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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. They are protesting the guidelines that Trump himself put into place and later extended to April 30th. He doesn't care about coherence, just about whatever could advantage him. By politicizing this, he's creating the conditions to blame others, whatever happens. As Kasparov wrote here: https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/20/opinions/trump-institutions-autocrats-kasparov/index.html
  2. 3 episodes into the documentary series Tiger King on Netflix... what a crazy bunch of people. Entertaining so far.
  3. It worked so well for the US coal and steel industries!
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/20/opinions/trump-institutions-autocrats-kasparov/index.html Gary Kasparov op-ed.
  5. https://twitter.com/cloisterres/status/1252358722241695745?s=21
  6. This is big, but not quite what you say. Futures further out (June and July, I think) were still in the 20s last I saw. This is a storage issue for this month's contract because we're close to date when you have to get delivery. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jimcollins/2020/04/20/the-us-oil-etf-uso-is-the-culprit-behind-oils-massive-plunge/?subId3=xid:fr1587412446979iif#141008c724e8
  7. It was Trump's job to get this done, he failed, and now he gripes about the consequence of failure. I've said it before, but it's exactly what Michael Lewis warned about in The Fifth Risk. Incompetence (and disinterest in even trying to learn about it all, frankly) at running the very large, very complex machinery of the US government is leaving citizens at risk during crises. Countless important posts filled by either mediocre cronies selected for loyalty, or unfilled for months and years all around every department... And anyone capable who tries end ups leaving quickly because nobody with integrity and competence can handle what's required to stick around. Leadership and expertise vacuums everywhere. It'll end up costing infinitely more than having done it right from the start.
  8. New essay by Marc Andreessen, "It's Time to Build": https://a16z.com/2020/04/18/its-time-to-build/
  9. New essay by Marc Andreessen, "It's Time to Build": https://a16z.com/2020/04/18/its-time-to-build/
  10. Pretty sure they don't keep them empty waiting for a day like this and that they're mostly all in use already.
  11. https://peterattiamd.com/covid-19-whats-wrong-with-the-models/
  12. Another example of the reverse-Midas touch:
  13. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/z3ba5j/trump-is-scapegoating-the-who-but-failed-to-confirm-a-us-representative-for-3-years
  14. What a time to be alive. Oil down 93%
  15. Nice find Liberty. Good thing I am a REDNECK! Vitamin D and respiratory tract infectionsVitamin D is a steroid hormone. It is available in small quantities in food, but the primary source is via endogenous synthesis. This process occurs in a stepwise manner that starts in the skin following exposure to ultraviolet light and continues in the liver and kidneys, where the vitamin's active hormone form is made. Since ultraviolet light is required for vitamin D synthesis, reduced exposure to the sun or having dark-colored skin impairs vitamin D production. Approximately 70 percent of people living in the United States are vitamin D insufficient and ~30 percent are deficient.Robust evidence suggests that vitamin D is protective against respiratory tract infections. Data from 25 randomized controlled trials from around the world demonstrate that daily or weekly supplementation of vitamin D reduced the risk of acute respiratory infection by more than 50 percent in people with low baseline vitamin D levels. People with higher baseline vitamin D levels also benefited, although the effect was more modest, with only a 10 percent risk reduction. Vitamin D and the renin-angiotensin-systemhttps://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/covid-19-episode-1 I've been taking 5,000-8,000 UIs daily for a long time (10+ years), and lately I've been taking 10,000 UI/day. Make sure you take gelcaps and not dry tablets, it's fat soluble and much better absorbed that way. Also, with a big meal, better absorption there too.
  16. Rhonda Patrick (research scientist) podcast Q&A on various COVID19-related stuff: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/covid-19-episode-1
  17. Good podcast, includes impact on younger people, possible permanent lung damage: https://overcast.fm/+PmW73DgEM
  18. Two new Attia interviews on this topic: https://peterattiamd.com/ameshadalja/ https://peterattiamd.com/johnbarry/ (on the 1918 flu pandemic)
  19. Why is it, that, regardless of content, the majority of the Twitter links you post are filled with losers who's posting history, 90%+ revolves around a Trump obsession? Speaking of obsessed ::) It's a nice day Gregmal, take a walk! When he can't deny the message, he has to try to attack the messenger. Ad hominem. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  20. Of course we have to re-open at some point. You're creating a false choice/strawman. The idea is to do it well to minimize the chances of this thing getting out of control again, to minimize death and suffering, and to minimize eventual economic impact. Just like if the US had done the early containment well, the problem would've been smaller and the economic impact would've been smaller. Now that ship has sailed, but it looks like the next phases aren't being handled much better than the early ones, with the daughter and son-in-law and some ex-TV hosts in charge.
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