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Everything posted by Dave86ch

  1. I shared that to highlight the notion of "store of value" expressed in your post, notion clearly defined from the beginning by Satoshi. I was not referring to the hyperledger.
  2. “In this sense, it’s more typical of a precious metal. Instead of the supply changing to keep the value the same, the supply is predetermined and the value changes. As the number of users grows, the value per coin increases. It has the potential for a positive feedback loop; as users increase, the value goes up, which could attract more users to take advantage of the increasing value” Satoshi Nakamoto 2009-02-18
  3. Bitcoin is simply the beginning of the possibility of owning your digital stuff: money, data, identity throught the private key. Nakamoto solved the double spending problem, this become the solution of many problems arised in our increasingly digital existence. Ethereum is a decentralized complete turing machine, similar to Bitcoin but with way more use cases, this complexity bring some more fragilities. Is it a bubble? Imo Yes. I written an article sometime ago of the general concept of bubble, I think Soros reflexivity is a good explanation of what we are living today.
  4. The goal of bitcoin is exactly to escape the tax system. The sovereign individual docet.
  5. http://www.haydencapital.com/wp-content/uploads/Hayden-Capital_Coinbase-Memo.pdf
  6. For everyone interested in the cryptocurrencies space I suggest to read The Sovereign Individual: How to Survive and Thrive during the Collapse of the Welfare State Book by James Dale Davidson It was written in 1997 and in my opinion the author gives a good frame to how to think about Bitcoin and our society beside short term fluctuations. The interesting fact is that Bitcoin didnt exist at the time.
  7. Added a few 9988hk, ~15% of my portfolio
  8. Hello everyone, I just signed up and I want to introduce myself through my blog. I'm working on a blog that summarizes the basic concepts of investing. First It's a tool useful for myself to organize my thoughts. Second, I hope it could be useful for any beginner who wants an answer to the basic questions. I'm focused on compounders with MOAT outside the financial/pharma sectors. The first articles were simple and represent my evolution in the understanding of value investing. Outside the mere money, it's a beautiful journey full of knowledge, battles and heroes. For that reason I often use quotes by great investors. I'm striving to be open-minded, indeed I'm digging the world of decentralized apps/data/governance and digital scarcity, not the main topic of the blog but whenever I find something interesting I will share strange articles on unusual topics. Why do I want to share my thoughts? Because investing isn't rocket science but in some sense is an art, there is space for discussions and critical thinking. It's free and I don't monetize anything, I only hope it could be useful and maybe I spot some logical errors in my thinking thanks to your comments and critics. Last article https://dscompounding.wordpress.com/2021/09/08/16-balance-sheet-analysis/
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