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Posts posted by rb

  1. I am becoming a fan of your thought process even though you post some crazy sh**t from time to time.


    Yes he does say some crazy sh*t from time to time


    Just the other day, me and the wife were discussing if people should go through a test before voting and weather their test results should determine how much their vote would count. Would that be a fair system? Probably not because it will disenfranchise some segment of population. Would that be better for the country? The closest thing to that system is China( Believe it or not, their  politburo is extremely meritorious) and the jury is out if its working or not.


    My first reaction to this is that I want to be the one to write the test.  Which probably means it is a bad idea.

    Then he say something insightful and funny like that and you just gotta love him. :)

  2. Well Onyx, the FBI didn't say that they've reopened the investigation into Clinton, nor has anyone talked about an indictment, nor about its probability. But if you have a credible source from DOJ that says that Hillary is highly likely to be indicted please post it so I can stand corrected.


    Tim, I'm not trolling you. On Hillary's side you have conspiracy theories about the Clinton foundation.


    On Trump's side he is on video basically talking about how he bribes politicians. He has improperly contributed to political campaigns and has a history of investigations into his business going away shortly after making large political donations to state AGs - exactly how he bragged on video. I don't know if the pending RICO fraud and racketeering case falls under corruption or another category.


    I have a friend who has seen Hillary in action in the pay for play.  He works for a federal agency & had caught some Swiss bankers in money laundering & had them in custody in the US.  Clinton comes in & tells the agency employees to leave.  Next thing you know the bankers are free and a donation to the Clinton Foundation appeared from these folks.  I have to believe this is not just one instance as this is how HRC bullies and encourages others to bully on her behalf.  Do you think this person who has bullied in the US gov't for years and got away with it is the right person to be the President?  Or a guy who has made bullying remarks that are mainly bluster?



    So countless investigations into Clinton keep coming empty, but a buddy told you she's corrupt and that should settle it then?


    By the way, I don't see Trump's remarks as mainly bluster. He's a thin skinned, petty bully who holds onto his grudges and never lets go and follows through. Case in point: A he picks up a fight with Rosie O'Donell then a decade later he makes time for a shout-out to Rosie during a presidential debate which he is loosing. Sure. Give that man an army, the FBI, and the rest of the security aparatus.

  3. Well Onyx, the FBI didn't say that they've reopened the investigation into Clinton, nor has anyone talked about an indictment, nor about its probability. But if you have a credible source from DOJ that says that Hillary is highly likely to be indicted please post it so I can stand corrected.


    Tim, I'm not trolling you. On Hillary's side you have conspiracy theories about the Clinton foundation.


    On Trump's side he is on video basically talking about how he bribes politicians. He has improperly contributed to political campaigns and has a history of investigations into his business going away shortly after making large political donations to state AGs - exactly how he bragged on video. I don't know if the pending RICO fraud and racketeering case falls under corruption or another category.

  4. Maybe these women think differently than you.  Maybe they are smarter.  Maybe they compared both candidates and decided that a corrupt, serial liar, who supports the killing of unborn children at any time for any reason is worse in their mind than Trump.  It doesn't mean they love Trump, or even like Trump.  Nor does it mean they don't care about sexual harassment or the disabled.  It means they believe HRC is a worse choice in their minds.  You can rip on them or respect their choice even if you don't agree.


    Wow! In one paragraph in one post you managed to lecture about respecting women's choices and railed against abortion. That's just a complete new level of bs right there.


    And no, I don't have to respect people's choices when they are bad choices. It's not like you're ordering something for dinner - well that looks gross but I respect your choice. When it comes to corruption and lies there are actually metrics and facts they can look at. So they either didn't compare, did bad research, or did good research but they still didn't care. None of that is worthy of respect.


    Now here Cardboard is as partisan and ideological as they come. But even he went like "C'mon man, this guy Trump is too much". Now he and I probably disagree on a lot of things and will probably continue to disagree on a lot of things. But that is worthy of respect.


    In addition, if you guys are so worried about the number of abortions then why are the anti-abortion people so against contraception and sex education which are the biggest factors in decreasing the number of abortions?



  5. Well it seems like this election is gonna go down to the wire and it's gonna split along partisan lines and be decided by GOTV ops. Based on anecdotal evidence that means that Clinton is still likely to win a close election. But it's close to a coin flip.


