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Everything posted by turar

  1. A very good article talking about some of the sites and services that most here are aware of: VIC, SumZero, SeekingAlpha, etc: http://www.institutionalinvestor.com/investment_strategies/Articles/2690664/Facebook-for-Finance.html
  2. Just a passing comment: Amazon's culture is a purely tech company who happened to do retail. Not the other way around.
  3. I'm looking at 13D and don't get it. Bruce was selling small amounts of JOE at $24-26 range just a month ago. Now he's buying larger amount at $22 range. Were the sales for some specific reason not having to do with the value of JOE? Or were the purchases simply an "answer" to Einhorn?
  4. Munger, I wonder if you could answer my earlier question. Or let me rephrase it, so that an answer can be a simple number -- what is your current cash allocation percentage? The reason I'm asking is that you're talking in general terms, but I want to get some perspective. Thanks!
  5. I also would like to hear about alternatives. Munger, are you personally just accumulating cash right now?
  6. I use finviz, but I can't see an option to setup email notifications anywhere on the site.
  7. Is there a service that provides a stock screener with weekly (or whatever) alert/email? Say, a weekly 52 week low delivered to email or even RSS reader? Thanks!
  8. Rockafella, yo! :D Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 P.S. Is the site getting slower, or is it just me?
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kar%C5%8Dshi
  10. Can you elaborate more what you love about silver? And as opposed to gold?
  11. Was this considered in the research? ;D It works for me so far.
  12. Yeah, I think I did a bad job making the question clear. I should have added "if you didn't own it already" or "as a new position". Oh well. I think there's an option to change your vote, if anyone is interested. :D And then there is always an opinion out there that "if you wouldn't buy something at the current price, why do you currently hold it"?
  13. Well, the results so far: Yes: 9 (50%) No: 9 (50%) Is somebody messing with this on purpose or what? ;D
  14. Just wanted to throw in a quick poll on the heels of a recent discussion in "Why we love FFH" thread.
  15. Do you have a link to the full interview/article for that quote? It seems to me he's not talking about himself there, but as a hypothetical third-person.
  16. Yes, almost every property appraisal/assessment district allows you to search public records online. In this case, it's Miami-Dade Property Appraiser: http://www.miamidade.gov/pa/property_search.asp
  17. I'd say quite a bit. :) According to Miami-Dade PA, he bought 2 adjacent properties right on the water on Tahiti Beach Island for a total of $23 million. So yeah, why should he close the fund? ;D
  18. First search hit: http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENCA374&=&q=+%09+Buy+American%2C+I+am+&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
  19. This reminded me of a comic I used to read: http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive/phd1105.gif But on a serious note, investing and finance is almost completely male-dominated. There was a list of value investors in another thread, guess what the most common thing about people on that list. :)
  20. Wikipedia lists several examples, e.g. Israel. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation
  21. I'm a software developer during the day and started investing and learning about it just three years ago. So investing is actually my hobby. :) I'm also probably on the younger side than most posters here, at least that's what it feels like from the quality of discussion and general wisdom here -- I turned 30 recently.
  22. I think you guys are talking apples/oranges, i.e. GDP vs stock market prices.
  23. Munger, just wanted to say that I appreciate your posts. Very interesting.
  24. I'm curious why you don't want to disclose those 4 very *large* caps.
  25. Winter/spring of 2009 taught me that a drastic stock market decline can go hand-in-hand with a job loss. I'd hate to have to be forced to sell my holdings at the most inopportune moment.
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