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"I might even go so far as to say that this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take a COVID vaccine, because the immunogenicity may be 70%. And if I don't get an immune response, the vaccine is not going to protect me. This face mask will."

https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/cdc-director-robert-redfield-said-face-masks-may-be-more-effective-than-a-vaccine-in-preventing-individual-coronavirus-infections/ar-BB196I1M,  Sep 16, 2020




Fauci Says End to Pandemic Is in Sight, Thanks to Vaccines

November 12, 2020




Quebec posts new one day record for COVID-19 cases with 1,448 in past 24 hours (Nov 15, 2020)


Wasnt Quebec having huge fine for not wearing mask for past couple of months as per some post here?


If they dont know..they shouldnt talk.




That is right. They should STFU to say it mildly.


Do you imagine solving world's problems if we relied entirely on government and so-called scientists such as this great WHO?


Covid is a crystal clear example of their abysmal failure and that private enterprise and market forces are the way to go.





Apparently can be stored at room temperature so might allow a faster roll out.


More like freezer for longer periods, fridge for shorter ones, but yeah, much easier logistics on deployment are a big deal. Don't know how much supply they've stockpiled and how fast they can produce them when they get EUA, though.



How long is the follow up on these trials? You'd expect with coronavirus a lot more prevalent you should be able to get a much larger dataset of infected patients and also get a better indication of whether the degree of immunity tails off over time.


Also what is the timeline for the full results. You'd imagine they'd be able to wrap it up fairly quickly now.


Side effects have been an issue with the RNA vaccines, I believe, so the FDA will look out for these when thee trial results are published. The standard vaccines (Adenovirus etc) have a better known side effect profile.

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