage Britainnica product (not world book that he later acquired).  Maybe Encyclopaedia Metropolitana second edition which was 40 volumes?


Another guess would be a different Britannica product which might explain the writing on the spines more - Britannica Great Books of the Western World.  Maybe that one makes more sense.  I'll guess that one

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19 minutes ago, gfp said:

I would assume that Shelf 3 all the way across is a 40 volume set of encyclopedias he grew up with at his parents house.  Likely a vintage Britainnica product (not world book that he later acquired).  Maybe Encyclopaedia Metropolitana second edition which was 40 volumes?


Another guess would be a different Britannica product which might explain the writing on the spines more - Britannica Great Books of the Western World.  Maybe that one makes more sense.  I'll guess that one



I want to change my guess to Harvard Classics by Collier?


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1 hour ago, schin said:

I am a bit shocked he doesn't have any Harry Potter Books or Danielle Steele novels.... 


Those are on the bedside table. These are just pictures of the books he never read and stuffed away in a bookcase  😄 

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