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  1. It's also the best book that I've ever read, it's influenced everything in my life. I cherish it every day and re-read it frequently.
  2. Invaluable book, I would absolutely recommend that you read. The profiles of investors by William Green reveal unique insights and you'll learn about really interesting value investors that you didn't know much about before! Best to follow this up by reading the Nick Sleep letters
  3. Thanks for the help and feedback everyone, it is greatly appreciated!
  4. Hi, thanks for your comment! Wondering why you are negative on Viacom at today's prices? Thanks!
  5. Great thanks, I really appreciate the explanation!
  6. @Cigarbutt @TwoCitiesCapital @thepupil@JuntoThanks everyone for your insights, I really appreciate your commentary. I did not realize that I was extrapolating results to such an extent, you're absolutely right. I'm curious though as to why thepupil and Junto believe that the ROE will return back to what it was before their was a boost in mortgage banking and secondary market loans (I understand that the PPP loans will dry up though). If they stay at today's levels, shouldn't these banks NIM and ROE stay at around today's levels or even increase in a few years with the anticipated increase in interest rates? Thanks in advance, looking forward to hearing your ideas!
  7. Hello, I am wondering if anyone has any insight into how come there are 23 regional banks that have a 15% or higher ROE, 3 of which (First Savings Financial, Merchants Bancorp, and Meridian Corp) even have a 20% or higher ROE, while most major banks (such as Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, etc.) are struggling to even get to a 10% ROE right now. Is this a result of these regional banks facing less competition? Is it because these regional banks are smaller so they have less regulations and capital requirements forced upon them? Thanks in advance for your insights! Also do you think that these high ROE regional banks that are trading at below 10x P/E are possibly an attractive investment. Thanks in advance!
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