Good afternoon. My company has been open every day during these government-enforced shutdowns. Essential, we are!
Out of about 20 workers, there have been 2 confirmed cases, 1 by antibody test, and 1 admitted to hospital. The one admitted to the hospital has had breathing issues for the last 20 years, and even though we took extra precautions at work, including telling him to stay home, with pay, he refused. He believes he got infected at home, from his daughter or son-in-law. There have been some other work-hours lost to sickness, but not confirmed that it was the Wuhan virus or one of the thousands of other ailments an individual can get, including those brought on by panic/stress.
That said, I will not be getting the vaccine until everyone else has. My reasons: I am 50 and under, in relatively good shape, so not in a high-risk group. I know about 30-40 first-responders (cops, fire, EMT, doc, nurse). 3 of them willingly got the vaccine as soon as they could. The others declined, for various reasons. My wife is not in a rush to get it. I don't trust government, I don't trust Big Pharma, I don't trust chiropractors, I don't trust politicians.
I do trust and know I will die, eventually, but hopefully not too soon. I also know that for the last year, I have been in and around hospitals at least 3 days a week, personally making deliveries to various departments and personnel, and see that this virus is serious, but it should not have changed, in such dramatic fashion, the everyday lives of the billions of people in the manner it has.