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Posts posted by valcont

  1. Polls were not rigged. There was such negative press and comments from people such as yourself that people didn't want to be associated with Trump.


    So do you believe that they all answered that they would vote for Trump when asked?




    Oh I see what you are saying. They don't have the strength of the character to say what they believe in. Too ashamed to admit.

  2. So, do we all still think Scott Adams is just a lucky wacko? Or did he call the election correctly before any of the professional forecasters?


    Scott Adams nailed it.  He also completely changed how I view the world.  Big learning experience for me.


    Gotta give him the credit. He nailed it and no doubt about that. In future his word will matter a lot.I have also started to believe that we are in a simulation that went horribly bad.


    I have no problems in admitting when I'm wrong. Heck I was wrong about my state. All of us looked at the polls and assumed he will lose. But since ALL of these polls were wrong, I am inclined to believe the Trump's argument that they are rigged.




  3. My apologies to Mohnish, as I did not see his previous email announcing his annual Lunch auction!  It closed today for $14,100.


    His conference call auctions are still on:




    All proceeds go to his charitable non-profit Dakshana. 




    wow Is there anything about Buffet he wouldn't clone?? I see a lot of prostate exams in his future.


    Sorry Prasad, had to get it out. I have started drinking early ;)

  4. When Hillary uses the game plan of her great uncle Friedrich Weimar and brings us the inflation of Weimar's Germany, we'll just see how great you think the government is. At that point it will be too late to fix the problem.


    Who the hell is Friedrich Weimar? Is this some kind of fan fiction that I'm not privy to.


    whereas if Donald wins today he can use his unparalleled experience in dealing with debt defaults and bankruptcies to navigate our way through America's imminent sovereign debt default.


    Spot on there. If there is anything this man knows, it is to leverage, blow up and then bankrupt his investors. I mean the guy lost money owning a Casino.

    Hillary Clinton knows how to make money, her net worth was zero in 2000 and now its in hundreds of millions. And she did it without getting prosecuted.

    I just can't believe that we are so lucky that this kind soul agreed to rule over us and to help us get out of the mess that Bush got us in.

  5. To me, it shows the true power ideology combined with Fox's 25 year propaganda campaign, repeating the same message every day for decades. It's pretty amazing, really.


    What I am surprised is how little it would take to move the needle to the other side. Imagine if we just had another meltdown similar to 2008. I can guarantee that Trump would have won handily no matter how racist,misogynist, dangerous tyrant he would sound. How are we any different than the authoritarian countries that we lecture every day about the wonders of democracy and open society ? They just happen to have shitty economy and bad neighbors.Doesn't make China look so bad does it when they clamp down on the free media? How about Venezuela or Iran who blame their neighbors for their problems? Or Russia who employs the draconian measure to save the republic? Or Israel who we lecture how to treat the muslims.



  6. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/report-melania-trump-worked-in-us-without-proper-permit/2016/11/05/3ddc5a8a-a302-11e6-a44d-cc2898cfab06_story.html


    It can't get any better than this. Look at the republican base, you have evangelicals who preaches family values and are voting for an adulterer and an extremely unethical candidate. You have deplorables who don't like illegals but the candidate's wife was an illegal immigrant in this country. Bunch of pathetic hypocrites. Hilarious.

  7. Up here we're also beginning to clue into the fact that our neighbor and partner to the south, a nuclear armed superpower, is starting to resemble something of a failed state and that is horrifying!


    It might look that way when you read it in the media but I don't sense any of that on the ground unless I'm living in my own little bubble. Ultimately the demographic trends , money and power are on the correct side. Look at the red states and they are usually poor, backward and struggling. Not all blue states are heaven but most of the money and power is concentrated in those. If that changes then we are screwed.


    Not sure if you guys know this in Canada but Fox news is not considered a legitimate news outlet here. Its more of an entertainment channel featuring  blondes who passes Ailes 'sniff' test. They pride themselves on high ratings but since they are the only ones who peddles these crackpot theories , this is the channel of choice for deplorables. I can't wait for Trump to launch his own. That'll be the race to the bottom.

  9. Seriously, what's with these long lines? If you have long lines, why not add more polls?


    It's a perception thing.  There are long lines, because everyone is voting.  The last thing they want is the perception that I went to vote and almost no one was there.


    Sort of like a night club huh. I don't know. I might have hit the lunch crowd. But tomorrow is the last day to vote as an absentee ballot here. I'm sure lot of people are realizing that there will be even longer lines on the election day so coming out early.

  10. Just cast my vote if it matters for anything although Wisconsin is still a swing state. The line was long and there were a lot more women than men. I was really tempted to ask few women if they are Trump or Hillary fan but the passions are running so high in this election , I thought I would get beat up if I was incorrect.


