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  1. What's your thought process behind this purchase? KRUS seems still pretty expensive to me? Many Stocks in the QSR are at 15 or below 15PE. then why KRUS?
  2. Received many feedback online and offline as well. Amazed to see, how most replies concentrate in physical exercises, constant effort, deliberate practice and learning. Offline feedbacks - Meditation and Yoga. ( very irregular in Meditation and Yoga need to make it everyday thing) - Learning and unlearning - Introspection - Spending time with high achievers ( meeting over coffee and talk over phone calls) Online feedbacks - PSAT for middle high school kids by thepupil - LC - suggested “Constant effort” ( constant effort over long term can be amazing , read post by Nick Maggiulli https://ofdollarsanddata.com/great-things-take-time/) - Jurgis recommended book “peak : Secrets from the New Science of Expertise” ( I put it in 2020 reading list) - Vinod1 suggested concept of “Deliberate practice” in investing and teaching to children from baseball to math. (Joshua Foer in book Moonwalking with Einstein also mentions about Deliberate practice to get over the plateau zone) - Gregmal suggested “Regular reading and physical activity - Cherzeca “learning how not to sweat the small stuff - Boiler maker 75 – do not eat sugar. brain functions better with no sugar and likely avoid type 2 /type 3 diabetes and Alzheimer’s ( I follow this – no sugar in coffee or tea but occasionally eat dessert, will work on avoiding desserts) - BG2008 – intermittent fasting with cutting sugar and carbs ( I also do the intermittent fasting, however need to work on doing regularly) - Spekulatius- exercises from YT for lower back pain and Push-ups. - Rod – Understanding probability and application in daily life, compound interest, understanding sources of bias and misjudgment (reading Influence by Cialdini currently), Doing what you enjoy … (agree on all, great ones) Thank you all sharing good ideas. please keep sharing if you find more. Thank you Jurgis for the book “peak”recommendation. Thank you Spekulatius for posting YT link for lower back pain. :)
  3. So, Have you guys found out things that makes huge impact over long term with minimum input. Here input can be anything like time, money, energy, a study , or brain power etc one such thing is a good book, What other things are there which may lead to luge impact over long term like 20-30 years. Thanks :)
  4. I use theoldreader.com, it has search feature, which is missing in feedly.
  5. http://www.valuewalk.com/2018/02/charlie-munger-djco-notes/
  6. Thank you all for inputs and suggestions :)
  7. Hi all; Question to the investors here. Many of you might have done similar thing and faced the below question. :) One of my friend invented a toy for kids 8-12 years age group. He made a prototype and showed us friends and family. The initial idea and presentation looks good. I think it has a market and will sell in market. He is seeking external capital from friends and family for producing this toy on larger scale. Also work with him as an adviser or help in marketing and getting in touch with the "speciatlity store" group for placement of this product in the store. This is something, we are doing first time. I tried to find more information by searching on google about how to structure the "partnership" or investor/inventor deal(100% of the work done of inventor only so far). However i couldn't find much information on this kind of structure. Can you guys please direct me to any website for this topic. if you have any thoughts, inputs and suggestion, please share. Thank you :) .
  8. I think, one will enjoy reading the entire talk. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28494399/Blog%20Links/Google%20Talk-%20The%20Prejudices%20of%20Mr.%20Market.pdf thank you
  9. http://heilbrunncenter.org/sites/default/files/civicrm/persist/contribute/file/Graham%20%26%20Doddsville_Issue%2025.pdf
  10. http://bitsbusiness.com/investing-2/dhandho-and-pabrai-funds-annual-meeting-2015/ Cheers :)
  11. Yes, really superb talk.Highly recommend other to listen. Thanks for posting it. :)
  12. Whenever I am purchasing something, I always go to AMZN to check if it is there (usually is) and at what price. Is AMZN selling cars yet? LOL ditto here, always check price using Amazon App, if price is less, i add 3 -4 more items to bundle for shipping discount. Also, always buys kids toys birthday present on Amazon, much cheaper.
  13. Well, just finished reading this book. It is not related to investing but it is must read for all. As aging is something we will all have to go. This books a good perspective and may be what we should be prepared for future. Cheers
  14. Value walk posted a bit more of the 2014 letter. 1) http://www.valuewalk.com/2015/02/allan-mecham-2014-letter/ 2) http://www.valuewalk.com/2015/02/allan-mecham-investments/ Thanks
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