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Everything posted by Arski

  1. So I'm relatively new here and don't want to read 16xx pages to understand this discussion but am still very curious. Maybe someone could summarize what has been going on or refer to some important posts. Thanks!
  2. Don't get too excited. I think we need to be on the watch, have a strong portfolio and a lot of cash at hand (or other liquidity).
  3. I want to fill my room with some beauty of Warren and Charlie only I want to have the best pictures of them. I found some nice pictures but was curious if some of you have great pictures of them (together or alone).
  4. It’s more like the ValueInvestorsClub only small-cap, more exclusive and higher quality write-ups I think. MCC is also for more long-term, high quality investments, whereas VIC provides a lot of 1-3 year investments and not always high quality businesses.
  5. I'm very interested in microcaps and would like to learn more. So do you guys think a microcapclub subscription of one year is worth the investment? ($500 a year)
  6. Found some interesting companies in Poland, only I'm new to investing over there. So does someone know that it is save to invest Poland? (Not many scam companies and falsification of balance sheets and income statements etc.) Or any other advise?
  7. I'm still a quite unexperienced investor and was first interested in Graham/Pabrai type of dollar for 50 cents investing, but I am now more interested in investing in great businesses and try to find great small cap stocks who are able to compound for 5 years or more at CAGR 20% or more. The only problem is that I'm not able to find enough information to understand a company well enough to concentrate my money into it. At the moment I use the research reports of Alta Fox capital, 'the making of a multibagger' as some guide and TIKR terminal and morningstar to value the companies but am not able to find valuable information on companies on my own. (I always wonder where the information comes from if a report, like Alta Fox's, is shared about a small/micro-cap) I want to use this topic as a place for everyone to share our methods of researching companies and sharing our resources we use to understand a company better. Maybe it's also better to say what kind of investor you are (growth, small-cap, big-cap, turnarounds, spinoffs etc.), so its more accurate for others why you use a method and specific resources.
  8. So you're paying 31 times their operating income while they are growing at, let's say, 12%? Doesn't sound like the best opportunity out there.
  9. Thank you! I'm flabbergasted just how unbelievable valuable this platform is.
  10. I still don't really understand why Buffett is bullish on BAC while selling off his other financial holdings, like WFC. Also Munger has quite some money in his personal portfolio invested in BAC, as well as Li Lu. Especially Li Lu, he is someone who, I think, aims for quite high returns and in my view right now BAC isn't one that is going to return more then 10% per year. Could someone give me more clarification about this or refer me to an article or a comment in CoBF?
  11. Let’s share and discuss the great companies we know with 10%+ revenue growth and 10%+ ROIC over the past 5 years (and a moat). I’ll start: CPRT, GFL, HEI, NEM (nemetschek), INSTAL, ALFPC, XPEL, GOOS.
  12. Bought recently some TPL, EPM, EXPR, ALPC, UVE & CIH Everyone's thoughts are welcome.
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