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Everything posted by brker_guy

  1. Rest in Peace, Rick! Vaya con Dios!!
  2. This family is going to sock it to the taxpayers and the GSEs before they are booted from office: https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/kushner-companies-freddie-mac-786-million-terms-111315311.html If this isn't a conflict of interest and why there isn't a rush to push for the release of the GSEs, then tell me what is.
  3. It's 2020, but it feels like 1999 when Jim Cramer called out Buffett. Someone just called WEB an "idiot" Wow! Now, I finally know that we are in a stock market bubble. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/warren-buffett-is-an-idiot-says-investor-who-claims-daytrading-is-the-easiest-game-ive-ever-played-2020-06-09
  4. Something to share with you guys: https://www.marketplace.org/2018/01/24/business/corner-office-divided-decade/fannie-mae-ceo-reflects-housing-10-years-after Note Tim Mayopoulos' words on getting release from the US Govt's shackle...
  5. Perhaps it's because of the buffoons at the WSJ coming up with this little fib of a story:
  6. And this is one of the leading bozos who want to reform Fannie and Freddie? https://beta.finance.yahoo.com/news/sen--corker-s-relationship-with-real-estate-industry-highlighted-in-voting-record-144617523.html?ltr=1 What kind of a country do we have here in the US?
  7. Not sure if you guys saw this today: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-05/hedge-funds-get-boost-on-mulvaney-bill-to-free-fannie-freddie
  8. Looks like Elizabeth Warren saw the lights: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-09-14/senator-warren-said-to-pull-support-for-fannie-shareholder-bill
  9. That's not a good way to start a long weekend for all of us...
  10. By now, I hope you guys can discount everything that John Carney ever writes, right? That guy is a freaking clown!!!!!
  11. Great link, Doughishere. Thanks for sharing:
  12. In the immortal words of Charlie Munger, "I have nothing else to add". :D :D :D
  13. You guys got to watch this video and be the judge if the Chinese stock market is in a bubble territory or not: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/features/201505191314.html
  14. Did anyone see this today? http://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/2000229-privatizing-fannie-and-freddie.pdf
  15. Longinvestor, I take it that you were in Omaha this past weekend then. :D :D I guess you got the main point about Loeb's fees. ;)
  16. Does anyone here know Dan Loeb's fees structure? If Dan Loeb's fees structure is 2/20, he shouldn't be picking a fight against Buffett's old partnership fees structure.
  17. Have been free from the wrath of cable since Sept. 2014. I also have cut my landline as well. Save our family $120 per month. I only have an HDTV antenna, SlingTV, and Netflix these days. I think SlingTV offers tremendous value to someone like me who only cares for a handful of channels. I highly recommend SlingTV to everyone. Other than the Tennis Channel, I don't miss anything from my cable provider.
  18. Thanks, racemize. I see what you mean now. Mutual Fund report filed: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1096344/000119312515151683/d904898dnq.htm 13F filing back in Feb: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1056831/000091957415002087/xslForm13F_X01/infotable.xml
  19. Out of curiosity, has anyone seen the latest and actual 13F that was filed with the SEC by Berkowitz bc all I saw last night was a filing back in Feb: http://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany&CIK=0001056831&owner=exclude&count=40&hidefilings=0 So where did Dataroma pull this data from? Am I missing something? Thanks!
  20. It is good to see this issue is getting some Congressional attention again in DC...
  21. Here is the link to the language of the bill: https://www.scribd.com/doc/260048843/Secondary-Reserve
  22. Don't know if you all saw this: http://www.housingwire.com/articles/33364-congresswoman-wants-to-put-fannie-freddie-profits-in-escrow
  23. Have you heard the phrase, "We eat our own cooking"? The point that Buffett made is that unless David Winters can earn his keeps with his own performance to earn his fees, he should not be go picking a fight with the KO board and drag Buffett in. I was in the room in the audience when David made his plea with Buffett, and Buffett had said to David and everyone that he had told the BOD of KO of his thoughts on the compensation and that was that. I have met David at a few times in Omaha and at Wesco; I think he is a very mild manner, good guy. I just think his activism with KO took to another level that turned the switch on Buffett.
  24. For all of these years that I have followed Buffett, Buffett chooses his words VERY, VERY CARFULLY. He would never take shots like he did unless the facts are there to back him up. Read btw the lines of what Buffett said. Do you think Buffett didn't do his homework on David Winters' performance before he spoke up?
  25. Fairholme Discussion of FNMA and FMCC. I believe this transcript is from yesterday's call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmlHfEtl6QY
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