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  1. Of all the people I dont personally know, no one influenced my life in such a dramatic and positive way. The jury is still out, but in 20 or 30 years I can begin to fully appreciate HOW MUCH impact he had. It is such a tragedy that I was not able to learn even more from him. Would be so fascinating to have his takes on all that will come in the next years and decades.
  2. Parsad, I may appear too harsh sometimes, especially when it is about scientific topics. The reason is my innate passion, but I have huge respect for your and your work here ^^. 1) We now little about the brain, yes. But a lot about psychometry. That is the difference. We know the end results, but not much about HOW the process is that leads to it. 2) I understand giving you 800+ pages is too much. So if you are interested in a first glimpse: https://infoproc.blogspot.com/2016/01/smpy-at-50-research-associate-position.html Everything about IQ from Prof Steve Hsu is brilliant on his blog. In short, IQ is HUGELY HUGELY predictive. The difference between top 99%, 99,9% and 99,99% is significant. And the world's best are extremely often 150+ in a lot of fields. IQ is in fact one of the best predictors of success in Math, Physics etc. 3) "But I've never felt particularly smart or intelligent" And a lot of people have an IQ of 90 and feel like geniuses who know everything. How you personally feel is uncorrelated to how high your IQ is. I bet Terence Tao does not consider himself a genius. But that is meaningless since he is. I don't know what test you did. But to be very sure, I personally would just trust the Stanford Binet or WAIS done after 20 years of age. Everything else could be imprecise IMHO. I think to be an incredible genius of unlimited ability who is hardly ever matched, which you describe with "I've seen people from all walks of life at times do extraordinary things that certainly made me feel ordinary" you would need >160 on the SB V or WAIS. That means completely maxxing out every subcategory of the test. Someone like Terence Tao or Ed Witten or John von Neuman could do that very easily. But this kind of calibre is rare.
  3. Not really, Intelligence is by definition general. There is the g-model which states that there is a general factor and NOT very limited, specific subcategories. For further information, I recommend The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence by Sternberg. As stated before, this is an actual science over 100 years old with all the data and information you need. All the points you make have already been made in the past and addressed in the book and way more. All the best
  4. It is actually quite obvious and easy to decide. Be it Bill Gates, Warren himself, Mohnish Pabrai, whoever knows them well. They will all say Warren is wickedly smart but Charlie is smarter. He is a true, well-rounded genius. His breadth of knowledge, his originality of thought, he provides so much more than business knowledge which Warren delivered. Nonetheless, this will take nothing away from Warren. Isaac Newton is even smarter than Charlie.
  5. Wow, amazing! THanks a lot. :)
  6. Can you guys explain what Michael J Saylor means here with the incorrectness of the CPI in more detail? I don't really buy the idea that you have to discount every cashflow by 15 or 20 percent. Maybe I don't understand it, but I don't think a lot of big moat businesses face inflationary risk. Also, I don't think the real inflation is 20%. What about real estate or commodity business that are irreplaceable? I don't get this premise at all. Does he really think we all get 20% poorer each year in real terms buying power? Please enlighten me guys :D
  7. I would love to get them! Already bought the books :-). Would even pay for the letters, honestly. But don't take advantage of me :-D
  8. wow, is that amazing! You literally made my evening, thanks a lot :-)
  9. I'm happy that a lot of smart guys here call out the bullshit of "great investor" if you underperform the index for decades. He may be a great entrepreneur, but not a great investor. It is just astonishing to me that, as some pointed out, most rich people with 50 or 100m did NOT compound that at even below market returns over decades. Problem for me will only be to reach the first 50m, after that I have no doubt I can do better than index returns ;D
  10. I'm also looking everywhere, hard to find. Does Li Lu even write letters or why does no one talk about them ? I mean he is definitely not a no name haha.
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