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  1. That's interesting. When I think of Fairfax shareholders I tend to think of most being in Canada with some in the US and a few in European countries, but I had never put much thought in it for some reason. So what you are saying that there are roughly 250 Shareholders in the four Nordic Countries, just at your bank alone? I don't know why, but that number is larger than what I would have thought. It really would be interesting to see how FFH/FRFHF shareholders are spread around the world in various countries. I know Fairfax is aware of this board, but I wonder if the company would ever get involved in helping to make their investors aware of this discussion board? I am sure Sanjeev would have thoughts on this.
  2. Thanks John, I had been debating about starting a separate topic and hope it will attract some ideas. The more people who join our forums the more interesting and informative the board will become and I am sure that the larger the pool of investors that belong to the board, the better it will be for all. One other thought. Should we just be searching for those interested in Fairfax, or should we look for a wider range of participants. I mean, we have so many different and interesting threads within CBoF. Perhaps someone could get CBoF mentioned on some podcasts or maybe an interview on BNN, etc etc. ? Perhaps Sanjeev will have some input on the subject.
  3. Here is a thought from out of left field. There are many longtime Fairfax shareholders on this board. But I wonder how many FFH shareholders are NOT on this board and have no idea of its existence? It is not like the board advertises itself. And to follow up, is there some way that we could introduce CBoF to those who might wish to join us? Would it ever be possible to have an some sort of mention, invitation or something made at a FFH annual meeting or sent to shareholders? Just a thought, but it might be something that would be of value to all concerned. Or just a dumb idea? Just thought I would raise the subject.
  4. Agreed. It is far past time that our government in Ottawa grew up and realized that we have a responsibility to maintain a military strong enough to protect our sovereignty. The simplest way to accomplish that is through nuclear weapons, a deterrent to anyone considering invading this country, no matter if that invasion came from the North, West, East or - even the South.
  5. As an Atlantic Canadian myself, it would seem that this area is basically Liberal and only after the Liberals have screwed up completely does the area switch to the Conservatives. Personally, I have never followed that trend believing that the Conservatives are generally more fiscally responsible. But at this point I don't know if there is any amount of ass kissing any Liberal could do that would undo the raw hatred for Trudeau that runs across the whole country. It is not much wonder that so many well known Liberals have bailed. However elections can often produce unexpected results. Anyone unfamiliar with Carney might like to watch this: https://youtu.be/zs8St-fF0kE?si=FENzJ-qLmMkwiVCt I must say though, that assuming Carney wins the Liberal nomination, I will have to give my vote some serious thought.
  6. It is the perception that Fairfax is simply a Canadian company that I would be concerned that might have the biggest impact on share price. In any event, if we can just get an Canadian election over with then things will settle down.
  7. Yup. You know that old Chinese curse ... "May you live in interesting times." Have a good day Cubs.
  8. Agree with most of this SD. I am familiar with Carney's history and have been a big fan since he was head of the BOC. I can not think of a better person for PM. Perhaps best scenario here is a Conservative minority under Polly and Carney as leader of the opposition and then see how things play out?
  9. No Cubs, I know exactly what Trump is doing. I simply do not agree with his methods and eventually it will come back to haunt him and the people he represents. Do you really believe it is a good plan to piss off Canadians towards Americans? You may not see it from where you stand but there is a rising resentment towards Americans, and not just in Canada. This is NOT a good thing. As far as Trudeau is concerned, he has been a total embarrassment to the Canadian people, but at least he hasn't made a point of going around the world pissing off people.
  10. Would be nice if the Conservatives can pull that off. But you know, it is the same old story over and over. Liberals get in and spend, spend, spend. Then the Conservatives get in and have to raise taxes/cut programs to clean up the mess the Liberals have left. So then the voters get mad at the Conservatives and after a term or two and vote the Liberals back in. Rinse and repeat.
  11. I haven't bothered to post returns due to a discouraging December and first half of January. However, I expect (hope?) things will turn around over the next few weeks. But I really shouldn't complain as I still managed a gain of 50.1% in my stock portfolio for 2024 (was pushing toward 60% early December). Also, this doesn't include dividends which would add another perhaps 2ish% to the total. Just going by memory I was up 38% in 2021, 14% in 2022, 28% (?) in 2023 and 50.1% in 2024. But the compound gain over those years has been freaking amazing! Capital gain tax will be a bitch but that may well be my heirs problem. If I have done fairly well, much of this has been almost entirely due to this board and it's members with a little good judgement on my part thrown in. So thank you all so much! My top positions have been: Fairfax /FFH, TerraVest Industries /TVK, Royal Bank /RY, Aecon Group /ARE, Altius /ALS, AtkinsRéalis /ATRL, Stelco also helped. Fairfax accounts for about 55% of my portfolio and at this point I have no intentions of reducing that, despite the fact that I am a little uncomfortable of having "too many eggs in one basket". I think Fairfax share price will probably see an increase as we get closer to 2024 results being released and also as we again see expectations of an add to the TSX 60 in a couple of months.
  12. Generally agree. Just wish Carney was running for the for the Conservatives. Poilivere is a bit of a wild card and I wish he would announce some real policies other than "Axe the tax" which is getting a bit old. But barring some unforeseen catastrophe he will be Canada's next PM.
  13. ...and that justifies the President of the United States publicly threatening Canada with annexation? Threatening to punish Canada with tariffs? Threatening to force us into submission through an economic war? And this, after the many things we have done for the US over the years? At best he is threatening our independence and at the very least he is publicly insulting and embarrassing Canada in front of the whole world. Who the f*ck does he think he is to threaten us like that? And the border? Why does the United States think that it is Canada's (and Mexico's) responsibility to protect the American border? Isn't YOUR border YOUR responsibility? Sheesh! Now, I suppose a lot in the US think this is all a big joke, but I can assure you that there are a LOT of Canadians who do not see this that way at all. Right now, people here are very concerned, but if this crap keeps up there are going to be a lot of very pissed off Canadians. I live in an area that many Americans own summer homes, spend their summers enjoying our laid back way of life, our cooler weather and our many beaches and warm waters. Right now a lot of Canadians are very concerned and beginning to get pissed off at what we see as our neighbour stabbing us in the back. Bottom line here is, why does your new administration want to pick a fight with their closest ally? For those in the US who think "Oh that's just Trump...". A lot of Canadians don't see it that way. Some might remember that during Covid Mr. Trump tried to push Canada around and quickly backed down when he soon found that it wasn't that easy.
  14. The current government in Canada and its predecessors have essentially ignored our military and it is pathetic for a country with such a proud military history. But history is like a pendulum. Swings left then right, and repeat. About time to swing right.
  15. Yeah Cubs, but that Idiot is soon to be gone. Anyone who thought that some smooth talking, entitled, left wing, part time drama teacher was qualified to run a country got what they deserved. I am all for immigration. But really, I mean really, who thinks that in a country of less than 40 million, you can bring in one million people a year without requiring that a certain percentage be doctors, nurses, skilled workers, etc, etc, simply isn't playing with a full deck. I mean really! And then to give away a billion $ or so every time he appears on TV... Now we have a well qualified candidate for PM. A guy who is an economist and banker and who served as governor of the Bank of Canada, then was hired away to head up the Bank of England and is now head of impact investing at Brookfield Asset Management. BUT, but he is running for the head of the party who gave us Trudeau. Ahh, what to do?
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