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  1. Is there any similar US based fund like fundsmith or arisaig ?
  2. Try contacting Kotak Mahindra securities . I remember they were allowing foreigners to open accounts , though i couldn't find link now.
  3. Also does interactive brokers allow to trade stocks now ? Earlier they used to support only trading options.
  4. Gopinath, Can we have mutliple brokerage accounts linked to a single PIS accounts ? I have some trouble on this front . Because of this moving from one brokerage to another is big headache . Regards sajeesh
  5. This article talks using interactive brokers institutional account instead of a typical hedgefund structure . http://www.leighdrogen.com/the-hedge-fund-structure-is-dead/
  6. CTP . Managed to buy when it crashed to 3.5 last year . Sold at 14 few months before.
  7. William P. Stiritz / Post Holdings
  8. Gurufocus.com has got share count information for 10 years under their financials section. Fortunately this section is not paid. http://www.gurufocus.com/financials/KO
  9. Another related article http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2012/05/quanta-facebook-us/ I think it will take some time to see the impact this shift in networking switches . But in server market it is already happening .
  10. See this interesting article about what google/amazon and facebook are doing in their data center http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2012/03/google-microsoft-network-gear/all/1
  11. I like this book which does a good in job explaining liberal vs conservative philosophy . http://www.amazon.com/Conflict-Visions-Ideological-Political-Struggles/dp/0465002056/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1348157519&sr=8-1&keywords=conflict+of+visions "Sowell, an economist and author (The Economics and Politics of Race, etc.), presents a provocative analysis of the conflicting visions of human nature that have shaped the moral, legal and economic life of recent times. For the past 200 years, he writes, two visions ofor "gut feelings" abouthow the world works, have dominated: the constrained vision, which views man as unchanged, limited and dependent on evolved social processes (market economies, constitutional law, etc.); and the unconstrained vision, which argues for man's potential and perfectability, and the possibility of rational planning for social solutions. Examining the views of thinkers who reflect these constrained (Adam Smith) and unconstrained (William Godwin) visions, Sowell shows how these powerful and subjective visions give rise to carefully constructed social theories. His discussion of how these conflicting attitudes ultimately produce clashes over equality, social justice and other issues is instructive"
  12. Facebook Co-Founder: America is OK. It’s the Rules That Are a Pain http://finance.yahoo.com/news/facebook-co-founder--america-is-ok--it%E2%80%99s-the-rules-that-are-a-pain.html
  13. Wrong way to look at it If I made 3.6b I'd fork over 400 to uncle Sam. For those that think it has something to do with other than money you guys are naive... If he is not staying in USA and doing most of the business outside USA then there can be many other reasons . Filing FBAR etc for every account/ business interest can be a real pain .
  14. Safeway pension underfunding http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/2f021614-774a-11e1-baf3-00144feab49a.html#axzz1qFdhRBVc
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