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  1. Tim Ferriss and Joe Rogan stack theirs at the start so I know I can just skip through to about the 4 minute mark. It's quite convenient actually. ;D But TWIT (This Week in Tech), he reads his live and there's no break. At times you almost don't realize you're listening to an ad..........very sneaky Leo.....very sneaky... but I like him and the show none the less.
  2. Not about this one but John Mihaljavec's Value Investing podcast. I lost interest in the content a couple of years ago but recently listened to one again. The audio was brutal, just as I remember it. It sounds like they put an old tape recorder on a desk and have the interview.
  3. I was going to take Tren's advice to read Bill's blog from the start too. ;D
  4. Absolutely, although my wife and I are non-smokers ;D . We went last summer for a few days and we're going again this year. We love Montreal. It's great that we can hop on a Via train and be downtown within walking distance to most things. We drove last year and didn't use the car at all while we were there. So we're taking the train this year and with 2 daughters (10 and 7), they're looking forward to the train ride as much as the trip itself.
  5. I said it. I was so underwhelmed and really had no idea why it's so popular. To me it was just a sandwich and I do love Montreal smoked meat. That and the fact they seat you at a table with other people was a bit weird. My wife and I were at a table for 6 (with 4 other people we didn't know obviously) and we were across from each other in the middle seats. It just struck me as a place tourists go to say they've been and local go because it's a Montreal institution....... As for going to Mont Royal, we always recommend the double decker tour bus. You can either hop off, look around a get on a later one or the bus stops at one of the scenic lookouts so you can take some pictures or just look out over the city.
  6. Yeah, born and raised in southern Ontario here. I think bizaro is right, that's too much for 6 days. I would choose either Ottawa (you didn't mention it but there is a ton to do in Ottawa/Gatineau)/Montreal/Quebec City or Niagara/Toronto. If you've never been then Montreal and Toronto could be a couple to a few days each. Edit: there's not much to do in Kingston other that to tour the old prison and maybe do a scenic drive along the St Lawrence.
  7. I have trouble sometimes separating myself from disliking someone because they're good and dislike someone for a valid reason. I've always disliked Curry because of how he carries himself on the court and the way he struts. But.....maybe that's just how he stays loose, in kind of a relaxed focus way. He's in the moment during the play but when the whistle stops the play he loosens up and relaxes. Klay is all business all the time, whistle or no whistle he's ready. One thing this series taught me is how much I do like and respect Curry and Klay and I must have only disliked them because they're good. Draymond is still a dick though. That won't ever change.
  8. Last year during the playoffs the NBA told Ujiri to control him and for a while it worked. He rarely left his seat. I'm all for super fans but his taunting of the Bucks is an absolute embarrassment. It's sad when there's as much news about Drake's antics as there is for the Raptors making the finals for the first time.
  9. I've wondered that in the past too. I found a fool.com article that says, https://www.fool.com/investing/2017/06/20/how-risky-is-american-express-company.aspx
  10. Which is why the secrecy in which he operates is all the more absurd. He's not saying anything.
  11. No, it got taken down quickly. It was posted on reddit and it lasted about 15 minutes.
  12. When og changed his name (or got a new account, whichever) there wasn't any secrecy around it. He posted under his real name when he started asking about guests for his show. I also don't see a problem with what he is doing.
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