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Everything posted by DCG

  1. Looks like they went from a 1995 website to a 2000 website. Good thing they don't make money based on their website.
  2. There's a lot of nonsense going on in the market right now. Google has a real strong quarter, growing by 19% and has $15 billion taken off it's mark cap. Yet Zipcar, a 14-year-old company that has yet to make a profit and has earnings of only $4 million a yea, goes public and is valued at a billion dollars. I'm starting to hear/see a lot of chatter recently about how earnings don't matter anymore (even a bit on this board), which worries me.
  3. What risks? Is Yahoo! going to take over their search business? And not well managed? What are you talking about? I don't know how Page will do, but Google has been one of the best run companies on the planet for the last decade or so under Eric Schmidt's leadership.
  4. Agreed. The funny thing is that Google doesn't give guidance. Analysts of course make up their own number. Instead of it being perceived as the stupid analysts being wrong, it's Google's fault. They're still growing the business at a strong pace. But of course wall street is buying up companies (like one that you mentioned) that are losing millions of dollars after it buys another company losing millions of dollars.
  5. That guy's photo looks familiar...are you sure he's not already on this board?
  6. Usually have a few beers or glasses of wine on Friday and Saturday nights, and once in a while during the week. With a 2-month-old baby, the amount of drinking I do is quite a bit less than before. I also home-brew quite a bit, or at least I did before the baby.
  7. AAPL is still incredibly cheap on an earnings basis. Look at taking advantage of the NASDAQ rebalancing selloff.
  8. Well for starters, I'm eliminating financials and any upper teens P/E stocks. Poor decision to eliminate financial industry stocks in a rebounding economy.. Especially with interest rates set to rise. I think banks like WFC and JPM are still pretty cheap.
  9. Citi is not helping Spkol's case. They are saying that they were under the impression that they were providing Sokol research for Berkshire, and not him personally. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704530204576237170960624878.html?mod=WSJ_hp_LEFTWhatsNewsCollection I also think I agree with James Stewart's column in today's Journal that (for berkshire's sake) Sokol probably should have been fired before he resigned.
  10. CNBC is such a joke sometimes...they just referred to this as 'the resignation heard round the world'.
  11. Eaton would not at all surprise me. Would probably take around 25 billion to acquire it though.
  12. This doesn't make any sense to me. Why would the size of your portfolio have any impact on the type of companies you own? And outside of Google, you listed a bunch of companies with a pretty weak future outlook. Base your investment decisions base on the future of companies, not just their pasts. ARMH IS replacing Intel and AMD. The issue with them is their profit on their chips are nowhere near Intel's. The momentum clowns don't seem to care though.
  13. How would that be better than just running a pre-defined stock screen every morning, which gives you real-time data?
  14. Should have had Charlie Sheen in the second one...lol.
  15. I get that, but I've always been of the opinion (from working in the Ecommerce industry for about 15 years) that retailers selling products shouldn't send potential customers away from their site. There are a lot of people out there that will click a link and will eventually purchase what they were looking for elsewhere. On the original topic, i'm not an Overstock shareholder, but like that they're diversifying their business.
  16. Pretty cool, and definitely some great deals on there, -side note...do they really need to include Adwords ads on their site? Maybe I'm nit picking, but when I see eCommerce companies with advertisements on their site, it screams 'unproffesional' to me.
  17. A total of about 15 companies between my equities account and IRA.
  18. The thing that's a bit questionable to me was that he went to Citi to have them come up with ideas. Doesn't sound like something Buffett would do.
  19. $28 million for a guy that has turned one of the greatest companies in the world into a trainwreck. That makes sense.
  20. Added a bit to my position in Apple, and bought a few Jan 2012 calls on cisco. Had a limit order in on Lowes than didn't get hit.
  21. It's kind of messed up that arguably the most useful information about what's happening in Japan IMO came not from the buffoons on CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, Fox News and the rest of the major news services, but on Fedex's conference call. They have people on the ground throughout Japan and clarified that while what's happened there is/was horrific, it is a localized area that is greatly effected, and that the entire country is not in the state of peril that the news outlets are portraying.
  22. Bumping this thread (especially since the BH thread is quickly turning into a list of what people are looking at buying, and not related to BH). Anyone buying anything? Some of the main stocks I'm keeping an eye on haven't come down very much, namely LOW and PAYX. I'm considering adding to positions in AAPL, GOOG, XOM, FFH, DECK & SNDK. Also keeping an eye on FCX and EXC. Also, I generally don't like CSC, but it is getting damn cheap. Selling for just over twice it's cash. Might look to buy calls if it keeps coming down.
  23. Going to cash at the same time as everyone else makes keeping a good batting average tough over time.
  24. I've been thinking about shorting it through puts, but will probably sit it out.
  25. How large of a region is, or may be, affected by nuclear 'meltdowns'? Nobody in the media seems to have any clue. As usual, it seems like they are just watching each other and reporting the same thing. It seems to me like only relatively a small part of Japan is currently being badly effected, aside from things like power outages, than what the media is making it out to be, but I really don't know. The media seems to be fishing for worst possible outcomes, and not most likely outcomes. Tough to find any media outlet rifht now with real useful information. In think the actual fear of the hedge fund herd is just stock market declines, and not tied to things actually happening in Japan. They're all just building on each other's reckless fear, which is good for rational buyers.
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