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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. Here, I fixed it for you: And just don't click on it.
  2. Can you provide a link to where it says that you get 0% financing on household gross income please? Because it seems to be what you said in your previous post. ???
  3. Did you just count their entire combined gross income as available to spend on a house (somehow being "0% financing")? ??? I won't get into the assumptions for how many "1st time buyers" have full TFSAs and 35k per person in their RRSPs..
  4. I doubt that this is the impact that it'll have on the system. Those who were going to buy houses that don't qualify will still buy them, I doubt this is a big enough factor to make people pick a whole different house. As for those that buy houses that qualify, at the margin they'll be more inclined to buy and/or pay more. It's basically just adding liquidity and loosening credit in an already very very hot market. I don't see how it can cool things down.
  5. Complete insanity and totally irresponsible IMO. Pretty bonkers. Clearly one of those desperate electoral moves.
  6. There's a line in 'Bridges of Spies' that I still think about once in a while. A soviet spy and his lawyer, telling him about the possibility of the electric chair. Spy doesn't react. Lawyer says: "You don't seem alarmed." He replies... "Would it help?"
  7. I recommend the 'Eleven Madison Park' episode (#2) of the documentary series '7 Days Out' on Netflix. I thought it was really good, showing some of what it takes to be the best; the attention to detail, going above and beyond, and constantly solving unexpected problems. https://www.netflix.com/ca/title/80207124 Update: great podcast interview with the restaurant's owner: https://overcast.fm/+BgXD0aAaA
  8. Recent podcast interview with Marc Andreessen: https://overcast.fm/+BgXAjz54o
  9. Fun talk by Benchmark partner Bill Gurley (yes, he's 6'9"):
  10. That's how some soldiers describe their life in the military too. A lot of waiting around and packing and unpacking gear and such... And then everything happens quickly.
  11. https://theirrelevantinvestor.com/2019/03/13/the-twenty-craziest-investing-facts-ever/ These were fun trivia. A couple to whet your appetite:
  12. https://ofdollarsanddata.com/nothing-happens-then-everything-happens/ I enjoyed this post. Original way to visualize market movements and to make the point about how unevenly moves take place.
  13. For those who liked the book, here's a long-form piece about the search for a lost WWII aircraft carrier: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/13/magazine/uss-wasp-lost-world-war-ii-aircraft-carrier.html
  14. Interesting posts about the large impact that small differences in growth rates for slow-growers can have on intrinsic value (more than we might intuitively guess at): Part 1: https://intrinsicinvesting.com/2019/02/22/the-risk-of-low-growth-stocks/ Part 2: https://intrinsicinvesting.com/2019/02/27/the-risk-of-low-growth-stocks-part-2-prestige-brands-case-study/
  15. Writeup on KKR: http://yetanothervalueblog.com/2019/03/kkr-is-too-cheap.html
  16. https://pathak22.github.io/large-scale-curiosity/resources/largeScaleCuriosity2018.pdf Fascinating machine learning paper on self-supervision and intrinsic motivation (aka "curiosity") for AI agents.
  17. That's what the "too hard" pile is for. It should be tall and used frequently.
  18. No interest in investing in the field. I just like the tech and am looking forward to the EV transition.
  19. Yeah, he looks a bit like a guy who would get whacked on Boardwalk Empire...
  20. Have you guys read anything I've written, or you just reflexively oppose anything just because it comes from me? I keep talking about what I know and don't know about this story. You guys make a lot more leaps than I do. I instead focus on what we do know, and what is most likely based on the actual base rate of other investors we know about.
  21. Not every article has to be a tutorial. It's possible to just read about success stories and find them interesting. And even so, you don't seem to be learning too much, or in any case, you certainly don't share much that is useful, instead spending all your time trolling.
  22. https://about.bnef.com/blog/behind-scenes-take-lithium-ion-battery-prices/ Interesting look at li-ion batteries.
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