    All of this means that the evangelicals voted for Trump. I know I've railed against them and their hypocrisy on this thread in the past. However that wasn't very fair of me. I mean it felt good and they were an easy target. But everyone knew it was gonna break this way with evangelicals cause everyone knows they're full of shit despite all the preaching and self righteousness.


    However if Trump wins will be because women voted for him. Even if he doesn't, the close result he will get will be due to the fact that loads of women supported him. Not just the "typical trump women" depicted in pictures here. Side note, take it easy DTEJD while his polling methods may not be scientific he does have a point.


    Now Trump may be as close as you can get to a perfect anti-woman candidate. So roughly half the women said basically, yea I'm cool with that. To put it another way, very few republican women said I'm not with him. So what weight does this assign now to women's gender grievances? My whole life, whether in a social or professional setting I've stood up for women and spoke up when i saw a guy try to pull some sort of crap. But if women aren't willing to stand up for themselves why should i?


    P.S. I guess this is one of my un-PC posts. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll tackle Latinos for Trump (unlikely)  :).

  6. I'm getting more than a little tired of the tone of discussion on this & other threads.


    I am reporting on something that I saw....something I've never seen before for any candidate in any election.  Maybe things are different in your corner of the world.


    It is fine if you disagree....that makes a discussion.  I can do without the snarkiness & sarcasm.


    I am about ready to leave this board far behind...

    Chill out dude, at times like these sarcasm and a sense of humor is what gets you through to the other side. Gotta hang in there. Not that much longer to go.

  7. The Clinton Rules:

    1. Everything, no matter how ludicrous-sounding, is worthy of a full investigation by federal agencies, Congress, the "vast right-wing conspiracy," and mainstream media outlets

    2. Every allegation, no matter how ludicrous, is believable until it can be proven completely and utterly false. And even then, it keeps a life of its own in the conservative media world

    3. The media assumes that Clinton is acting in bad faith until there's hard evidence otherwise

    4. Everything is newsworthy because the Clintons are the equivalent of America's royal family

    5. Everything she does is fake and calculated for maximum political benefit


    Isn't this typically how the media has worked? Only difference is, how up until last week, its all been heavily slanted and one sided reporting. The same camp that lauded the FBI's handling in July now throws a complete hissy fit when new information comes to light that needs to be investigated. A lady who was gone so far out of her way to hide things she's even feigned a concussion, now "demands" full transparency. Oh the irony. Emails released show evidence of collusion between campaign staff and media outlets. Even to the chagrin on folks less popular, but nonetheless within the same party. And this is really what the Dems thought was their best bet?

    Dude, seriously? I mean I'm down with everyone to nail the media to the wall. Ever since they decided to move news from a loss leader to a profit center it has gone to shit. It no longer news. It's entertainment. It's reality TV Washington edition. There is no more Walter Cronkite. That era is is over.


    But the whole thing begin slanted against Trump really? How did he even get to this point? Why didn't the media nail his ass to the wall for the million outrageous and ridiculous things he said and did. Which reporter stepped up and put him in his place the way he deserves to be? None. Why was he allowed to call into shows of the can or wherever? Cause they're not doing their job.


    Everyone is blowing up about Donna Brazile being a partisan. The former chairwoman of the DNC is a partisan. What a shock! CNN also hired Corey Lewandowski. I'm guessing he's gonna be fair, balanced, and full of journalistic integrity. He'll never leak anything to Trump. What a joke!


    And the leaked emails? I've looked at a lot of them. They're actually a pretty  boring depiction of a highly motivated high powered organization that is proceeding is a deliberated and highly calculated way towards a goal. Since when is that a bad thing? I'd like my leaders when faced with big and complex problems to move in a calculated and deliberated way, not shoot from the hip.

  8. The Chicago Tribune:

    Democrats should ask Hillary Clinton to step aside


    "It's obvious the American political system is breaking down. It's been crumbling for some time now, and the establishment elite know it and they're properly frightened. Donald Trump, the vulgarian at their gates, is a symptom, not a cause. Hillary Clinton and husband Bill are both cause and effect."

    You know I've about had it with this elites bullshit.


