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Posts posted by valcont

  1. Seriously, how many people are there posting in these threads just following blindly whatever the Mainstream media is feeding to them?


    On taxes, Trump has obviously had major business trouble in the early 90's as many real estate developers. Don't you guys remember the S&L crisis and the real estate bust? He mentioned somewhere that on the way to a meeting with the banks in the early 90's that he walked past a homeless man and thought that this guy was $2 billion richer than he was. He was $2 billion in the hole!


    Then it is also not hard to imagine that Atlantic City and its casinos has lost a lot of its luster since the days of Boardwalk Empire with every State and County giving permits for casinos to build them everywhere. Vegas and Atlantic City used to have a "monopoly".


    So here I am supposed to believe that the guy is a crook because he deducted a massive loss in 1995 due to obvious business losses. Then I am supposed to believe that he never paid taxes after that while the data has never been disclosed. Then I am supposed to believe that his business is just a house of cards while it has been standing for many years (decades) with some obviously high end buildings with high occupancy.


    Look guys, you may want to listen to whatever leftist outlet there is but, if you are a bank and are lending money to Trump, you see the financial statements. So he has to be money good, if not the plug would have been pulled a long time ago especially when a guy lives a lavish lifestyle which attracts doubt and attention.


    On contractors being stiffed, you don't stay in business very long if you keep screwing people around you. You also don't stay in business very long if you don't keep a close eye on all these contractors. Maybe that he is demanding and maybe that he does not allow for delays but, there is no way that someone stays in business for years (decades) not paying due bills to anyone. No way!


    So you may argue that being in the casino business in Atlantic City post 90's was dumb or a lack of foresight. You may say that he took a lot of debt and risk developing real estate. You may also argue that Trump is very tough with his contractors to the point of being an ... That would be fair criticism.


    Beyond that, please stick with facts as you would with investments being discussed on this site. Some of you may also want to get out there and see what is really happening in the real business world and you will find out that business is a lot tougher and rougher than you think. Reading statements of public companies and seeing how business is truly done is night and day.




    And apparently Hillary used the exact same method to avoid taxes (not that there's anything wrong with doing so): http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-02/clinton-campaign-admits-hillary-used-same-tax-avoidance-scheme-trump


    Oh what a breaking news!! I wonder who mailed Hillary's return to this basement dweller ? Wait that's Hillary herself , she released all of her returns so everyone can check. And last time I checked her tax rate was 34% not 0%.


    On the other hand , the scam artist who claims to be the best businessman managed to run a billion dollar loss 20 years ago. He over leveraged,overpaid and under estimated the risks. How do we know he is not underwater now? Maybe he reported $5B loss last year but we will never know because there are no disclosures. And don't give me a spiel how successful he is now. A successful billionaire shouldn't have time to appear on a reality show for 14 seasons, shouldn't be opening scams like Trump university, foundation, steaks. I believe Cuban when he says he is close to bankruptcy and is desperate.


    How many of you guys invest in a company without looking at the income statement?

  2. Wow some of you are quite concentrated. I wonder how many of those folks have a larger portfolio? Say more than a million bucks. No worries if you guys don't want to share. A decade ago , I would take quite a bit of concentrated positions but my portfolio was only $50K so it wasn't much of a risk. Now I dare not go over 10% even though I know it'll be a perfect Kelly's bet. I had turned into a complete wuss.


    Totally agree.

    Most Asian Americans like me support Trump because we think Hillary and Obama and their left wings are the racists.

    We are outraged by the AB1726 bill passed in California, which explicitly discriminates Asian Americans.


    Another example is the Supreme court's ruling on  Fisher v. University of Texas, which says the school can deny admission merely based on race.



    These are typical examples of how Obama administration emphasizes race and encourages conflicts between races.

    We cannot let these racists continue to run the country for 8 more years!



    Usually Asian Americans don't care much about politics and usually don't bother to go to vote. But this year most of the Asian Americans are motivated to go and vote for Trump. We are furious about what has happened.


    Here you go buddy. Some interesting research from a quality source. Your fellow Asian Americans knows better:



  4. "He's a great divider and that's terribly dangerous."


    Obama is the greatest divider of all and had the opportunity to really bridge the gap in America. Why did you re-elect him in 2012?


    He is doing nothing but, highlighting differences due to color and race instead of helping people get over this.


    Trump on the other hand is a uniter. He is going to go after a very tiny percentage (terrorists, criminals) of the population to make the lives of all other better.




    Off course Obama is a greatest divider. Why didn't he fess up to being a closeted muslim who hates US and make peace with the racists scumbags of the republican party. And why didn't he control the debt and get the economy  going a year after the great depression in 2008. That would make the tea baggers happy. And he dare not let the government control the medicare because these tea baggers, who rather than working and being productive, are on the dole and expect everyone to fund them. And off course he is not born here. That fake certificate would not fool the xenophobes. If he just understood his place and not be an uppity black , things would have been so great in this country.


