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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. He clearly knows a lot about this, even after a few months of daily briefings:
  2. As we’ve known from the start, and as Rex Tillerson articulated so well, what a moron.
  3. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/04/11/america-two-decade-failure-prepare-coronavirus-179574
  4. Apple and Google partnering on contact tracing tech: https://blog.google/inside-google/company-announcements/apple-and-google-partner-covid-19-contact-tracing-technology
  5. Important thread to understand what the antibodies tests actually mean:
  6. Yeah, and that one's person claims always has way more weight to these people than the 250,000 others who disagree with detailed explanations why the thing doesn't make sense, for some reason.
  7. Yeah, I think that epidemiologists who have spent decades of their lives studying diseases are a bit more sophisticated than just copying the HIV strategy. I think they've probably spent a fair amount of time analysing about how our reaction to a disease should be impacted by the way that disease is spread. Like, maybe you're thought about this stuff for three hours a day for the past two months. If that's the case, many of them have probably spent well over 100 times that much time thinking about the issues, and they actually been educated on this topic specifically. At some point, you might want to consider whether the Dunning-Kruger effect might be relevant in this situation. People who wake up one morning and think they've thought of stuff that people who think about this for a living haven't thought about say more about themselves than the epidemiologists. This 2017 book might help them get up to speed on what epidemiologists actually think about: https://www.amazon.ca/Deadliest-Enemy-Against-Killer-Germs/dp/0316343692/
  8. And we think that herd immunity might kick in once we get to 40%-60% carrying antibodies? That is very interesting news, indeed, and much faster than I would have expected. SJ The 15% number is in a district that was heavily hit but Sars-COV-2 in Germany. Places that haven't been that hard hit are probably much much lower. What matters is the average over larger populations.
  9. His is probably my favorite podcast. You'll love his back-catalogue if you have't heard it already. He actually has whole episodes dedicated to these topics, including an interview with David Sabatini, the discoverer of mTor: https://peterattiamd.com/davidsabatini/ Some of my favorite episodes to start: https://peterattiamd.com/jasonfung/ https://peterattiamd.com/matthewwalker1/ (part 1 of 3) https://peterattiamd.com/domdagostino/
  10. there is truth here, which is why a massive rollout of a serum antibody test is so important. I expect many of us who never showed symptoms have antibodies, and we all should know this ASAP On the CNBC interview, Gates seems pretty lukewarm about serum testing, and thinks PCR is still much more important to get the pandemic under control and contain it: Though of course serum testing will tell us some interesting things.
  11. https://www.afp.com/en/news/15/virus-appears-strike-men-overweight-people-harder-doc-1qi7wt1 Also, Peter Attia thread on the hypoxia/hemoglobinopathy theory:
  12. https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-trumps-washington/the-coronavirus-and-how-the-united-states-ended-up-with-nurses-wearing-garbage-bags "How Did the U.S. End Up with Nurses Wearing Garbage Bags?" Also, interesting paper on wastewater surveillance: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.05.20051540v1
  13. Peter Attia new interview with Paul Conti: "The psychological toll of a pandemic, and the societal problems it has highlighted" https://peterattiamd.com/paulconti2/
  14. https://www.ft.com/content/13ddacc4-0ae4-4be1-95c5-1a32ab15956a Bill Gates
  15. https://www.ft.com/content/13ddacc4-0ae4-4be1-95c5-1a32ab15956a
  16. 26-min interview with Bill Gates:
  17. 26-min interview with Bill Gates:
  18. Millennials have been targeted too with all kinds of stereotypes and prejudices, as if they were all the same, just like most groups. In fact, this has been going on for long enough that those who target them forgot that they age too.. I sometimes see some ranting about millennials as if they were still mostly teenagers... The young ones are Gen Z now, not millennials. Millennials are mostly about to start or raising families at this point. I'm actually considered an early millennial or a late Gen X, since these tend to overlap because starting and ending points are fuzzy...
  19. This is true. However, the initial commentary seemed more political than anything else, and while we would all like to think tha tthe general public is thoughtful and discerning it's just not reality. I think that the last election is more than enough to prove that point. Amongst my friend group (mid 30s) this is starting to bubble up as a topic whenever conversation turns to deficits and medicare, etc. Young people are just future old people. The boomers were the free spirit revolutionaries in their times with the summer of love and the anti-war movement and all the drugs and rock and roll experimentation with the long hair and bell bottoms and all that. Now they're decried as the old ossified establishment. The wheels keep turning. People are people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  20. Surely there is a difference between demonizing a group and pointing out that the members of said group (despite the myriad opinions of the group's individual members) have benefited immensely from enormous wealth transfers, the burden of which fall overwhelmingly on later generations? Nah, it's just stupid. There are better ways to criticize the situation. This is the ineffective way. Re-read it but replace "boomers" by some other group like "women" or "latinos" or "jews" or "gays" or "handicapped people" and see how treating groups of millions of people as monoliths sounds now.
  21. They can study it, but it's probably a waste of time. California isn't some isolated island cut off from the rest of the US, so if it had gotten it last fall, everywhere else would have gotten it. And we're seeing quite clearly on the ground what it looks like when this virus is infecting people, and we weren't seeing that last fall.
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