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Everything posted by Vizi1

  1. I found this interesting.... -Fairfax could easily double underwriting volumes in the face of hard market, boosting earnings and investment float
  2. Al, I think the values are the market value of the investment at December 31. Look at the BRK.A - 4 shares at December 31 close of 99,200 is 396,800. Didn't do others, but that's enough for me to say its market value at time of report.
  3. Anyone wonder what the BRK AMG attendance numbers will be like once they do the 50-1 split on the B shares? Omaha will be a madhouse that weekend....
  4. Glad to see you back among the living...
  5. Here is the complete FT article mentioned above http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ed834a0e-a470-11de-92d4-00144feabdc0.html
  6. Looks like Michael Lee Chin has accepted the inevitable.... http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/funds-and-etfs/funds/michael-lee-chins-bittersweet-day/article1249425/
  7. I am also happy with the investment style, but the underwriting leaves something to be desired. We normally get the "if it wasn't for this or that, our combined ratio and underwriting would have been better" story, but the underwriting discipline should anticipate things like Ike, Gustav, et al. Were there any questions about how FFH is planning to bring better performance to their underwriting?
  8. My favourite line was " I want the Cramer on CNBC to protect me from that Cramer" - Brilliant....
  9. If it goes on unchecked, as it has been, it should take inflation through the roof.... Just a matter of time.
  10. So with FFH down 25% in 4 trading days, at which point do you, as an individual, start getting back into FFH? I am nearing my purchasing point.
  11. If you are in Toronto, the Foran Financial prep courses were very beneficial to me. More than the Schweser notes were.
  12. I think that just like the market was out of hand on the upside, we are seeing the same type of reactions to the downside. The market may be finally starting to realize the true debacle that the market has been for the past several years. We are seeing the truest distinction between investors and speculators IMO. I have found it difficult to hold onto the cash I had set aside for this kind of drop, but now I am kind of glad that I did.
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