    Keep dreaming, this country has left this trash behind and no matter what they do they will not get this country back. Trump is their last hope and these cockroaches will go away once he loses.

  5. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/2016/09/30/donald-trump-tweet-storm-miss-universe-hillary-clinton/91314446/


    Talk about strategy and focus. A presidential candidate of a major party is in a twitter fight with a model from Venezuela. This is hilarious!! I thought that the W. was their lowest moment but this party is a bottomless pit of the stupids.


  6. Win or lose Trump still has the better life than Buffett.

    He comes home to a supermodel wife, lives in a better city with a better view from his penthouse, doesn't need to justify to shareholders the use of a private plane or helicopter, homes & golf courses around the world, children are high-achievers, goes down in history as an elected nominee for a major political party, etc...

    Whether you like it or not he is a success story.


    Potential Trump University student.

  7. Gotta have an apple to apple comparison. How about Trump vs let's say  a monkey. In that case I will quote the greatest investor.


    “In 1995, when he offered this company, if a monkey had thrown a dart at the stock page, the monkey on average would have made 150 percent,” Buffett said. “But the people that believed in him, that listened to his siren song, came away losing well over 90 cents on the dollar. ... I’ve really never known another businessman that brags about his bankruptcies. To tell you the truth, why not? I mean, it’s his claim to stardom. I don’t know anybody else that’s had six bankruptcies, but there he is.”

  8. The support for Trump is more nuanced than the broad brush he is being painted in the media. There is definitely a racist, xenophobic element in it but if I have to sum up the support in couple words it'll be "F*U Establishment" .


    Look at the issues here. Immigration is so out of control that it is considered a right not a privilege anymore. A corporate tool driven by greed and corruption and sold to the public as unavoidable. We don't need pre 1965 immigration policy but we definitely can do better than the mess we are in. And it doesn't help that any call to reform is branded as xenophobic.


    And why does a US taxpayer has to protect the Europeans and Japanese so they can take 2-3 months of vacation in peace and quiet. If Germany needs our soldiers they better pay us. Would you buy your friends free lunch every time?


    There is a lot of grey in his support but I suspect no matter who wins it'll be a one time term if the opposing side presents even a slightly better candidate

    than what we have now.


    I posted that few months ago. I agreed with his stand on Immigration and some aspects of foreign policy. We dole out 50 thousand green cards per year to anyone who wins a lottery!! What kind

    of stupid lame ass policy is that? How does it help our nation. Problem with Trump was that instead of channeling that frustration he chose to channel hatred and bigotry to attract the most

    unappealing demographic. I can't be part of that.

  9. As an independent who dislikes both proportionately, this seems like a pretty level-headed analysis of the debate with the exception of his comments about her looking unhealthy. I didn't see that, but he was also on that train long before her coughing fits and unconscious episodes so maybe he really does see more than I do in that regard. At least enough for me to not write him off as crazy for suggesting it.



    Do you really believe the analysis is level headed?? He claims Trump looks presidential and not scary.I am sure blacks and hispanics must be celebrating that he has "allowed" them in his golf club. And his coherent ,well laid out foreign policy must be scaring the hell out of ISIS , Russia and Korea. And his stamina..Oh boy he had so much of it that its coming out of his nostrils every fews seconds. And the manners take the cake.The guy simply looked like a nervous wreck and this was way out of his league.


    And how about Scott's analysis of Hillary's health? Apparently the hypnotist and the master persuader can tell that Hillary is not well by looking at her eyes. This guy has a great future in telemedicine. And this expert diagnosis is confirmed by his know nothing,20 something pin up neighbor Kristina!!

    I seriously think he needs a psychologist more than Men's rights association visits. The guy has turned into a complete wacko. No wonder that the wife wisely left him and now the world has to put up with his idiocy.





  10. http://blog.dilbert.com/post/151007796236/i-score-the-first-debate


    This cartoon guy is a good example. Granted that his divorce  completely screwed him up  two years ago but you have to be a nut job prior to that to be so oblivious. Look how in his world, Trump has done so well last night that he is on his way to win the election. A fact free analysis. And he is the learned one among them.

  11. That's why its so hard for Republicans to contest in a general election. Its easier to convince an electorate that believes in miracles, facts free voodoo economics and blames everyone else for their plight. But in a general election the facts ,preparation and experience matters. You can't get away with saying things like "I am so proud of myself that my golf club is open to the minorities" , rambling about your 8 yr old son's hacker skills or "I am so smart that I pay zero income taxes".  He was a nervous wreck. No wonder he was sniffling, drinking water, interrupting constantly. Oh wait that was a defective microphone set up by the lefties.

  12. Oh my God, what an epic takedown!!


    At one point, I was feeling sorry for the Trump fans. They really thought he was going to do well. He acted like a petulant child seeking attention, rambling on and she controlled him like a puppet.This is what happens when a faker faces an experienced pro. My favorite moment was when he was haggling her for taking time off to prepare for the debate:


    "Yes Donald I prepared for the debate. I also prepared for the Presidency"





  13. Berkowitz is fighting a losing battle. The whole business model of GSE's is flawed. Without an implicit(now explicit) guarantee from the government this company is toast. This is merely a stamping machine backed by the taxpayers money with a zero value add. No wonder these lawsuits are being thrown out of the court. The stock and preferred should go to zero, the correct valuation of this worthless garbage.


