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Everything posted by collegeinvestor

  1. @dipod What strike and date did you buy? Went up a lot today...
  2. Djt puts $10 strike into early 2025.
  3. @MMM20 What duration and strike are you guys looking at? Will need to do my DD this weekend.
  4. I personally switched to progressive over Geico about 50% less than Geico.
  5. They close it down and reopen WSB all the time to guests. I don't think its permanent unless they are trying to not get publicity right now.
  6. Anyone looking into restaurant/food industry stocks? Im looking at: CAKE SYSCO Nibbled on: JPM, BRKB, WYNN, MSG
  7. Has anyone found out his investment strategy? His holdings? Thanks.
  8. When interest rates rise, loan demand goes down so even though NIM goes up the total volume goes down. This is what I have read--I am not an expert.
  9. Isn't this a short sellers goal. They figure out which businesses are going into the dumps. If they wanted to under perform they could easily buy the stocks they are selling short. I wonder how even the best short sellers perform over time.
  10. Could get interesting depending on how low these stocks go: http://business.financialpost.com/2013/07/30/uralkali-potash/
  11. I think this is why there is car leasing :D I think that for most people who don't live in the city leasing is a better option than trying to rent a car every other day. Leasing costs are fairly low with low interest rates. That is my guess. When interest rates rise then leasing cars will be more expensive, right? so perhaps short-term car rentals will be the way when prices rise to lease cars rise with interest rate increases?
  12. Haha.
  13. Wouldn't you ordinarily have to pay a sales tax on vehicles anyways? So coupled with the tax credit you are helping lower your sales tax liability.
  14. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-05-02/apple-bond-issue-steve-jobs-would-ve-bought-tesla.html This was a well written article by an initial investor/employee at Facebook.
  15. Congrats! Thanks for the board too.
  16. Horrible speech. Over simplification just like all of his books.
  17. Hello this might sound dumb but I was wondering If any asset managers/investors have ever thought about applying value investing towards starting a business of their own? Where they control incremental cash flows and wages to themselves. This is a powerful force--look at berkshire! We have seen Warren buffett over the last few years ramp up his investments in private companies. I am sure we have all come across a business, and after reading the 10k, wish we owned the whole thing privately. I feel like Warren Buffett had a huge edge at Berkshire through control. I also understand that the economics of owning a hedge fund are pretty amazing too. How hard was it to grow Aum--to the point of a living wage--without being a pompus person, participating in the media, or being extroverted?
  18. I would love to pay myself "special dividends" with a credit facility!
  19. "Over the last three years our operating subsidiaries sent an aggregate of $266 million upstairs to BH, of which $83.2 million was in the form of a special dividend paid by Steak n Shake using proceeds from its new credit facility. Steak n Shake’s debt is non-recourse to BH for the cogent reason that we aim for every subsidiary to stand independent. As of now, BH has no debt, and all our capital is under no restrictions for reinvestment." Wait, so this 83.2 million is not recorded on BH's balance sheet even though it is a debt? How? I don't get how he gets away with saying using an 83.2 million credit facility is not debt?
  20. he gave the same succinct message as bruce greenwald in value investing: from graham to buffett and beyond.
  21. Thanks to all. It's not that I am uninterested in sharing my ideas. I just feel that without direct communication with people I am bound to be a charlatan.
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