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Milton Friedman - Free to choose 1980s 10 Videos Series

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I came accross this wonderfull TV series (10 episodes from 1980) where Milton Friedman tackles subjects and then discusses with other discerning opinions. I have to admit, it's great to hear a great orator expose it's theories and debate it in a civil manner. It's also a time machine that shows forecast from that time period, and it's amusing or enlightening to see if he was right or wrong. There are subjects where Milton is weaker, or, at least less articulate, such as education but noneless a TV series that makes me wish we'd still lived in a society where debates can be civil.


I hope you guys will enjoy it as much as I did.






Watched these years ago when I was a 20 something.  Friedman tackled a range of beliefs I had at the time and just undressed and exposed how silly some of them were.  I think what u learned most is that there are a whole load of secondary consequences that Friedman could see and understood that I didn’t.  Clever guy.


"Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon" is the quote I always remembered him for. Sadly it did not age so well. Asset price inflation definitely! Consumer price inflation not so much. 

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