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Everything posted by rkbabang

  1. Thanks I just started downloading them. Also all the episodes look like they are "~30mins" (approximately 30 mins) long rather than "±30mins" (+30mins OR -30mins). I'm not sure how you would even listen to a podcast that was -30mins long.
  2. Not really election related, but this is gold. I've always said that Biden is the Democratic Dan Quayle. If he were a Republican the press would be quoting him daily and making fun of him nonstop. Here's an email to The Boss from The Stupid Sidekick. (Source: Wikileaks) BTW: I do know this is a joke, but it is hilarious considering it isn't Republicans making it. This is what his own party thinks of him in private.
  3. If you don't buy UA that is a vote for Nike. ... Sorry... Hahahahahaha! I'm not gonna rise to the bait (I don't have a dog in that fight anyway...) I don't either. I look at retailers sometimes, I remember watching The Gap fall, Aeropostale, and now A&F, I've never ended up buying them, which is probably a good thing. Can anyone think of an example of a clothing retailer with a similarly massive drop in stock price and business that went on to turn things around and regain their former glory? I can't . Sneakers seem to be more stable than apparel though, Nike has been consistently popular for generations.
  4. Another alternative--which actually seems more likely to me--is that Pandora has figured out that people who listen to Pandora (and possibly even your particularly playlist) are more likely to vote Democrat. And, they might also believe that an appeal by Obama is more likely to sway a Democrat. Thus, a Democratic president telling a group of mostly Democrats to vote might not be evidence that they don't care who you vote for, but rather that they're pretty good at targeted advertising. (To test this, one strategy might be to create an account with a bunch of country music, and see if these appeals go away, or switch to something that would be more appealing to Republicans. Might not matter though, since younger demographics are more likely to be Democrats and Pandora users are more likely to be younger. It depends on how smart they are with their market segmenting.) That would be an interesting experiment, but it would mean spending an hour or so listening to country music. That's too high a price to pay for a datapoint.
  5. It's a perception thing. There are long lines, because everyone is voting. The last thing they want is the perception that I went to vote and almost no one was there. Sort of like a night club huh. I don't know. I might have hit the lunch crowd. But tomorrow is the last day to vote as an absentee ballot here. I'm sure lot of people are realizing that there will be even longer lines on the election day so coming out early. Maybe that is a little too conspiracy-theory-ish, but even if it isn't by design, it probably explains why they won't be in a rush to add more.
  6. If you don't buy UA that is a vote for Nike. ... Sorry...
  7. It's a perception thing. There are long lines, because everyone is voting. The last thing they want is the perception that I went to vote and almost no one was there.
  8. Early voting? What lengths they are now going to try to get people to vote. Pandora plays an ad a few times per hour lately (probably paid for with your tax dollars) with Obama saying that it gets him "fired up" when people say that votes don't matter. What is next them coming to your house to ask you for your vote? This is all evidence to me that not voting matters. The ruling elite doesn't care who you vote for, just as long as you lend the system legitimacy by voting.
  9. Thank you. I do my best. :) My first reaction to this is that I want to be the one to write the test. Which probably means it is a bad idea.
  10. I buy anything that catches my eye @ Marshalls/TJMaxx. :P Which pretty much means that I'm brand agnostic and not target audience for your question. I don't buy NKE, since I don't wear athletic apparel. For my yoga/zumba/tai chi classes, I just wear Walmart/random-TJMaxx sweats + free tshirts + 20 year old Adidas sneakers... I think I have another pair of brand new 20 year old sneakers, which were gifted to me and I never wore them yet... 8) Anyone wants to buy mint condition shoe antique? ;D Keep them another 20 years then put those on ebay. It is amazing what people are getting for used sneakers, never mind if they have never been worn.
  11. Human beings in general are screwed up in the head. Politics may just be the place where this shows up most. It is simply a system setup with improper incentives leading to crazy outcomes. You are dealing with a system where the people who make the mistakes are not the ones who suffer the consequences. And these people are chosen by a method where your vote counts so little that it doesn't make much sense to spend real time and effort to educate yourself. You have a better chance of winning powerball then you do casting the deciding vote in this election. If you spent a lot of time on how you are going to vote, was that really an intelligent use of your limited time on this planet? They say the lottery is a tax on those who are bad at math. An election is a way to give those bad at math a false illusion of control. The perverse incentives are everywhere, at every level, in every step of the process, from the government policing itself to printing its own money, to the lack of oversight, you name it. You could never run a successful company this way: Start by letting the public vote on your management (everyone gets 1 vote whether they are customers or shareholders or not)... People aren't completely irrational, but they do respond to incentives (both good and bad).
  12. I wonder if this is a new opportunity that Lowes could capitalize on? Maybe serve drinks or provide entertainment in the garden center? Or compete with eHarmony.com on the garden section of its website? I've been with my wife since 1990, so I'm out of the loop when it comes to these hot pickup spots.
