I think this is in reference to my post. So, round numbers, FFH is up 15x on Digit. It now represents ~20-25% of FFH's market cap. Digit is growing like a weed in a huge and rapidly growing market. Dyed in the wool deep value guys like Prem and his loyal followers are notoriously terrible at recognizing this sort of opportunity. Ironic then, isn't it, that nearly 3/4ths of Digit's ownership happens to be embedded in FFH? What if Digit does, in fact, have a better mousetrap and ends up a massive low cost operator in the not-too-distant future? Where might that put the Digit piece vs. the hypothetical FFH stub? Maybe it ends up just a thought exercise but my point was that I don't dismiss the possibility of it playing out that way, especially after Sequoia's investment. And yet FFH trades at an all-time low valuation. Fun. I'll take the gift from Mr. Market and see how it plays out.