    They said the exact same about the National Enquirer for 3 months when they wrote stories about primary poll-leading John Edwards's extra-marital affair & love child.  Who ended up being right there?


    It's best to read it all and make your own decisions.


    A broken clock is right twice a day. If they keep peddling these conspiracy theories , I'm sure some will ultimately stick. I hope you apply these principles in investing too. Just because you picked

    a winning stock doesn't make you a great investor . In the long run your process will determine the results.



  15. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/15/us/politics/hillary-clinton-health-donald-trump.html


    Oh oh the pneumonia was not contagious. So all the crocodile tears shed for that little young girl had gone to waste. Poor Fox news , can't get a lie to stick anymore.


    So what kind of  pneumonia allows someone to fully recover 90 minutes after a collapse?  This medical expert believes it's hogwash and the facts support her having Parkinsons.  If true, I think we can all agree she is disqualified.  Will she admit it?  Not on a chance.  It's got to be painful to be a democrat and watch this train wreck.




    Zero hedge!! And the article written by Tyler Durden!! Is that your credible source? I know someone who is unemployed,lives in his Mom's basement and can write better than this dude.


  16. Muscleman - take a break from Fox News and Infowars pls.


    As I said a couple times above, I am talking about Sharyl Akitson's book, not Fox news or Infowars. She is an award winning reporter.


    Sharyl Akitson was fired from the CBS because instead of being an impartial journalist, she was driven by the far right agenda. Perfect fit for Fox news but then Ailes had a special process to recruit

    females that she might have issues with ;)


    Remember Lara Logan from 60 minutes. She did an 'investigative' scoop on Benghazi and got all the conservatives really excited. Well it turned out the whole story was fake. The key witness lied but

    instead of validating that she went with it. She still works over there with zero credibility.


    My point is that people have their own agendas. The facts cannot be covered up and multiple sources should confirm them. And the fact is that nothing has come out of Benghazi investigation so far.

  17. That's cute, but I was being serious. Was there ever a president that won a write in? A candidate that won a state a write in? I know the answers to these. My question was more about the mentality behind it. Is there some purpose or just some juvenile tantrum in the candy isle?


    I remember Lisa Murkowski losing the primary but went on become a senator by contesting as a "write in" candidate. To me that is a successful challenge to the established practice of primaries, which may not be the best practice (mainly a "too left" or "too right" candidate winning the primary and quickly becoming unacceptable for a general electorate).




    Viable strategy when the state's population is 50 people.

  18. Ok, I think that you are getting it. However, such argument is bogus:


    "I am afraid he will drag us into a nuclear war."


    What is it to say that Clinton is less dangerous? When she gets provoked on almost anything see her reaction. Check her face.


    And when Bengazi happened, she would not even answer the phone at night. What if the Russians launch a surprise attack?


    Then you have Johnson who is so much on pot that he does not even know what is Aleppo. And these are the top 3 candidates... What is a primary for?




    "I am afraid he will drag us into a nuclear war."


    Trump doesn't know how to de-escalate a conflict, no matter the urgency or the sensitivity of the matter. He gets into a rage and then nothing can stop him. Look how he had mocked a disabled reporter , family of a gold star soldier, McCain ,Ryan.He handles criticism by issuing threats,escalation and vendetta. Imagine the power he will have when he is the President. I don't think a 70 yr old can change.


    Hate to defend Hillary but she is a known commodity. No matter what you guys think, nothing has come out of Benghazi.




  19. "Just came out and trending. This is a major scandal exposing his connections with criminals and enemies. No wonder he doesn't release his tax returns that would clearly shows payouts."


    "Just came out and trending. This is a major scandal exposing her connections with criminals and enemies. No wonder she doesn't release her e-mails that would clearly shows payouts."


    Do you get it now? Don't you realize that both candidates are bad? What else is it going to take?




    You are absolutely correct. As I have said before, I would have gladly voted for Rubio, Kasich ,Bush against Clinton. I hate this dynastic appeal , her sense of entitlement and a complete disregard for the rules that all of us have to play by. That's why my vote will be a split one because anytime one party takes over, the end result is bad (Obamacare,Iraq war).


    I simply despise Trump.  Clinton is your run of the mill corrupt politician that I can size up  but Trump is a dangerous wildcard with an inflated ego and is gullible with a thin skin. I am afraid he will drag us into a nuclear war. He is extremely cynical and plays to people's worst fears to get what he wants. This extreme narcissism would not be good for our country. Imagine the damage it can do to our society if the mainstream politicians embrace this strategy of division and hate against each other.


    I have no problems voting against Hillary in the next election, just not this time.


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