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Sweet last won the day on March 7 2023

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  1. I don't know about home builders. GM have sucked ass though since they were released from bankruptcy. I'm not over the exact details on why (if I am honest). I looked at GM maybe 8 years ago and it looked like good value then - thank god I passed on it. Trouble with GM is that it always sort of looks like good value, and just underperforms. Share buybacks may have changed that... but I can't tell.
  2. It’s a good approach, but it is GM. They have a track record of being terrible, will be hard to shake off.
  3. Why is a cheap LLM a problem? Seems to me there are far more bread and butter companies that will benefit from cheap AI than not. So semis get whacked… from a 10,000 ft view who cares? Isn’t it a good thing?
  4. Sweet


    This is nuts:
  5. It’s kind of funny how Bitcoin, the tool used to exchange money without a bank, is now being cheered because banks can take it. The community is eating its own thesis.
  6. I hoping this is an opening flex, and there is more to come… because if this ends the war on ‘day one’ I’d be shocked.
  7. Relevant to above:
  8. Yeh I agree, but then don’t complain to me about people hurt by rising interest rates, because everyone has options. High rates hurt one type of people, low rates hurt another. The rate rises caused a buying opportunity in stocks, we ripped higher after it. Unable to get a mortgage - invest it and try again in 2-3 years. Same logic. Some companies are more than 2x from their low.
  9. It makes sense when inflation is 10%. I think he should have taken his foot off the gas sooner on the hikes. Of course there were people hurt by the pace of the rise, but how many older savers got fucked over from 14 years of ZIRP, if you didn’t own assets you got left behind.
  10. I don’t agree he caused SVB, he had to raise rates IMO. I think he was too slow with rates, and perhaps too high at the end, but SVB failed because they didn’t manage their bond portfolio well, and they had a customer base that pulled out their money quickly at the slightest whiff of a problem. Like you I do believe a large measure of inflation was supply chain, but easy money has to end in times of inflation. Near zero rates is not historically normal, or in my opinion good.
  11. He had three major challenges and IMO he did a great job on two of them and a good job on one. Great: Covid-19. SVB fallout. Good: Inflation, though in hindsight should have raised earlier.
  12. I take a different view, I actually think Powell has been a very very good Fed chairman.
  13. How can someone get away with talking that level of shit
  14. Sweet


    Even though I’m from the UK, I somehow missed it, but UK banks have been ripping this past year. Quite a number of them have nearly doubled - Barclays, Lloyds, Standard Chartered, Natwest. https://stockmark.it/uk-banks-lead-ftse-100-performance-as-interest-rates-bolster-profits-in-2024/?utm_source=chatgpt.com I see some EU banks have done well too.
  15. Sweet


    He’s saying that these memecoins are little different from bitcoin. Saw some Bitcoin guys complaining about the $TRUMP grift.
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