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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. Taleb: Also: "Vitamin D Insufficiency is Prevalent in Severe COVID-19" https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.24.20075838v1
  2. The US is clearly not Sweden, though, right?
  3. The market is forward looking, and in a DCF, the next 1-2 years are only worth a certain amount.. So considering the massive stimulus and negative real interest rates, the market isn't being that crazy. I think it's inconvenient for many to not have had the prices go as low as they wanted, but the market has always been hard to predict and won't always go down when the economy is bad or go up when the economy is good. If it was easy, we'd all be richer.
  4. New video by CGP Grey with good advice on how to not go crazy and deteriorate too much mentally and physically in lockdown Spaceship You:
  5. New Bill Gates: https://www.gatesnotes.com/Health/What-you-need-to-know-about-the-COVID-19-vaccine
  6. Sorry if already posted, but interview with Buffett (posted April 30, recorded March 10):
  7. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/30/opinion/coronavirus-covid-vaccine.html "How Long Will a Vaccine Really Take?"
  8. The flaw with that thinking is that we're learning and working on things that could be here before the vaccine, and the timeline for the vaccine is unknown (could be sooner than we think too), and there's limited healthcare capacity. So if in 2-3 months we have some more therapies/drugs and best practices (proning?) to helps save people who get sick, it's better to be infected later rather than sooner and to keep the curve flat rather than have a high peak early on.
  9. It seems a bit harsh to constantly review Sweden on the number of deaths compared to their neighbours as their policy was never aimed at less corona death in the first place and they were upfront about this. If someone wants to compare, you have to look at the broader picture (economic growth, quality of life), which you cannot do until much later. Despite what many predicted, their IC capacity seems to be holding. I think it's useful to look at what this approach does vs different approach. I don't see anything harsh or unfair here. I also saw some numbers somewhere that it's not because things arent officially closed that they aren't basically closed.. saw numbers on Swedish restaurants and theaters being basically zero, but don't remember where. Probably same for any big events, travel, etc. Regarding Sweden -- here is an answer from their former state epidemiologist. "I think we should wait a year when comparing the deaths in different countries." Why not wait 10 years and then we'll really have perspective? This is about real-time decision-making under uncertainty to try to balance various pros and cons to do as well as possible through a crisis..
  10. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/04/trump-misquotes-fauci-on-coronavirus-threat/
  11. It seems a bit harsh to constantly review Sweden on the number of deaths compared to their neighbours as their policy was never aimed at less corona death in the first place and they were upfront about this. If someone wants to compare, you have to look at the broader picture (economic growth, quality of life), which you cannot do until much later. Despite what many predicted, their IC capacity seems to be holding. I think it's useful to look at what this approach does vs different approach. I don't see anything harsh or unfair here. I also saw some numbers somewhere that it's not because things arent officially closed that they aren't basically closed.. saw numbers on Swedish restaurants and theaters being basically zero, but don't remember where. Probably same for any big events, travel, etc.
  12. https://www.mercatus.org/bridge/commentary/great-reset-marc-mndreessens-recent-exhortation-to-build-is-exactly-right
  13. I think that's wrong conclusion to draw. Flu infections don't hit all at the same time as covid infections kinda did. But that's with a shutdown. Imagine what it'd be with business as usual. And it's not like they'd "all be at the same time", it'd go on for many more months at higher levels.
  14. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/28/us/coronavirus-death-toll-total.html
  15. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/29/dr-anthony-fauci-says-data-from-remdesivir-coronavirus-drug-trial-shows-quite-good-news.html
  16. https://www.statnews.com/2020/04/29/gottlieb-slavitt-coronavirus-plan-white-house/
  17. Ha! Also, “Here's the transcript of the president's response when he was asked if he's spoken with the families of anyone who has died in the pandemic other than the family of his friend:” No need for commentary. If you just read it, you'll see.
  18. https://www.vox.com/coronavirus-covid19/2020/4/27/21236270/bill-gates-coronavirus-covid-19-plan-vaccines-conspiracies-podcast Interview with Bill Gates
  19. Pence, head of Coronavirus task force:
  20. It's just unfair to compare Germany, which is led by a former quantum chemist, to the USA which is led by a reality TV persona. You don't have to go to PhDs in quantum chemistry... In general, it's hard to find a country led by someone dumber than the US right now. There's a lot of countries on the planet, so there's probably some out there, but none come to mind. From Worldometer Deaths/Million Taiwan: 0.3 Japan: 3 S. Korea: 5 Germany: 74 Why do you think Germany is doing better than Taiwan, Japan, or S. Korea? Did I say that?
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