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Everything posted by good-investing

  1. Hey, it is super interesting to see the new schedule of the AGM: How do you like the shorter version? I will be in Omaha again this year and am already looking forward to it. To make the trip easier and to share all events that happen around the AGM, I have created an updated guide again. Maybe this video will also help you: Who is planning to be in Omaha as well?
  2. You are welcome. Sadly, I can't change my account name here .
  3. Hey, Who will be around in Omaha? I am planning to go again! To support your travel, I made a helpful guide for everyone who wants to visit the Berkshire Meeting. It helps a ton with planning and FAQs. This video should also be fun to watch: Happy Berkshire Meeting 2024!
  4. The last post from the series on Berkshire. I have discussed the results of the meeting with Vitaliy Katsenelson and Steven Kiel:
  5. Greggory Warren just wrote a piece on that: https://www.morningstar.com/articles/981005/what-the-pandemic-means-for-berkshire-hathaway
  6. Maybe you also like this interview with Yefei Lu. Yefei has studied 20 investments of Berkshire Hathaway and written a book on them. We took a deeper dive on Coke and BNSF Railway
  7. I had the pleasure to publish an interveiw with Greggory Warren today: Greggory is one of the 6 questioniares at the Berkshire Hathaway Annual meeting. In the interview we were talking about culture and valuation at Berkshire. Beside the fact, that we did it in November 2019, it offers a lot of good insights.
  8. 05. November 2019 at the International Value Investing Conference
  9. Yes. The points there were very interesting. I will have also an interview with him, where he will give more insights :).
  10. Hello, I had the nice opportunity to film a lecture by Greggory Warren from Morningstar. He has been analyzing Berkshire for a long time and is also part of the panel of questioners at the Annual Meeting. That's why he knows how to ask Warren Buffett good questions and tells some of the behind-the-scenes stories about Warren and Charlie. Here you can find the video:
  11. Brokon: We don't have a podcast. Might be an option for the future, but currently I like video very much. Because it gives more information. You can just stream it on your tv. So, you are not distracted. John, thank you very much :D By the way, here is the next episode of the interview with Guy:
  12. Thank you! I also heard that on expert networks in the video with Cliff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ve-1KaMz0ZI. You might like that, too :).
  13. Cigarbutt, thank you very much for your kind words and good thoughts! Here is part two. Enjoy it:
  14. Maybe you can also find some good answers why and how to buy gold in our interview with Caesar Bryan:
  15. Thank you very much for the nice words, John! I am just editing part two and I think it is even better. Happy to release it soon :).
  16. I had the pleasure to do an interview with Guy Spier. I hope you enjoy it:
  17. Maybe this interview gives some insight on the question: Why buy gold?
  18. Hey guys, here are some ideas for investing in India from a guy, who did a lot of ground research. Enjoy!
  19. Hey guys, long time no post. We had a very interesting discussion with Emerging Markets expert Axel Krohne. He is really diving deep in unknown markets, likes Nigera, Laos or in Eastern Europe. Have a look here and here Best
  20. Hey there. You can find a lot of information on www.valuedach.com. We are happy to have foreign guests on our conferences and meetings. Furthermore, https://boersengefluester.de/ and https://www.antizyklisch-investieren.com/ are a good source for the German market.
  21. I try to collect interesting Value Investing Blogs in this overview https://www.valuedach.de/en/value-investing-germany/value-investing-media/value-investing-blogs/ and maybe you also like this overview of the latest posts from different regions: For the DACH region: https://www.valuedach.de/en/german-value-investing-blog/value-investing-blogroll/ For Europe: https://www.valuedach.de/en/german-value-investing-blog/value-investing-blog-europe-blogroll/ For North America: https://www.valuedach.de/en/german-value-investing-blog/value-investing-blog-north-america/ The lists and feeds are updated on a regular basis. The most attractive posts are weekly added to the Links of the week: https://www.valuedach.de/en/category/links-of-the-week/. If you like them, you can subscribe to the blog and receive all updates or add the RSS.
  22. Stuttgart and Berlin, Germany
  23. Hey there, during the last months we have collected a lot of knowledge on Value Investing in Europe and especially in the DACH region. Maybe that is also interesting for you Value Investing Funds Funds in Europe: https://www.valuedach.de/en/value-investing-germany/value-investing-strategy/value-investing-europe/ Funds in the DACH region: https://www.valuedach.de/en/value-investing-germany/value-investing-strategy/value-investing-funds/ Value Investing Events Conferences in DACH and Europe: https://www.valuedach.de/en/value-investing-germany/value-investing-event/value-investing-conferences/ Value Investing Calendar: https://www.valuedach.de/en/value-investing-germany/value-investing-event/value-investing-calendar/ Value Investing Blogs Blogs in Europe: https://www.valuedach.de/en/value-investing-germany/value-investing-media/value-investing-blogs/ Blogroll Europe: https://www.valuedach.de/en/german-value-investing-blog/value-investing-blog-europe-blogroll/ Blogroll DACH region: https://www.valuedach.de/en/german-value-investing-blog/value-investing-blogroll/ Links of the week Links of the week are a weekly series on interesting Value Investing content from DACH, Europe and the world: https://www.valuedach.de/en/category/links-of-the-week/. You can subscribe to it by subscribing to the blog. Looking for your replies, if you got, for instance, more ideas for interesting content or any other critique.
  24. Bought some MEI Pharma. Thesis is here: https://investing0711.com/2017/02/16/tremendous-potential-at-mei-pharma/ - there is also sth on VIC.
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