I haven't met Mr Chou but I sympathize with him. To me, the crucial question is whether the last ten years are a valid test of investment performance given the heavy hand of the government in monetising everything under the sun. I wonder to this day how many securities they bought from the banks for which they paid 100 cents on the dollar were worthless at time of purchase. The money went into the stock market- you know the rest. But,to me, saying a period of negative rates is a valid investment strategy is not something I will ever understand. Fortunately I don't have to.
To the very thoughtful commenter with the 5 year horizon, I remember well the 1969-1974 period where people who were Buffett partners sold Berkshire back to WB after 1969 using exactly that test. Many of those who sold were personal friends of mine.
Of course they didn't understand the value of float,or, more specifically, the value of that float in the hands of WB. I'm talking about sales from 90 to 300 per share on the A stock. But, as I get older, i tend to just pick the highest combination of honesty and talent that I can find and make more of a lifetime investment, with the sole exception of now where everything i look at is overpriced, at least to me.