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  1. Hmm, just looked at the methodology that was used. China has a digital lost and found process. I wouldn’t be surprised if the system just detected that something was wrong with those wallets and that therefore the „owners“ were not contacted.
  2. Guys, if possible please let me know before you pull another 400%-Jim-Rogers move on the Austrian stock market, so I can place my orders accordingly. ;)
  3. I would say people are just wired in different ways. I also don't buy every stock just because it's cheap, I need to feel comfortable with the investment and be able to sleep well. For example I usually have a problem with large caps, because there is just lots of news around them and I like it quiet, so probably I miss a lot of good opportunities because of that. In any case this is a long term game so going out of your comfort zone is almost always a bad idea.
  4. Polytec is a boring small cap, the stock did nothing between 2012 and mid 2016 (except for paying approximately 5 percent dividend every year). In 2014 they made one of their bigger acquisitions and it started to show in their numbers towards the end of 2016, which is when the stock price started going up. Then in 2017 they released better than expected numbers and there were some reports that they will profit a lot from the switch to electric vehicles, which attracted many new investors, and the stock doubled within 2017. At least that’s my explanation, but you could also say Mr Market was in a good mood in 2017. In 2018 their numbers were weaker, mainly because of delayed projects (mostly WLTP related and due to issues with a non-automotive contract). Both issues should be temporary and their earnings should normalize again, also I hope they can do another cheap acquisition soon. So I think the 50% drop in their share price is overdone and the stock should recover to at least 15 Euros quite soon. Regarding the cycle: I don’t know, and I think nobody really knows.
  5. The reason why I don’t own more Austrian companies is quite simple, Austria is a small country (8 million inhabitants) and there are not that many listed companies, so small universe. In terms of shareholder culture I would say it’s similar to Germany. Also in some listed companies the state still holds a stake. People in Austria are not very interested in the stock market, most people like real estate, cash and gold (probably also because of our history - with the two world wars we don’t have a long term stock market performance to look back on like the US). Regarding Polytec: they develop and supply plastic parts to the auto industry (for engines, interior, etc.), they should do well even with the shift to shift to EV as more lightweight parts will be required. So unless you think cars won’t be built in Germany any more they will do ok. They are good capital allocators imho, doing an acquisition every few years. Regarding Andritz: yeah good company, I have worked for them some years ago, CEO owns a third or so. But too complicated for me as they have five divisions, so difficult to analyze.
  6. I‘m from Vienna, there is not much coverage of Austrian stocks and the few magazines and blogs that exist are in german. However most companies issue financial reports in english as well. The market is pretty cheap here at the moment, but keep in mind that it contains lots of cyclical stocks. The only Austrian stock in my portfolio is Polytec Holding AG, I have held it for many years and the stock got crushed last year so I added, trading at a very low PE and owner operated.
  7. No further details in the book unfortunately (nor anywhere else on the internet).
  8. Or just buy this one: https://www.amazon.com/Remington-MB-200-Titanium-Mustache-Trimmer/dp/B0009OMU0A It worked more than 5 years for me, then I had to buy a new one. Brings down your costs for shaving to around 5$ per year. :)
  9. Highly recommended. I started reading it yesterday and am already half way through. The amount of hubris is mindblowing, they were thinking they could circumvent the FDA. I mean it‘s a blood testing device, of course the FDA has to approve it. A criminal gang of sociopaths who sold the dream of the next unicorn to investors who did know nothing about biotech. What worries me is that John Elkann (Exor / Fiat Chrysler) apparently also invested. Makes me wonder if he will really outperform the market long term or if he is just good at painting a nice halo effect by copying some Berkshire phrases into his annual reports. www.wsj.com/amp/articles/theranos-saw-huge-growth-in-revenue-and-profits-1480981872
  10. He probably sees better opportunities in his Indian stocks, which unfortunately don't get reported in the 13F.
  11. Current 13F is out, he sold some Alphabet and AerCap. http://www.dataroma.com/m/holdings.php?m=PI
  12. I still listen to most of their episodes, they do pretty good book summaries. In terms of investment ideas I would recommend to look elsewhere although I think they give solid advice most of the time. Do they outperform the market? Maybe not.
  13. +4
  14. Very good point. I changed my opinion about the mid term prospects of the crypto market after going to a few blockchain meetups. Just lots of irrational behavior and reasoning out there. There are so many parallels to the dotcom bubble, watched this today and had a deja-vu.
  15. Read from around page 12 onwards. The inference is only buy in a collapse, only buy Bitcoin, and it'll be your kids who collect https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/john-pfeffer/An+Investor%27s+Take+on+Cryptoassets+v6.pdf SD interesting paper, but here's a slight critique which i'd agree with https://medium.com/@elliotolds/thought-provoking-paper-but-it-seems-to-be-using-the-equation-of-exchange-incorrectly-25f3148b85ea " Suppose through a brilliant PR campaign I convince people to use this ledger and engage in $1,000,000,000 worth of transactions in a year, despite its low security. Suppose also that V=5. What is the token value for my ledger? My model says $2,000,000 per coin, yours says $2,000. Let’s assume your calculation is right. How could it be possible for a token with value $2,000 and velocity 5 to support a billion dollars worth of transactions in a year?" I think he misses the point.The paper doesn't say that the price must always be exactly what the formular says. But the VALUE of the network is what the formular calculates. Of course the market cap of a given crypto currency can fluctuate, but the intrinsic value will stay the same.
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