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For me it depends on how like intrusive/unrelated to the topic of the podcast it is.  But in this podcast world, I damn sure have 10X awareness of the existence of zip recruiter. 


Usually it is more hassle to get my phone out and fast forward through them unless they stack a bunch at the beginning of the podcast of the same add is running every week and it like a minute long.


unless they stack a bunch at the beginning of the podcast


Tim Ferriss and Joe Rogan stack theirs at the start so I know I can just skip through to about the 4 minute mark. It's quite convenient actually.  ;D


But TWIT (This Week in Tech), he reads his live and there's no break.  At times you almost don't realize you're listening to an ad..........very sneaky Leo.....very sneaky... but I like him and the show none the less.


Seems most podcasters are stacking their ads at the beginning or end.  But eventually they'll probably stick them in randomly like Youtube and other streaming services do to make them harder to skip.


I do most of the time, though I always end up hearing some over time when I can't skip or end up hearing the beginning or ends.. so it's still fairly effective on me at getting me to know some brands and products.


Marco Arment who makes Overcast, one of the most popular podcast players, once shared some stats on ad skipping. It's less frequent than you might expect. You see in the graph people skipping the same spots in the audio, so it's the ad skipping, but it was still a small minority, maybe 10-20%... Can't seem to find the source anymore, so my memory could be failing me.


I do most of the time, though I always end up hearing some over time when I can't skip or end up hearing the beginning or ends.. so it's still fairly effective on me at getting me to know some brands and products.


Marco Arment who makes Overcast, one of the most popular podcast players, once shared some stats on ad skipping. It's less frequent than you might expect. You see in the graph people skipping the same spots in the audio, so it's the ad skipping, but it was still a small minority, maybe 10-20%... Can't seem to find the source anymore, so my memory could be failing me.


I wish Overcast would find a way to integrate with Alexa or even Waze. Small improvement but would probably lower friction for more usage.

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