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Everything posted by dcollon

  1. http://management.fortune.cnn.com/2011/10/04/warren-buffett-transcript/
  2. Interview with Jamie Dimon http://profit.ndtv.com/news/show/us-economy-to-spring-up-a-surprise-jp-morgan-chase-181223?ch=kdflhbplk
  3. I know some of you enjoy reading Gawande's commentary like I do. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/10/03/111003fa_fact_gawande
  4. Sanjeev, Do you think they took it high enough or should they be paying out more?
  5. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-09-19/berkshire-renews-3-25-billion-offer-for-transatlantic-that-expires-today.html
  6. Peter, The link works for me...sorry about the problem. Take care, David
  7. http://www.fpafunds.com/MORE%20OF%20THE%20SAME%20Sept%202011.pdf
  8. http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000045521
  9. Thanks for posting the article Packer.
  10. I found this article to be interesting and thought some of you might enjoy it as well. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/21/magazine/do-you-suffer-from-decision-fatigue.html?_r=1
  11. Looks like the Mets deal is off. From WSJ: We’re getting trickles of detail about the surprise news today involving the collapsed talks for a minority investor in the New York Mets. The proposed $200 million investment from hedge-fund investor David Einhorn has been cooking since May, and it was thought to be a necessary financial jolt for the Mets, who are struggling both financially and on the field. Einhorn is giving his point of view in a conference call right now. Einhorn said he can’t talk much about what happened between him and the Mets, but he made plain his belief that the Mets tried to renege on certain important terms at the last minute. Among those, according to Einhorn: * He said the Mets reopened investment discussions with at least one possible investor in the Mets, even though the baseball team and Einhorn had agreed to a written contract. (As has been reported, those re-opened talks were with a group including Ray Bartoszek, the former Glencore commodities trader.) * Einhorn said he had been told Major League Baseball would approve in advance the possibility of Einhorn as a majority owner in the team, if it comes to that down the line. (Other team owners have to green light any newcomers.) Einhorn said late last week he learned the Mets had lobbied Major League Baseball to remove that advance-approval provision from their deal. Einhorn said he considers his Mets investment DOA, but he said he harbors warm feelings from the last few months. “This experience will always be a happy memory for me because of the Mets fans,” said Einhorn, who has been popping up in the stands at Mets games of late. “This has been a very interesting summer for me. I’ve learned a lot. It’s been overall a happy experience. I am disappointed that we didn’t get to a successful outcome in the transaction,” he told reporters on the call. Einhorn, always a stickler for details, also said he wanted to put to rest inaccuracies published in the media about him and the deal. For example, Einhorn said he is not — as has been reported — 43 years old. He said he looks forward to celebrating his 43rd birthday in November.
  12. Probably won't teach you anything, but I thought this http://www.bloomberg.com/news/print/2011-09-01/sept-11-teaches-reinsurers-about-catastrophe-planning-the-god-clause-.html was worth a read.
  13. Interesting that you all are talking about the GSE's. Take a look at the fourth video in the link below. The discussion with Bill Ackman starts about 8 mins in to the video. http://www.gurufocus.com/news/121785/michael-porter-bill-ackman-and-clayton-rose-interview-with-cnbc
  14. It's even better, because he tells everyone at the meeting to ask Sanjeev about any questions they have on FFH.
  15. A little video from bloomberg http://www.bloomberg.com/video/74590591/
  16. From WSJ Op-ed Buffetts_Latest_Tax_Break_WSJ.pdf
  17. Thanks for the $6 suggestion. I wasn't aware of that option. I will probably just wait until he puts it on his website.
  18. I have always had a portfolio of mixed ideas. I have enjoyed buying and then holding really good businesses that get inexpensive every once and a while (JNJ, BRK, etc..). I then have a decent percentage of capital invested in other ideas i.e. warrants, preferreds and common stocks of smaller businesses. However, this is not a buy and hold area of my portfolio. For example, I have been in an out of various preferred securities numerous times in the last 4 years. Then I always have excess cash, because I never know when I will have a chance to take advantage of public or private opportunities.
  19. If anyone has access to this full article http://www.newyorker.com/archive/1999/07/05/1999_07_05_034_TNY_LIBRY_000018532?currentPage=all I would enjoy reading it. Thanks
  20. Here's the WSJ's response to Mr. Buffett's Op-ed
  21. The last I saw was that he has compounded capital at roughly 16% since starting his fund in 1991. I don't have the breakdown of yearly results though.
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