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Everything posted by plusalpha

  1. I could find the "Being Mortal" in local Library in Audio, just placed hold. I have read previously "The Checklist Manifesto" and "Better". Both books are highly recommended.
  2. Thanks for posting.
  3. Thanks for the information guys. How's the cell phone reception and coverage? I am in the market, looking to change the phone to new one which is compatible for WHats App and texting, currently have voice only plan for $15/month nothing beats that. Other cell phone plan I checked are north of $45/month, so yeah this seems good value to me. Thanks
  4. Not sure, it is already posted on the board or not.
  5. Notice yesterday Store Closing sale board on Kmart in Rochester Hills Metro Detroit 1100 Rochester Rd South, Rochester Hls, MI 48307 http://www.theoaklandpress.com/general-news/20140924/rochester-hills-kmart-location-to-close-in-december
  6. Congratulations to you and your family, Sanjeev! :) My Daughter turned 1 on Oct 4, they share same birthdate.
  7. Thanks peter Appreciate the welcome on the board. :)
  8. Google Talk by Guy Spier cheers
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