    The person at the polling center told me that they decided to extend the hours from 4:30 to 7:30PM due to the crowds.

  11. It is simply a system setup with improper incentives leading to crazy outcomes.  You are dealing with a system where the people who make the mistakes are not the ones who suffer the consequences.  And these people are chosen by a method where your vote counts so little that it doesn't make much sense to spend real time and effort to educate yourself.  You have a better chance of winning powerball then you do casting the deciding vote in this election. If you spent a lot of time on how you are going to vote, was that really an intelligent use of your limited time on this planet?  They say the lottery is a tax on those who are bad at math. An election is a way to give those bad at math a false illusion of control.  The perverse incentives are everywhere, at every level, in every step of the process, from the government policing itself to printing its own money, to the lack of oversight, you name it.  You could never run a successful company this way: Start by letting the public vote on your management (everyone gets 1 vote whether they are customers or shareholders or not)...


    People aren't completely irrational, but they do respond to incentives (both good and bad).


    I am becoming a fan of your thought process even though you post some crazy sh**t from time to time. Just the other day, me and the wife were discussing if people should go through a test before voting and weather their test results should determine how much their vote would count. Would that be a fair system? Probably not because it will disenfranchise some segment of population. Would that be better for the country? The closest thing to that system is China( Believe it or not, their  politburo is extremely meritorious) and the jury is out if its working or not.

  12. Seriously though.  I have noticed a huge lack of yard signs and bumper stickers in general compared to past presidential election years.  It seems that there are very few people willing to signal their voting intentions out on their cars or lawns.  And the few I do see are about 5 times more likely to be Trump than Hillary.

    Although I have seen a few signs which aren't supportive of either candidate such as : "Hillary for Prison".


    I don't know what this all means other than it is a very odd election.  I still think Hillary will probably win.


    Yes, this election is clearly separated along the class lines. Right where I live, there are all Clinton signs. I saw one sign for a local republican senator but not Trump's. But this is a progressive upscale community. Last week we drove through some white working class neighborhoods and its all Trump country. People are really afraid to cross the political boundary of their neighborhoods this time.

  13. What this means is that a good percentage of the women were younger...in their 20's and 30's.  Some of them were fit & trim, well dressed.  A lot of them looked "prosperous".  Some of them looked like "preppies", some were professional looking.


    Some of them were older...grandmotherly types.


    Some of them looked bedraggled...but in general it was a "normal" group of people.


    A lot of times, political activists look like "hippies" and look like they've "been sleeping in a ditch", or they simply look "rough".  Probably not the type of people that board members would want to associate with.  Other times, political activists look like "rent a mob" type people.  There are many, many stories of unions and other political protestor groups going to the local "labor ready" day laborer offices and renting people to demonstrate.  These are "fakes".


    I very much doubt that was the case in what I witnessed.  I believe that the women & others I saw yesterday were GENUINE Trump supporters and were GENUINELY enthusiastic to be there...


    I have seen NO Hillary demonstrations like this...


    Oh well this election is over. Some dude in Detroit saw a rally of women, Gave them a grade on looks and class scale and is convinced Trump's crowd is high energy.


    While you are over there in Detroit, do you mind visiting the car companies and let us know how do they look energywise ?




    Say what you will but this is what I like about Trump. Most politicians would have coughed up the money because 1) Its not theirs 2) They don't want a bad publicity. Not Donald. He saw the charge he didn't like and now this guy has to explain. Very powerful message and these idiots at WaPo think they landed a scoop.

  15. Bottom line is simple: don't become like us or even worst, Europe! While there are positive elements about every location, the U.S. is what it is mainly because of entrepreneurship and a desire to achieve dreams. This cannot be achieved in a country where the government controls every aspect of our lives. Just look at what China has achieved since it did "release" its people. Of course, some things could and should be improved but, a run to the left is a recipe for disaster in the long run. Any student of history should know that.



    Speaking as an (economically) very right wing European: some ideas of the left are very useful.  For example, antitrust is a fairly left wing idea but it brings out the best of capitalism imho.  And heresy of all heresies: I think socialised medicine might be better than the current US system because it is apparently more efficient (cost/outcome).  Capitalism only improves lives to the extent that it is inventive and competitive and efficient, and you do need some regulation to ensure that it is.  That said, I agree with the thrust of your point.  Whether any party in the US now genuinely stands for free markets, I am not so sure.


    I think both of you are mixing the US political system with the free market. Political parties here have always been split into a workers party and the party of the affluent. They like to think that their fiscal policy determines the direction of the market but in reality they are always catching up. This is unlike the other countries where the government have a lot of influence. I once asked a Chinese businessman about how to find opportunities to do business in China. He replied, start reading the government's five year plans. He said we don't read annual reports of companies, we read government policies. Europe to a less extent works the same way.


