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Everything posted by feynmanresearch

  1. http://seekingalpha.com/article/3625816-the-outlook-for-houston-wire-and-cable-company-is-much-brighter-than-implied-by-the-recent-stock-decline
  2. What's your short thesis on WPT?
  3. He mentions near the end of the book that he's a "wartime" CEO, so most of the lessons on the book relate to the difficult times that he had to go through. Now that he is a venture capitalist, perhaps he will come out with a new book that deals with "peacetime" CEO issues
  4. Just finished reading it.Pretty good book
  5. Let us know what you think if you read the book
  6. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1494348926?keywords=king%20icahn&qid=1450499186&ref_=sr_1_1&s=books&sr=1-1 Great book on Carl Icahn
  7. Great interviews
  8. How close to the book script was the movie?
  9. Just curious about whether you guys have still frequented Chipotle after the ecoli problem
  10. I was disappointed with the book.I thought it had too many platitudes and basically a lot of stuff that is common sense
  11. I think you are right.The way I see it, Charlie thinks automatically and reflexively because of how smart and experienced he is.
  12. Seeking Wisdom: From Darwin to Munger 48 Laws of Power The five rules for successful stock investing(wish I read this book when I first started investing)
  13. As much as I love this book I can't see a 12-year old enjoying it. Charlie isn't exactly known for his use of simple language. Haven't read it in a couple years but I think Dhando Investor could be a good option. Isn't most of the book a big analogy to motel owners? Seems like something 12-year olds would understand? Not positive though. I think most 12-years old won't even be able to understand most of the content from Poor Charlie's Almanack.Heck, I had to stop several times throughout the book to digest what Charlie was saying
  14. Would love hearing your opinion on what investors should I have on the show
  15. Rule #1: Don't bet the house. Rule #2: Refer to rule #1
  16. You should ask Guy Spier about his experience with cloning :D
  17. Interesting pick.Can you provide a brief, high-level thesis on the company?
  18. If you have an extra copy of the novel,feel free to PM. I'm interested in purchasing it
  19. This is a great Malone interview. Pretty long at 1hr and 42 minutes though
  20. I second this. Such a good book with timeless wisdom
  21. [amazonsearch]http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1586488120?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00[/amazonsearch] Fantastic book detailing the financial shenanigans and ingenuity of Ivar Kreuger, who essentially pioneered a lot of techniques that crooked management teams still use today.
  22. I wouldn't recommend this. Kiyosaki is a fraud
  23. Learn to earn by Peter Lynch
  24. Currently reading" The Match King: Ivar Kreuger, the financial genius behind a century of Wall Street scandals" and "Cable Cowboy: John Malone and the rise of the modern cable business".
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