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Everything posted by BargainValueHunter

  1. ...and that is why I find it harder and harder to laugh at the gold bugs...
  2. Unless he was privy to information that nobody else had i don't see what is wrong with this.
  3. The BRK.B options seemed to be priced as if this is August 2008. http://finance.yahoo.com/q/op?s=BRK-B&m=2013-01 I still have an order (short) in though! :) I've never traded options, but am I reading the table right? People are buying puts for BRK for strike prices less than 50? I'll chime in but I want to make it clear that I am NOT an options expert and have been writing puts and calls for only a short period of time. But, as I understand it, people/institutions will often buy WAY out of the money options for black swan and/or lottery ticket purposes (and hedging too, I suppose). I don't mind writing for those buyers but I don't make it a habit and I keep it at a single digit percentage of my portfolio. I also like to sell puts (or write covered calls) on ETFs. Berkshire is one of the few individual companies I'd feel safe writing options on.
  4. The BRK.B options seemed to be priced as if this is August 2008. http://finance.yahoo.com/q/op?s=BRK-B&m=2013-01 I still have an order (short) in though! :)
  5. The Green Bay Packers are a way of life in Green Bay, Wisconsin. "Intense" doesn't even begin to describe it! Buying stock in the team is the LEAST of all signs of loyalty! http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204903804577082524238902912.html And talk about savvy marketing from the front office? The Packers are on a 18 game undefeated streak. Their fans are drunk with power!! Sell high, BABY!! 8)
  6. Citigroup, AIG, and Bank of America are going to be a 100 baggers? And I thought they were big already. I think it is certainly possible over the next 30 years. How many Chinese or Indian or African citizens have mortgages, cars, life insurance, car insurance, home insurance and medical insurance in 2011? Now think about how many will have it in 2041. Where was Canada and the U.S. in 1895 vs. 1935?
  7. BAC, C, AIG, AFL, AIA and any other company that will provide superior products and services to the Chinese (1.4 billion people and rising), Indian (1.1 billion people and rising) and African (800 million people and rising FAST) emerging middle-classes.
  8. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/green-bay-packers-open-stock-sale-2011-12-06
  9. That was QUICK!! http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/12/06/bloomberg_articlesLVSB3P6S972C.DTL
  10. Perhaps but FRO is up 20% today. Don't know why exactly. The worst may be yet to come but it is a cigar butt with a little left, apparently.
  11. Wilbur Ross has some interesting comments regarding the shipping sector... http://www.distressed-debt-investing.com/2011/12/distressed-investing-conference-notes.html
  12. What are the chances of Frontline pulling out of its death spiral without diluting the equity to the point of no return? http://seekingalpha.com/article/310218-frontline-value-trap In other words, does Frontline 2011 compare to Mohnish's Frontline of 2003? http://manualofideas.com/blog/2010/06/pabrai_on_frontline_nysefro_ha.html
  13. All P&C players may be getting a lift very soon... http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/national/2011/12/02/225861.htm
  14. European banks are seizing up again... http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/5b7d1a50-1cc7-11e1-a134-00144feabdc0.html?ftcamp=rss#axzz1fN6Ij4E9 http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-12-02/banks-vie-with-nations-to-sate-2t-need.html http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/12/02/us-eurozone-intervention-idUSTRE7B02P620111202
  15. I thought that this massive coordinated operation was a bit suspicious. I mean, why today? ??? Forbes Magazine Article
  16. http://www.gurufocus.com/news/154337/will-you-follow-fairfaxs-prem-watsa-into-bank-of-ireland-ire
  17. http://moneycentral.msn.com/investor/options/default.asp?symbol=AMR&month=5&year=2012 Get 'em while they're hot!! $.03 each! ;D
  18. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/27/business/estee-lauder-heirs-tax-strategies-typify-advantages-for-wealthy.html?src=me&ref=business
  19. http://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/37453934
  20. A great write-up on Alleghany: http://online.barrons.com/article/SB50001424052748704727004577054382059668916.html?mod=googlenews_wsj?mod=googlenews_barrons
  21. I say as raw materials and the metals fall in price why not trade out of high priced U.S. Treasuries and start building a position in hard assets. Strictly for long-term asset protection and laying the groundwork for supply shortages in emerging markets when the world economy normalizes.
  22. I wish there was a way to rank companies by their abilities to buy ALL of their outstanding shares with cash on hand and long term debt at these historically low rates. I don't understand why certain companies just don't buy back 50% or more of their outstanding shares. Apple could start a Berkshire-style investment portfolio with $50 BILLION dollars and have plenty of cash left over to collect dust.
  23. lol. I am sure you've got it exactly right, peter_burke_ceo
  24. AIG controls the Fate of the S&P 500 (Interesting earnings story...) http://www.thestreet.com/_yahoo/story/11318937/1/aig-controls-sp-500s-fate.html?cm_ven=YAHOO&cm_cat=FREE&cm_ite=NA
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