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Everything posted by dajidali

  1. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/steven-chen-182059142_activity-7267872820976582658-es5u?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
  2. BRK invested in Markel Buffett's Berkshire takes $620m stake in Markel - Reinsurance News
  3. Thank you for sharing - the talk was great. I met Ted at the annual meeting. He is really down to earth and very approachable. There was this Capitalist card that was selling for $1 at the annual meeting. He got a bunch from the head office and was giving them away for free. When he finished his own 5K run (7th in his age group), he would cheer for everyone at the finish line.
  4. Anyone on the forum from Singapore will be attending the Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholder meeting? I mailed my meeting credential application in the first week of March but still have not received the meeting credential. Wondering if anyone in Singapore has received it and has a spare one to share? Many thanks!
  5. Charlie mentioned a book that he read at the end of the interview: Well, I read a book by a Chinese-- economist who had worked in the World Bank. And his general idea was that we had learned better how to help a poor nation develop. There was a lotta stupidity in the early days when we'd give some very poor and backward nation a big steel plant. Of course, it wouldn't work. And-- I think this economist was right. So I think generally speaking-- there's a lot that's right in the world. Does anyone know the name of the book? Thank you!
  6. Berkshire Portfolio Manager Explains Apple Investment http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2016/10/24/berkshire-portfolio-manager-explains-apple-investment/?mod=WSJBlog
  7. What is the format of the BAM annual meeting? Is it similar to Berkshire Hathaway where investors ask questions to the management? Thank you!
  8. My first post on the Board. I have just finished the book and really enjoyed it. Guy also recently talked about his book at Talks at Google: Personally, I feel his book is better than his talk :D
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