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Everything posted by DooDiligence

  1. Letterman / Colbert in 2020 "What have you got to lose?"
  2. I have to say, i disagree. I thought he was completely off his game. He appeared nervous. Hillary seemed composed. I agree with you that she remained composed. I also agree that he was off his game since he didn't present any new attacks (same old same old...) I'm trying not to assume she's doing better simply because I want her to do better (trying to see him as someone who's not decided.) I want to see him rattled & frothing so he makes a further fool of himself (I believe that's key to swinging undecidedes...)
  3. IMHO Hillary should have had one objective tonight & that's to get under Trumps skin until the spit started flying (which she did well in the 1st debate.) She was either not schooled well for this debate or she just didn't execute...
  4. How on Earth did this guy get this far? If this @55clown gets elected can I come & stay with you Parsad?
  5. I think If he did a Howard Dean scream we'd see supporters at rally's foaming at the mouth. The GOP should just license the Trump name & eject him from operations...
  6. DTE - it sounds like your associate has not learned how to enjoy the fruits of his frugality. Does he have any redeeming qualities which would make it worth the effort to guide him or is he just basically an intolerable dewsh? "Success is having what you want; happiness is wanting what you have" I have no idea who said that 1st but I say it constantly...
  7. UCC - I bought an Epi ES-339 because it sounds & plays great & I just couldn't warrant another $1500 just to get Gibson on the headstock. I still have an irrational desire for an all wood Martin! (does all this make me crazy...?)
  8. Sorry Ballin - you're right...
  9. Master Po: [after easily defeating the boy in combat] Ha, ha, never assume because a man has no eyes he cannot see. Close your eyes. What do you hear? Young Caine: I hear the water, I hear the birds. Master Po: Do you hear your own heartbeat? Young Caine: No. Master Po: Do you hear the grasshopper that is at your feet? Young Caine: [looking down and seeing the insect] Old man, how is it that you hear these things? Master Po: Young man, how is it that you do not? (What would happen if Michael Burry & Master Po opened up a shop?)
  10. Hello to all! I've been reading you guys for nearly 3 years & just recently ponied up for official membership (not cheap, just frugal...) I'm probably not what most of you would consider a value guy in that I don't search out companies like the ones which are predominantly discussed here. I have; however, learned a lot from all of you about how to look at the types of companies which do interest me. I was struck by the comments in this thread on frugality & contentment & feel like these qualities allow us to make better investment decisions. Much thanks to the Zen Masters Liberty, TwoCitiesCapital & rukawa (I'd try to snatch the pebble from your hand but then I'd have to pick up that boiling hot cauldron & burn dragons into my forearms...)
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