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Everything posted by Buffett_Groupie

  1. It will be a quarter mil ($250,000) by 2015 AGM time!
  2. I'm 50, so it will happen in my lifetime :D
  3. When it first became public, it's at $12 per share and no one expected it'd reach $100. Then when it reached $100, no one expected it'd reach $1,000. Then when it reached $1,000, no one expected it'd reach $10,000. Then when it reached $10,000, no one expected it'd reach $100,000. Then when it reached $100,000, now no one expects it'd reach $........ per share (you can fill in the blank here! LOL :-)) Enjoy the fun and the bull markets hitting historic highs each week! :-) It's very painful for value investors, including yours truly here as every sale seemed to be premature this year :-( How do you folks fight or ease such pain? Any help is appreciated before I spend a fortune on a psychiatrist!
  4. Here is my 2001 Honda with 180,000KM on it: great van to shuttle teenage kids to-and-from school and swimmers to-and-from the pool for a total of 50 trips a week! ;D
  5. Thank YOU, Palantir. I will soon start my own reality show competing with Kim Kardashian! LOL :-)
  6. The interview portion is all in English: http://v.baidu.com/kan/tvshow/?id=1650&vfm=bdvtx&site=cntv.cn&n=20140513&url=http://tv.cntv.cn/video/C10329/3a9f4c04af8646e0932f64fd7c848fb5#frp=v.baidu.com/v Enjoy and cheers!
  7. As long as you don't blind-fold me like Buffett did to Ariel, we should have a good match! :-)
  8. http://tabletennisnation.com/the-table-tennis-world/warren-buffett-bill-gates-ariel-hsing-play-ping-pong-at-the-berkshire-hathaway-shareholders-meeting/
  9. (I'm wearing the shirt from Fairfax Financial's Northbridge Insurance! :-)) Enjoy and cheers!
  10. Ok, nearly 35 of board members are heading to Omaha. Any of you meeting at the YellowBRKer's event at 4pm on Friday at the Doubletree Hotel?
  11. Here is one bear who should be encouraged to submit the application to appear on stage! :-) https://secure.globeadvisor.com/servlet/ArticleNews/story/gam/20140425/ROBMAG_MAY2014_P24
  12. Just to keep up with the rest of tiger moms in the neighbourhood :-) http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704111504576059713528698754.html?mod=yahoo_free Sigh... Well, I suppose it may be better than trying to "Keep up with the Kadashians"? :-(
  13. Gio is the on the right in Picture 29 in the album :)
  14. Correction from Sanjeev: I have 3 teenage kids and all of them are open for adoption for any value investors. Well, if you're a true value investor, you already know the financial returns on kids are guaranteed NEGATIVE addition to the stress and anxiety! :-) Here are my trips: School: 5X2+4=14 Swim Practice: 8+10=18 Math Tutorial: 6 Piano Lessons: 2 Malls and friends: 2 Total: 42
  15. Since I'm a jobless retiree now, I have all the time in the world other than driving my teenage kids around for school, swim practice, math tutorial, piano lessons and meeting their friends in the mall for more than 40 trips a week :-( Why can't they stay home reading Moody's manual all day instead on Facebook and YouTube? Here is more photos from the events. Enjoy and cheers, have a great weekend, everyone: http://share.shutterfly.com/share/received/welcome.sfly?fid=be370ac95edffcf4&sid=0AZMnDJw3ct2LJyA
  16. Thank you all for emailing me with the questions, I've forwarded them to the interviewer for review accordingly. Any questions on China's economy, housing and its impact?
  17. I'm again fortunate to help CCTV interview Buffett during the AGM in Omaha in less than 2 weeks. Surprisingly, I was asked to come up with new ideas and interesting questions for the interview. Truth to be told, I've been a copycat all my life without any original and new ideas in everything I do: studying, dating, getting married, starting/running a business, investing, raising kids, winding/shutting down the business and retirement :-(. As a result, being shameless and resourceful becomes natural to me to get by :-) Hence, please help me by emailing me at [email protected] if you have any burning/interesting/creative/original/out-of-the-box questions for Warren. Your help is very much appreciated! Here are two questions from me because I'm most stressed out dealing with teenage kids: 1) On giving career advice to kids: you mention people should always do what they love, but how to choose between one's passion and obligations? That is, a kid may love music or dance, but the reality is the majority of musicians and dancers must take 2nd jobs to supplement their income to make a living. Many kids dream to be astronauts, but the reality is there isn't enough space programs in the world to keep all the dreamers employed. 2) On teaching kids to work hard: nowadays many kids feel they have no reason to work hard as they don't have a sense of urgency that the world is very competitive. How can parents inspire them to excel in academics, sports, arts and music by working hard instead of them spending all their spare time on Facebook and Youtube? Jeremy Lin's a Harvard grad and plays for NBA, that's every parent's dream child (at least, Chinese parent! LOL :-)), but kids don't realize it takes a ton of hard-work, focus, perseverance and luck to do well in anything. How not to become a tiger parent to inspire kids to work hard?
  18. Not sure about webcast or transcript. Here is the correct link: http://m.weibo.cn/1640337222/3697092922759320/weixin?sourceType=weixin&from=singlemessage&wm=4260_0001&isappinstalled=0
  19. For those who are attending the AGM, feel free to register at this Sina Finance event at 8pm on Saturday, May 3: Http://m.weibo.cn/1640337222/3697092922759320/weixin?sourceType=weixin&from=singlemessage&wm=4260_0001&isappinstalled=0 If you don't read Chinese, find a neighbor or a student or a colleague who does to translate it for you, that shouldn't be difficult to find one nowadays! :-) Last year, Li Lu was there and a senior VP from BYD was there to do a presentation. The panel discussion was in Chinese, with a translator as mayor of Omaha was present. This year, I volunteer to be the usher at the event. Hope to see you there!
  20. If it reaches $200,000 by AGM date and the folks who voted yes are in Omaha, we can get together and open a champagne bottle on me!
  21. Please fill out the poll if you're going to the event.
  22. All of us know all of them, but they don't know me! Hence, the key in life for me is "it doesn't matter who I know, it only matters who knows me and only those who know me will do business or decline to do business with me." LOL :-)
  23. I also bought my first share of BRK in 1996 at $30,060, but on margin as there was no class B shares and it's quite a large amount for a 32-year old. Back then, everyone I talked to thought I was insane or outright stupid. We should meet up in Omaha in May and celebrate our early "stupid insanity"!
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