  13. OK, now back to our regularly scheduled candidate bashing. These are awesome. If political ads were honest: http://www.snopes.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/hashtag-draftourdaughters.jpg http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cv2qZ_pXEAAU9Sk.jpg http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cv0-LaQUMAAaiUv.jpg http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cv3bBfmUkAEVBbX.jpg http://thepeoplescube.com/images/DraftOurDaughters_Hillary_War.jpg http://www.trump-conservative.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/hillary-clinton-draft-women-3.jpg
  14. I don't really get how anyone can shop for clothes without trying them on. Unless you had some Kinect type device and custom fits which I suppose will eventually happen but hasn't happened yet. I have no problems buying clothes online. Many retailers offer free return shipping, or at least free in store returns. I mostly buy from brands that I have prior experience with and can calibrate my sizing. If I purchase a final sale item and it doesn't fit well, chances are that it would fit one of my siblings and I will gift it to them. As far as unique items like dress shoes, there are complete websites and forums that compare sizing and discuss lasts. I was going to post the same thing. If you have purchased a brand before it is a good bet that you can safely purchase the same size. If you are trying a new brand, worst case is you will need to exchange your first purchase for a different size. Not too much of a problem. Even in the store if I am buying something from say Ralph Lauren I will not try it on, because I know what will fit by the size.
  15. Speak for yourself, Speech Policeman. I appreciate DTE's anecdotal evidence. I too have found DTE's thoughts to be useful for many years! As have I. Haters gonna hate. DTEJD1997, don't let a few rude comments get you down on the whole board. You have to have a bit of a sense of humor about these things some times. Even if 100 people quietly agree with you and appreciate what you wrote there will be that one person who publicly calls you an idiot. Believe me, I know this well. Try not to let it bother you.
  16. Yes, this election is clearly separated along the class lines. Right where I live, there are all Clinton signs. I saw one sign for a local republican senator but not Trump's. But this is a progressive upscale community. Last week we drove through some white working class neighborhoods and its all Trump country. People are really afraid to cross the political boundary of their neighborhoods this time. But have you noticed that lack of signs and bumper stickers? In past elections there were signs everywhere and bumper stickers on tons of cars for both candidates. Now you can hardly notice any. My town traditionally votes hugely Republican and yet even Trump signs are few and far between (Interestingly in contrast to what you described, in New Hampshire some of the wealthiest towns vote Republican and the poorer ones Democrat where as when I lived in Massachusetts it was the opposite and more like you described). Anyway there are so few signs that the ones you see stick out as odd. You see signs for local and statewide races, but just no signs for the presidential race. I drive on the highway 30min to and from work, from New Hampshire into Massachusetts and I don't see any bumper stickers. I mean almost none. In 2008 and 2012 there were Obama stickers everywhere you looked. Even in Mass there are very few Hillary stickers. This race isn't going to be decided by Hillary supporters versus Trump supporters, it is going down to Hillary haters versus Trump haters.
  17. That's what I was thinking too. Oh wait were you being sarcastic? Seriously though. I have noticed a huge lack of yard signs and bumper stickers in general compared to past presidential election years. It seems that there are very few people willing to signal their voting intentions out on their cars or lawns. And the few I do see are about 5 times more likely to be Trump than Hillary. Although I have seen a few signs which aren't supportive of either candidate such as : "Hillary for Prison". I don't know what this all means other than it is a very odd election. I still think Hillary will probably win.
  18. "Some of them were pretty darn good looking too!" ...and this observation means what? :-) Sorry, forgive me but I'm a Canadian and I don't fully understand US politics. I can only guess as to what the presence of a high ratio of pretty darn good looking" women, in Detroit, might mean. It means they weren't what one pictures in their mind when someone says "women Trump supporters": http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/07/13/09/2A7B4CF200000578-3158958-image-a-14_1436774530030.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/07/13/08/2A7B4CD300000578-3158958-image-a-12_1436774148815.jpg
  19. "most conservatives (including Trump) have no understanding of [blah, blah, blah, our hateful lunacy])" Thank god for that at least.
  20. P.S. I almost voted "Just shoot me" but I don't wanna die (that was a great TV sitcom BTW!) Yeah, even though I voted "Just shoot me" if you really did hold a gun to my head I'd probably vote Johnson. If you held a gun to my head and told me I had to vote Hillary or Trump? I'd have to seriously think long and hard about whether I'd vote for Trump or tell you to pull the trigger. It'd be a close call.
  21. OK, you asked for it. http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/general-discussion/if-american-which-presidential-candidate-will-you-vote-for-(nov-edition)-if/
  22. You lost me there bro (damn we were doing so good!) How about this one: You become a libertarian when you realize that it is wrong to hurt people and take their stuff. You become an anarchist when you realize that there are no exceptions.
  23. That is from Karl Hess, Barry Goldwater said it, Karl Hess wrote it. I'm not sure if he ever mentioned the Sex Pistols, but who doesn't like the Sex Pistols? I used to play Bass guitar back in the day. I can't sing to save my life though, so you're going to have to do that. Iiiiiiiiiiiiii am an anarchist (who for the most part conforms because I like my comforts...) Maybe a little adjustment of that lyric alteration would be needed for phrasing! This thread has finally become productive. I disagree. Nothing about this thread at any point has resembled productive.
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