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  1. Yes and no. Cuba - not exactly an ally of America, not the same outcome as Ukraine. Canada, and Mexico, part of a sliver of old America as justification for annexation? Doubtful. Get what you are saying of course, talking points change, but it’s not the same. You’re implicitly suggesting all else is equal when it’s not. America has been a much friendlier neighbour than Russia over the past 150 odd years. American values are much preferred than Russian or Chinese for that matter. Their systems and beliefs are very different. Comparable yes, the same no, and the differences matter hugely.
  2. Sure, but just say that it’s their problem and not ours. It’s makes a lot more sense than regurgitating Putin’s talking points.
  3. Lol, their empires were always going to go fade. The Suez crisis was more about control of the canal which was seen as vital to the economies of Western Europe. It’s ironic that Trump is / was talking about taking the Panama Canal back, about 70 years ago it was America that prevented Europe from controlling the Suez.
  4. For the most part this is what I think could happen to. Not sure Europe would have been ready to go to war with China though. It would be kind of ironic that Trump, who wants to assert America abroad by acting tough, is actually undermining American influence abroad.
  5. You’re joking right? Europe largely does what America says. You’ve heard of the Suez crisis right? Since Suez, Europe has nearly always consulted America on foreign policy, or did what America asked of it on foreign policy.
  6. England was in control of Ireland (a sliver of old England) much longer than Russia controlled Ukraine. The Ukrainians too regard themselves as Russian just like the Irish regard themselves as a type of English. And of course Putin would consider Ukrainian democracy, free markets and a desire to live like free like the Americans a provocation. What a despicable way to live. How dare the Ukrainians - I mean old Russians.
  7. Some of these are 10+ baggers in 5 years. Incredible.
  8. Sweet


    Some of these European defence stocks are up 15+% today.
  9. Sweet


  10. I don’t think they are reliable sources given all that has happened. That may have been the impression they had, but I didn’t see it reported anywhere that Zelenskyy was going to sign a deal. He was expected to sign a deal but that’s different for agreeing beforehand to sign it.
  11. Did he? It was anticipated that he might. But I never saw anything that said he had agreed to sign it beforehand.
  12. Unfortunately it’s still nowhere near enough - yet
  13. I’ve no idea. It’s really quite strange. The people complaining about his dress couldn’t shine his shoes.
  14. That’s my reading of events too. Europe needs a US aligned foreign policy, rather than a US dependent foreign policy. The former would have / will? give them independence and muscle so that Ukraine doesn’t need the US. But this has been known for years and nothing was done.
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