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Everything posted by Dave86ch

  1. I totally agree. This forum is a precious resource for thoughtful debate, aside from political topics. Discord is useless for investment discussions but perfect for software development support. Reddit seems to be full of bots that drive a particular narrative. The old-fashioned forum format is still the best. This one, in particular, has a healthy ethos.
  2. The diary has the precise goal of sharing perspectives and research from other people. Here, you can find some of my thoughts on the matter. https://dscompounding.com/2023/04/24/compound-your-energy/ Technically, I run a full Bitcoin node, and I'm setting up a Lightning node to allow my AI agent to start interacting with a native digital currency. I'm trying to dig into the opcode. I already have a good understanding of Solidity, but I feel that proof of work is a more powerful concept. I'm working to acquire more technical skills to truly implement Bitcoin in some learning projects. As humans, we started with bartering, using the resources we had produced. Our species literally began by using our own production as a means of payment. Over time, and Rome is a good example, governments debased the currency, manipulating what represents the production energy input. Which in turn creates instability in maintaining the security of the empire's boundaries and generates internal conflicts. This is usually the consequence: a return to a hard form of money, which preserves the energy input of production due to its scarcity. (It's a cycle, source: Ray Dalio) This topic has many perspectives; it's a multidisciplinary exercise, and there are no definitive answers because, at the end of the day, it depends on an illusion of value. Energy, on the other hand, is not an illusion. Creating a hard money from energy and placing it in the digital realm makes total sense to me, especially given that a currency tied to energy helps unlock sources of energy that are currently untapped (like for istance metab combustion or El Salvador Volcano, Tibet mining). In the meantime, MicroStrategy is acting as a gateway for institutions, providing access to Bitcoin by issuing shares and buying it. The fact that MSTR is outperforming Bitcoin could be a positive sign in this regard.
  3. I also created an AI mind map on the kmpg esg researchmon Bitcoin I updated my Bitcoin diary as well. https://dscompounding.com/2022/12/16/bitcoin-diary/
  4. Bullish on Bitcoin, it's important to maintain a healthy discussion by pointing out the weaknesses of the thesis.
  5. The greatest Ponzi scheme after the Denarius.
  6. Nevertheless, the most powerful open-source LLM ever released agrees with you on sizing. It may even be smarter than Blackrock. I've still invested 10% because I'm uncomfortable with Tether's dominance in the space.
  7. Same thoughts, having a firm grasp on how to perform a discounted cash flow analysis is an excellent exercise, as it helps realize why you're buying a company and define a ballpark price, thereby avoiding getting swept up in hype. However, as the market becomes increasingly efficient, psychology plays a significant role. What truly matters is maintaining rationality and grounding your reasoning in reality through a robust mental model of the world. In my opinion, a solid mental model requires open-mindedness, rationality, and insatiable curiosity. This not only implies extensive reading, but also active engagement and practice. Indeed, I began speculating on Bitcoin, and after many years, I feel I'm invested in Bitcoin, even though I can't perform a DCF. This is because I challenged my opinion many times, spent hours reading and coding, until I shaped my mental model into a robust opinion. This enables me to accept the viewpoints of those who prefer to stay within their comfortable numerical guardrails.
  8. They don't understand game theory. It's that simple.
  9. I started reading it based on your recommendation, even though I had heard about it earlier. It appears we have similar perspectives on our thesis. Thank you for the excellent suggestion. I appreciate it immensely, even setting aside the Bitcoin matters. I like to acquire notions that expand my knowledge of our behavior as human animals. It's like reading the script code where the truth is rooted.
  10. My approach https://dscompounding.com/2023/02/20/optimalism-strengthen-your-body/ My results
  11. Added to VitaDAO after converting some of them into an IP-NFT named VITA-FAST which is a governance token representing the ownership of the IP of a rasearch on autophagy conducted by Viktor Korolchuk's lab. This is a governance token that represents the ownership of intellectual property from research on autophagy conducted by Viktor Korolchuk's lab. Although it's a micro position, it presents an interesting concept I'm keen to delve into.
  12. In the meantime https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-06-27/hsbc-offers-trading-in-crypto-etfs-to-customers-in-hong-kong#xj4y7vzkg
  13. Even though I lean more towards Bitcoin, I still see many use cases for smart contracts. Recently, I participated in an opportunity offered to vitaDAO owners to purchase the first IP-NFT asset, which represents the intellectual property ownership of a series of IP generated by a university research laboratory active in studying autophagy as a means to develop compounds useful for extending human life. I find this concept interesting and exciting because health, and specifically nutrition, is one of my favorite topics. I've been fasting once a week for 24 hours for exactly three years because of the activation of the autophagy process during periods of caloric restriction. This is not financial advice; a tiny portion of my capital was deployed mostly for educational purposes.. https://www.vitadao.com/blog-article/announcing-the-vita-fast-token-sale-for-viktor-korolchuk-lab
  14. Thank you for the time you've dedicated to the article I've written.
  15. My investing philosophy plus portfolio description https://dscompounding.com/2023/04/24/compound-your-energy/
  16. I don't delude myself into thinking there aren't risks involved, but yes, I am patient. If I don't make bold decisions when opportunities arise, the years spent learning and writing about investing will have been wasted. Added to Bitcoin yesterday.
  17. I believe he wrote Meditations for the citizens of Rome, which was already declining in values and was the antechamber of the aftermath collapse
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