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Curated R-Rated Content From r/Wallstreetbets and r/YOLO

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https://i.redd.it/bxn2mf4bzoj41.jpg - Great meme on our cult leader, WEB 

https://i.redd.it/w29sdn25goj41.png Another fun meme

This is well done


Sample Post


Is the Dow racist?


This is a genuine question. For over a month The US economy watched China slowly cease to a halt while production plummeted along with it. The Dow stayed steady during this.


Then suddenly a few white people caught beer AIDS and the Dow immediately shits itself and bled off 12% in a matter of days. I imagine the % drop is directly related to the amount of white people that catch the virus.



Sample Post From the r/YOLO thread


Maxed out what was left of my account today on OTM BYND FDs to play their earnings release/call that came out after close today. My first strike is $95, conveniently where after hours trading stopped today. All my contracts expireie at close tomorrow, so Im on the fence between a weekend in Vegas doing lines off a strippers ass, or telling my pregnant wife that I have decided to become a stay at home dad to raise her and her boyfriend's baby.


So, I wouldn't say I'm rooting for corona virus, but I wouldn't mind if they held off on the cure till after close tomorrow. Sorry gram and gramps, I know this could kill you and some of your boomer friends, but I'm willing to risk your life and the lives of others in the pursuit of tendies for drugs, prostitutes and a small to medium sized yacht.


POSITIONS: https://imgur.com/axV9Oll






Is the Dow racist?


This is a genuine question. For over a month The US economy watched China slowly cease to a halt while production plummeted along with it. The Dow stayed steady during this.


Then suddenly a few white people caught beer AIDS and the Dow immediately shits itself and bled off 12% in a matter of days. I imagine the % drop is directly related to the amount of white people that catch the virus.




Robinhood App was down all day yesterday and just had another outage today that could cause another missed day of trading.



I hope this is the actual reason. 

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