    The presidency is a titular office, one person. Trump is running for it on the R ticket. So people can say, oh he's against the system, against the elites, I'll vote for him, down with the elites. But the presidency is a titular office, the elites are a power structure, the Senate and the House is where the elected elites lie. If these people are serious about taking down the elites they should vote them down.


    I'm willing to give people the benefit of the doubt that they want to take down the elites and that's why they're voting Trump. But if they're willing to take down the elites, what should we also see? We should see that the people that are voting Trump should vote anything other than D or R on the rest of the ticket. They should vote the cooky Libertarian candidate for Senator or the crazy Green House candidate or write in their cousin en masse. But we all know that that's not what we're going to see.


    These people who bitch about the elites will vote for Trump and then down the ticket will vote for the exact elites they pretend they're revolting against. So yea, vote for whomever you want to vote for. It's your right. But please give me a break about the elites bullshit.

  9. This question has been asked before. From my view I don't think that there's any way to hedge about this because there's no way to know what Trump is going to do. He actually doesn't really have a platform. Also he talks a lot of crap so when he says stuff you don't actually know what he means and what he doesn't.


    In addition the more time goes on, I realize that even if he wants to do something he has no idea how to get it done or how to get it though Washington. From that perspective I guess you can think if elected as some kind of useful idiot for the Republican party. From that perspective I guess you could expect a republican agenda to come through.


    One semi-concrete thing he has is his tax plan. Those tax cuts are also something that the Republican Congress would be able to get behind, so you have to assume that they will come to life. Now those would blow up the deficit. So from that perspective you could say that a good way to hedge would be to short USD. But even that's a long stretch because when things go to shit the USD has a habit of going up. So we get back to who really has a clue?

  10. Great! Here comes the antitrust and insider trading should be legal brigade!


    Yeah, god forbid you be able to use the knowledge you have to make sound financial decisions.

    Because it's like wack-a-mole with you guys which turns into a waste of time. You come with some ridiculous proposition. Then someone spends a lot of time crafting an intelligent post as to why you're wrong. Then you dismiss what that person said based on your feelings and move to another ridiculous proposition.


    If you've done so much research why don't you present your findings based on hard data (not something you read in some book) that supports your proposition? I'd love to see respected research that show that when a firm gets monopoly power the result is higher output and lower prices.

  11. [For example, antitrust is a fairly left wing idea but it brings out the best of capitalism imho.


    I would have to disagree with that, I can't think of a single anti trust case that I thought was justified. I can think of some really stupid ones off the top of my head... Microsoft for giving away a browser, IBM for dominating mainframes, Alcoa for literally being too efficient, Staples-Office depot was totally insane, the list goes on and on. It seems like more of a way for competitors to coerce each other because they can't compete in a voluntary market. Like Benioff at Salesforce trying to get his cronies in Europe to block Microsoft's bid for LinkedIn.

    Standard oil? Bell System?

  12. Of course you're in. Everyone's in. Pointlessly arguing about the election is like a bar fight. Pointlessly arguing about macro economics is like cocktail hour at the club. A much more dignified and pleasurable affair :).

  13. Yea the megaphone of the US election is pretty much drowning a pretty much everything including macro. But also weirdly enough there's not much macro stuff happening either way. This seem to be coasting on auto pilot for now.

  14. Either way we're going to have a sexual predator in the Oval Office again.


    Hillary Clinton is a sexual predator?  Just out of curiosity, what are you referencing here?


    Her husband. The Underwoods, eh, I mean Clintons have always been a two for one kind of deal. Putting WJC back in the White House isn't exactly going to make one feel better about themselves if voting against Trump is solely based off of contempt for his outrageous lack of control around the ladies. They are both world class poon hounds.

    Yea well the President's spouse doesn't generally hang out in the Oval office. Maybe Bill would take up gardening. I hear there's a plot that needs tending at the WH.


    And the Underwoods? Really? If you say so. But Bill Underwood had an approval rating that went through the roof. Even republicans liked him. Don't think that there's that many people over all that would mind him revisiting the old stomping grounds.

  15. A democracy means that the population gets to elect the leader of the country. It doesn't mean that it gets to elect the leaders of private organizations which the political parties are. The parties choose their leaders. if you don't like them you are free not to vote for them. If you do not like the parties you are free to start your own. Most everywhere in the world's democracies that is how it works.

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