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  1. +11% in EUR, thanks to energy, large cash buffer, meme stock shorts and fav fx.....
  2. tikr prioritizes development of new features based on pro subscriber requests, to this end, i am inviting other pro subscribers to request these useful features: -email alerts capability, where you set a target, for example price, for tickers in your portfolio and watchlists and then automatically receive an email alert when the target is reached, this is very useful to "set and forget" for example buy and sell targets when you work with a diversified portfolio of a large number of relatively small worldwide positions..... -notes capability, this allows you to place a small note with each ticker for example to document your thesis, idea source, reminders for upcoming events etc.... again very handy when you work with a diversified portfolio of a large number of relatively small worldwide positions..... please feel free to submit requests for these features to [email protected]
  3. hilarious and educational, nothing has changed in 70 years, beats 99% of all investment books, wonderful book!
  4. thanks, indeed the difference is coming from the first 2 years
  5. on his website, his fund outperforms the s&p over 17 years by a factor close to 2.5x morningstar is showing 15 year performance in line with s&p of just over 8%/year why the performances differ so much? http://www.fairholmefunds.com/overview http://performance.morningstar.com/fund/performance-return.action?t=FAIRX&region=usa&culture=en_US
  6. thanks, not looking good so far.... another, but related question: are there any (free) website that have sec documents prior to 1994? from the little research i have done, it looks like you can get older sec documents through university libraries, but that doesn't work for me because i am in europe
  7. i am looking for a website that has historic stock data (mainly prices) for delisted companies, for example due to bankruptcy, merger, privatization, buy out etc. are there any free website around that offer this kind of information?
  8. great, good reason to dump yahoo altogether i used a combination of yahoo finance, msn and excel in the past to keep track of my portfolio started using google sheets in combination with the googlefinance function and google xpath and importdata queries works fine so far, cloud based, fast, reliable, accurate, flexible
  9. very interesting thanks jbird! regards rijk
  10. priceless advice! thanks for sharing! regards rijk
  11. wow, these are some pretty amazing stories today, thanks for sharing, this provides some good balance with the concentration victories unless you don't have to worry about finances, it makes a lot of sense to diversify so that you never ever end up in a situation where one or two unexpected developments can knock you out permanently or paralyze you in a manner that puts survival in danger, very happy to stay diversified..... regards rijk
  12. nearly flat, > 60% cash & short spy, some unfavorable euro exchange, some lessons from oil & miners overall, a bit frustrating, but when looking back at my historical performance, i underperformed the market mainly due to losses during prior market crisis the true test will come when markets don't cooperate like they have done over the last six years..... regards, rijk
  13. same here, also looking for affordable worldwide data gf is nice, especially the 10 year data and 15 year download and interactive graphs for europe and asia, each time they add about 300, so ww cost approx $1000 which seems expensive, especially regarding rest of the world data quality regards rijk
  14. very insightful presentation, thanks for sharing regards rijk
  15. hmmm, a new partnership, why would that be? http://www.mesoncapital.com/letters/2014_Q1_MC_Letter.pdf maybe the performance of the existing partnership was not sufficiently buffett like? http://www.mesoncapital.com/letters/2013_Q4_MCP_Annual_Letter.pdf regards rijk
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