    Its completely different here. Think about the shale revolution, sharing economies like Uber, Air BnB etc. They disrupted large regulated businesses and now the government is catching up with them. Read the Rockefeller or Carnegie's biographies  and you'll find the same pattern when they disrupted oil and steel. Read the political news of those times and you'll find the same charges/counter charges. The only difference is that the voices are shriller which makes the division seems much starker than they actually are. I can guarantee you that this country will be ahead of everyone in the next decade , next 25 years. It takes generations to get the entrepreneurial culture in the DNA. I don't see a single country capable of that right now.

  16. For completeness on this.


    Went to healthcare.gov and entered in my family stats.  I make too much to get any subsidies, although interestingly enough they recommend that I enroll my kids in the state's medicare program.  Interesting way of shifting costs.


    Cheapest plan is $400/mo with a $14k out of pocket max.  So we're talking about $1500/mo for health care.  Maybe you get a few years where it's cheaper, but I'd expect to budget the full amount.


    It's crazy what things cost.  One of my sons had a camera put down his throat to examine some vocal nodules, cost was $14k, insurance picked up everything but about $1500.  The "original" cost was $60k that was knocked down to $14k due to insurance company discounts.  So one procedure like that which took about an hour and you've blown your deductible.


    I could rant on this for a while, but this is it for now.  Bottom line, it's extremely expensive to not be under employer health insurance in the US.  Some can do it, they're usually young, and hit the genetic lottery and perfectly healthy.  You can roll the dice and see where they land, but I've had a few encounters where if healthcare wasn't available a family member wouldn't be living right now.


    The costs are terrible.  I'm trying to psych myself up to pay $5k for a birth in early 2017.  I will probably not even look at the bill and blindly pay.  Looking at these bills is infuriating.  They stick an IV in you and suddenly there's a $200 drug in there you didn't know about.  Or the $37 Advil pills, or how the doctor and hospital double charge you for everything.  The hospital charges $200 for an xray because it took place in their building, then the doctor charges $200 for the xray because they actually did the xray.  Such a scam.  But there's nothing that can be done unfortunately.


    Our daughter was born this summer and we are still getting all the medical bills. I have stopped counting but the last estimate was $20K. And this was a natural birth. My wife's insurance paid the bulk of it but the charges makes me mad. $1000/per night for a hospital stay. I am sorry , I have stayed in $1000/night hotels and this ain't one. And separate charges for the same service from multiple LLCs. As a business owner I can see the scam they are pulling but this is a cartel now and its hard to get rid of it.


    That's why I thought single payer was a much better solution than the crap we had now. Everyone gets reasonable health care access. A specialized care may get worse but I think we will save on the unnecessary surgeries also. Also limit the patent duration and all these dirty tricks like mashup,alternate delivery and purification.


    Another scam is the drug industry/doctor cartel. Years ago I dated this girl who was a medical rep. She had zero idea about what she was selling but damn she looked really good. Her job was mainly to take these doctors out on dinner. All these married geeks would fawn over her and then the account rep would "drop by" and talk business. 


  17. So when Liberty links to an AP story he's posting garbage. But when other nut jobs are linking to infowars and other nonsense that's just fine with u.


    How about I post a link and an expert commentary on that. Here it goes:


    My favorite Trump supporter Scott Adams is losing it. Its a matter of time before he ends up in a mental asylum so I constantly keep a check on him.

    He has recently turned delusional and paranoid. He thinks Twitter is blocking his opinions and that is a treason because oh well he can impact the course of this election only if his message can be heard. Hmm who does that remind me of? 




  18. So McCain was worse than this, and you seem pretty confident with each election cycle that we're teetering on the edge of a nuclear apocalypse. It makes sense to me now why you're a such a devout libertarian, viewing government as nothing but a problem, if you assess the probabilities of the end of civilization this way.


    Have you ever considered that you're particular sensitive on this war issue, and might not be so good at estimating the odds of an apocalypse?  It sounds really stressful living in your head.


    This is not related to rkbabang's comment or to him/her. My wife and I get a kick out of watching these doomsday preppers show. Man these people are nutcases. At one time we thought about finding some just in case. But then we figured it would be so terrible to live among them that we abandoned our search.


    Our favorite was this couple who were storing bunch of frozen food in the basement refrigerator.

  19. I don't exactly have a large enough following to move the needle.  Considering what is going on with this election  (the press spreading Trump=Hitler fears, the hate a lot of people other than me have for Hillary, etc), me spreading doom and gloom is like a drop of water in an ocean.  Also, I do hope I'm wrong.


    Ever heard the phrase "Better to be roughly right than precisely wrong" . I suspect its the latter in your case.

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