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This is being discussed on the Apple thread.  Like I said there I think it is fake.  The rich uncle who no one knew was rich leaves him $2.5M and he blows it all on day trading and blackjack?  Sounds like a bad cliche.  It's a good story, but I think it is fiction...  I hope it is anyway.


Guest cherzeca

A lot of you internet buffs probably already saw this but this is an epic read:

. Cliff notes: guy burns a 2.5m inheritance in a year of trading and now goes all-in with options on todays Apple earnings to "go big or go home".


Live stream: https://www.youtube.com/c/FSComeau/live . Is this real? What a train wreck ..


"inheritance".  all you need to know, if true


A lot of you internet buffs probably already saw this but this is an epic read:

. Cliff notes: guy burns a 2.5m inheritance in a year of trading and now goes all-in with options on todays Apple earnings to "go big or go home".


Live stream: https://www.youtube.com/c/FSComeau/live . Is this real? What a train wreck ..


"inheritance".  all you need to know, if true


Yes, it is the markets way of transferring the money from those who don't have the brains/skills to use it responsibly to those who do. Lottery winners are often subject to the same forces.




Fun fact: /u/fscomeau pioneered the term YOLO on /r/rwallstreetbets which was the inspiration behind my @yolocapmgt twitter handle.


I'm fairly certain this is all a big bamboozle but it should be entertaining.


meh... if you really want to call it your last stand and go all in AAPL has weekly options #YOLO  8)


I think it's fake or at the very least greatly embellished. I see it more as an attention grabber to highlight how clever he thinks his options position is using the call spread to finance the put purchases.


I tuned into this, very weird.  The guy is wearing a wolf mask, so unusual.


This has to be staged.  I don't pay attention to anything like this and yet here I am watching a YouTube feed.  I'm just waiting for the product pitch, I'm almost positive it's coming. 


There was someone who did this in 2004.  They sold everything they owned and put it all on red (maybe black?) in Vegas.  They were either going to go broke or double their money.  They ended up winning, but the thing generated so much publicity for the casino that people started to wonder if it was just a publicity ad.  Found it:


Someone posted a screenshot of this guy doing the trade on Twitter and caught the guys account number.  Looks like a demo account from IB.


If it's fake: Kudos to him for committing to the performance so much.


If it's not fake: It's one more example of what we frequently hear about lottery winners losing all their money within a few years.


Hey all:


Looks like AAPL is up $6 this AM.


Turns out this was the guy's "last stand".



Wow, and that had a zero percent chance of happening!


Is that what they call a black swan?




There are a few all in on margin stories that are actually real that popped out of there. I remember a kid (like, a teenager. 18-20) going for broke on twitter weeklies, I think he went from a 90k balance to owing 200k overnight, something super stupid like that. Maybe someone has this saved?

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