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Everything posted by tengen

  1. The USS Fitzgerald was one of two US 7th fleet destroyers that collided with freighters in 2017. Here is a gripping account of what happened: https://features.propublica.org/navy-accidents/uss-fitzgerald-destroyer-crash-crystal/ It's a long read full of bravery and tragedy with some excellent graphics and animations. Part 2 of the story explores problems with the 7th fleet that contributed to the accidents: https://features.propublica.org/navy-accidents/us-navy-crashes-japan-cause-mccain/
  2. Read the book over the holidays and agree with the positive reviews. Putin has turned the Russian state into a criminal enterprise that steals from the Russian people and what they did to Sergei Magnistsky was abhorrent. I wouldn't be surprised to see some of that stolen money linked to Trump's real estate ventures. Didn't Don Jr. or Eric brag about all the Russians investing in Trump property?
  3. I tend to agree with Aldous Huxley: “Science is not enough, religion is not enough, art is not enough, politics and economics is not enough, nor is love, nor is duty, nor is action however disinterested, nor, however sublime, is contemplation. Nothing short of everything will really do.”
  4. Anyone looking at the two "blockchain ETFs" (BLOK and BLCN) that started trading on NASDAQ? BLOK will be actively managed. BLCN will invest in the "Reality Shares Nasdaq Blockchain Economy Index". Both will limit themselves to only investing in companies with a market capitalization of greater than $200 million, as well as a six-month daily trading average of at least $1 million. BLOK web page: https://amplifyetfs.com/blok-amplify-transformational-data-sharing-etf BLCN web page: http://www.realityshares.com/app/BLCN
  5. JPEG doesn't support transparency. You need a PNG or GIF (PNG preferred). The Mac OS's "Preview" app will do all this so I created a transparent PNG from the current JPEG file.
  6. Today Kodak announced KODAKCoin and the stock price doubled. Still waiting for ParsadCOIN.
  7. Very interesting. Thanks for posting.
  8. Thanks for posting the link. What an odd person.
  9. I agree. Behavioural economics is a fascinating field of study.
  10. Nobel press release: https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economic-sciences/laureates/2017/press.html Brief backgrounder from the New Yorker on Thaler: https://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/the-making-of-richard-thalers-economics-nobel
  11. Flowing cheese? I'd love to get my hands on some Vacherin Mont d'Or.
  12. https://qz.com/979370/volatility-and-the-vix-index-the-stock-markets-fear-gauge-is-at-a-23-year-low-and-traders-are-terrified/
  13. So what's the bias or fake news here? The article points out the fact that he was practicing in back of the car. I'd relate to your sentiment if they knocked him for it, but they didn't. Newsworthy? no. Fake? no. You read this, or any of the other pieces on the same thing and don't see it as rife with negative connotation? The random Twitter quotes? Presenting him as "weird" or some sort of buffoon for practicing a speech? Why is this is even a headline. No, no and no.
  14. That's what I was about to say. I've heard about so many of these breakthroughs over the years, but nothing came of it. I am extremely skeptical. They're usually good for a nice article and nice PR for the idea of carbon capture and then nothing. I'm skeptical too but, if they can finish the plant on time and on budget, I will have to revisit my beliefs. ;-) The plant is under construction with an expected completion date this year so we won't have to wait long to find out.
  15. A privately held company called NetPower is building an NG power plant that captures carbon "at no extra cost". http://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2017/02/21/revolutionary-power-plant-captures-all-its-carbon-emissions-at-no-extra-cost The basic concept is quite elegant: the CO2 is used as part of the power generation process and is rendered into a form that makes it easy to capture the excess. Sounds revolutionary to me if it works.
  16. Don't be meta.
  17. I know there are "cat cafes" but is there such a thing as a "dog cafe"? That would be a great option for people who like dogs but don't want to own one. Maybe the concept can be expanded to all sorts of pets (parrots, hamsters, snakes, etc).
  18. I thought this was a very interesting article: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/02/27/why-facts-dont-change-our-minds
  19. tengen

    Chaos Monkeys

    This title would be very appropriate for a book about the Trump "administration".
  20. especially for cardboard:
  21. Who ultimately pays the 20% import tax will depend on the whether the goods being sold are easily substituted by goods from another source. If they are not easy to replace, the Mexicans will simply raise prices to compensate for the 20% tax and US consumers will wind up paying. In the end it doesn't matter as this is most likely an empty threat.
  22. Haha! That's hilarious! Don't tell anyone, otherwise Trump's going to build a wall along Canada's border, and make us pay for it! Do Mexicans have boats? I think we might have to build a wall along our coastlines too. The Dutch have reached out to Trump on just this idea (about the 1'40 mark):
  23. It's only headline news because Trump chose to make it so. Then he doubled down by sending out his press secretary to lie to the public. It seems ridiculous but I have to wonder if something more sinister is going on. See https://twitter.com/rascouet/status/823035518313267202
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