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Everything posted by DooDiligence

  1. UCC - I bought an Epi ES-339 because it sounds & plays great & I just couldn't warrant another $1500 just to get Gibson on the headstock. I still have an irrational desire for an all wood Martin! (does all this make me crazy...?)
  2. Sorry Ballin - you're right...
  3. Master Po: [after easily defeating the boy in combat] Ha, ha, never assume because a man has no eyes he cannot see. Close your eyes. What do you hear? Young Caine: I hear the water, I hear the birds. Master Po: Do you hear your own heartbeat? Young Caine: No. Master Po: Do you hear the grasshopper that is at your feet? Young Caine: [looking down and seeing the insect] Old man, how is it that you hear these things? Master Po: Young man, how is it that you do not? (What would happen if Michael Burry & Master Po opened up a shop?)
  4. Hello to all! I've been reading you guys for nearly 3 years & just recently ponied up for official membership (not cheap, just frugal...) I'm probably not what most of you would consider a value guy in that I don't search out companies like the ones which are predominantly discussed here. I have; however, learned a lot from all of you about how to look at the types of companies which do interest me. I was struck by the comments in this thread on frugality & contentment & feel like these qualities allow us to make better investment decisions. Much thanks to the Zen Masters Liberty, TwoCitiesCapital & rukawa (I'd try to snatch the pebble from your hand but then I'd have to pick up that boiling hot cauldron & burn dragons into my forearms...)
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